Amended 1987, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



The name of this assembly of believers shall be Journey Christian Church.



1. The Scriptures.

We believe that the Bible is divinely inspired; that it is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness (IITimothy3:16); that it has God for its author (IITimothy3:16-17) and truth without error for its content (John17:17); that it reveals God's plan for the salvation of mankind and the principles by which God judges us (John12:47-48); and that it is and shall to the end of the world be the supreme standard by which all human conduct, creeds, and opinions are tested (IPeter1:25; IITimothy3:16-17).

2. The Triune God.

We believe there is one and only one living God, an infinite Spirit, the Maker and Supreme Ruler of heaven and earth (Jeremiah10:10,12), who is holy, loving, just, merciful, omnipotent, ever-present, and eternal; and who is worthy of all possible honor, confidence, and love (Psalm99; Mark12:30; Revelation4:11). We believe that in the unity of the Godhead there are three equal persons, of one substance and equal in every divine attribute, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (John5:18; Matthew28:19; II Corinthians 13:14), who perform distinct tasks in the work of redemption (Ephesians2:18).

A.  God the Father. We believe that God the Father is the author of the plan of salvation (Psalm2:7-9) and that He sent His Son into the world (John 5:37) to perform certain specific tasks (I John4:14) so that man could be redeemed (John 3:16; I John 4:14); that He raised Jesus from the dead (IThessalonians1:10) and appointed Him heir of all things (Hebrew1:2), including the office of judge of man at the end of all things (John5:21-22); that He rescues (Colossians1:13) and gives new birth to those who believe in His Son (IPeter1:3) and then sanctifies them so they may share in the inheritance of the saints (Colossians1:12) and be presented blameless before Him (IThessalonians3:13). He resides within believers (IJohn2:23; IIJohn9), giving them spiritual blessings (Ephesians1:3) and protection (John10:29; 17:11), as well as disciplining them (Hebrews12:7-11).

B.  Jesus Christ. We believe that Jesus Christ is the divine Son of God (John10:30; 11:27; Luke22:70), that He was born of a virgin (Matthew1:18-25) and lived a sinless life (IPeter2:21-22), that He died on the cross in our place for our sins (ICorinthians15:3), that God raised Him bodily from the grave (Mark16:6; Luke24:39-40; Acts2:31-32; ICorinthians15:3-7) and that He ascended to heaven, where He reigns with God the Father (Mark16:19) and intercedes for believers (Hebrews7:25; IJohn2:1), and that He will come to earth again in a personal, visible manner (Acts 1:11; Revelation 20:6).

C.  The Holy Spirit. We believe that the Holy Spirit is a divine person who was active in the creation (Psalm104:24-30); that He convicts of sin, righteousness, and judgment (John16:8-11); that He is the agent of the new birth (John 3:5,6); that He testifies to the work and person of Jesus Christ (Romans8:16); that He indwells (John14:17; Romans8:11), guides (John16:13), teaches (John 14:26), sanctifies (Romans15:16), seals (Ephesians1:13-14), helps (Romans8:26), comforts, strengthens, and gives spiritual gifts to the believer (ICorinthians12:7-11; Romans12:3-8, Ephesians4:7-16).

3. Sin.

A.  The Fall of Man. We believe that God created man in His own image (Genesis1:27) and without shame (Genesis2:25); but that the first man deliberately transgressed the law of God (Genesis3:1-7). As a consequence of his disobedience, we are all sinners (ICorinthians15:22), not only by inheritance but because of our own deeds (Isaiah53:6; Romans5:12, 3:23) and unbelief (John3:18), and we stand under just condemnation without defense or excuse (Ecclesiastes7:20; Romans 1:18-20).

B.  Satan. We believe in the reality of Satan, the devil (Matthew4:1-11), a created being who fell as a result of pride (Isaiah14:12-15). The devil is by nature a liar and a deceiver (John8:44; Revelation20:3). He is at war with God and His people (Ephesians6:12) and seeks to prevent and disrupt fellowship between God and men (IICorinthians4:4), tempting men to sin (Genesis3:1-4) and accusing them before God (Zechariah3:1, Revelation12:10). When Jesus Christ returns, the devil will be cast into the Lake of Fire (Revelation20:10).

4. The Plan of Salvation.

We believe that God has prepared a plan by which, despite our sin, we can be reconciled to Him through Jesus Christ (Romans5:8-11; Ephesians2:15-16). In order to escape condemnation, we must be born again spiritually (John 3:3,18), becoming new creatures in Jesus Christ (IICorinthians5:17-19). Salvation from sin comes only through the person of Jesus Christ (Acts4:10-12), who gave His life once as a sacrifice for sins (Hebrews9:27-28; IPeter1:18-21; IJohn2:1) in order that those who repent of their sins and believe in Him may enjoy God's forgiveness and gift of eternal life (John3:16; Acts2:38, 3:19).

When we believe, the righteousness of Jesus Christ is credited to us (Romans4:3-8, 18-25), and we are justified with God (Romans5:1; Acts13:39). We believe that saving faith comes as the free gift of God, not because of any righteousness or good works of our own (Romans3:20-28). The blessings of salvation include not only peace and favor with God on earth, but the promise of eternal fellowship with Him in heaven (IICorinthians5:1; John14:2-4). We believe that all who are born again by the Spirit of God are kept by God the Father for Jesus Christ (John10:28-29; IITimothy1:12; IIPeter1:10) and cannot be lost again (John6:37-39).

5. The Saved and the Lost.

We believe that there is a radical difference between the saved and the lost in that only those who are justified by faith in Jesus Christ and are being sanctified by the Holy Spirit are righteous (Romans3:21-23). We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; those who are saved will be raised to eternal life with Jesus Christ, and those who are lost will be condemned to suffer eternal torment in hell, eternally lost and separated from God (Revelation22:1-5; Revelation20:10-15).

6. The Christian Life.

We believe that God calls upon believers to live holy and blameless lives (IITimothy1:9; IPeter1:14-16), to fear God and keep His commandments (Ecclesiastes12:13), to praise and worship Him (Psalms95,150), and to imitate the example and character of Jesus Christ (IICorinthians3:18; Philippians2:5). Christians are commanded to proclaim Christ as Savior, to fulfill the law of love, to walk in accordance with the Spirit of God, and to exhibit love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, rather than to indulge the sinful nature (Galatians5:13-26; IIPeter1:3-11). The process of Christian growth involves study of the Scriptures (IITimothy3:15), self-examination (IICorinthians13:5), self-denial (Luke9:23), meeting with and encouraging one another (Hebrews10:24-25; IThessalonians5:12-15) and prayer (Luke18:1; IPeter4:7; IThessalonians5:17).

7. The Church.

We believe that the church exists in a universal aspect as the spiritual body of Christ which unites all believers (I Corinthians12:12-14,27; Ephesians1:22-23) and in a local sense in individual assemblies of believers who gather together for worship, praise, prayer, preaching, and teaching (Acts2:42; Colossians3:15-16). The church is commanded to disciple, baptize, reprove and correct, proclaim the gospel, and observe the Lord's supper (Matthew28:18-20; ICorinthians11:26). Through the church, believers are strengthened in their faith and enabled to fulfill their calling to emulate Jesus Christ (IPeter2:21; IJohn2:6).



We practice the ordinances of baptism, communion and marriage because they are established by Scripture.

1. Baptism.

We believe that water baptism by immersion symbolizes a believer's faith in the crucified, buried, and risen Savior (Acts3:12; Acts8:36-39), and that it symbolizes our death to sin and resurrection to a new life (Romans6:3-5). Upon satisfactory evidence that an applicant is a believer and that he/she understands the meaning and significance of baptism, the Elders shall arrange for baptism.

2. Communion.

We believe that the Lord's Supper is the commemoration of His death until He returns and should always be preceded by self-examination. The Lord's Supper is to be observed at regular intervals (ICorinthians11:23-28). This local church "opens" communion to all believers in the congregation, and those believers who are visiting.

3. Marriage.

We believe that marriage is a biblical institution established by God, and is clearly described in the Scriptures as the uniting of one man and one woman, as created by God, in a covenant commitment (Genesis2:21-24; Malachi2:14-15; ICorinthians7:2). We accept the Bible as the inspired Word of God, and as the ultimate authority in matters of faith, doctrine, Christian living, and all other matters it addresses. Accordingly, the Elders, Pastors, staff and members will not officiate in same sex-marriages or same-sex unions, nor shall the church's property or resources be used for such purposes.



A. Eligibility. Any person who:

1. can give a testimony of faith in Jesus Christ;

2. has been baptized by immersion after conversion;

3. has reviewed and will abide by this Constitution and the Articles of Faith;

4. is willing to be subject to church discipline as provided in this Constitution;

5. is willing to undertake the duties and responsibilities of membership as set forth in Article IV.D below;

6 is at least 16 years of age;

7. desires to identify publicly with this body of believers;

8. has successfully completed the membership classes;

9. has regularly attended Journey Christian Church for a period of at least 6 months; and

10. has met with and received approval from the Elders.

is eligible to become a member of Journey Christian Church.

B. Process of Admission.

The Elder Council shall personally examine all candidates for membership with regard to their eligibility and accept into membership qualified people. When new members are accepted, this will be communicated to the membership in an appropriate manner.

C. Dual Membership.

Dual membership (i.e., individuals who are members of another church as well as being members of Journey Christian Church) will be permitted at the discretion of the Elders, based on the individual’s personal circumstances, as well as their active ministry at Journey Christian Church.

D. Duties and responsibilities of membership.

All members are called to:

1. present worthy Christian testimonies as described in ArticleII.6;

2. faithfully attend the various church services;

3. employ their spiritual gifts for the benefit of the body and to be ready to serve in the ministries and activities of the church when possible and as needed;

4. support the financial needs of the church;

5. uphold one another and the ministries of church in prayer; and

6. attend the business meetings of the church and exercise the right to vote.

E. Membership Roll.

A membership roll of all members will be kept by the church clerk.

F. Removal of members.

The Elders may periodically review the roll of members to identify any members who have failed to adhere to their responsibilities outlined in Article IV.D above. The Elders will make reasonable efforts to contact these members and to encourage them to resume their duties as active members. Based on the response, the Elders may elect to remove these members from the membership roll. When anyone is removed from the membership roll, this will be communicated to the membership in an appropriate manner.

G. Discipline of Members.

In all matters of discipline, the church shall adhere faithfully to the teaching of our Lord in Matthew18:15-17. It shall be the responsibility of the Elders to enforce church discipline, and every effort shall be made to resolve issues of discipline before church action is taken. Where a member continues in conduct forbidden by Scripture, and after Christian counsel by the Elders, his/her name shall be placed on disciplinary status for a stated period, during which he/she shall not be entitled to occupy any position of leadership or teaching or to exercise the privilege of voting. This action shall be announced to the membership. At the end of this period, the Elders shall review his/her spiritual condition, and shall either restore his/her membership privileges or remove him/her as a member, communicating this action to the membership.



A. Biblical Offices

1.  Elder Council

a.  There shall be an Elder Council consisting of a plurality of men who are members of Journey Christian Church. Men who meet the personal and spiritual qualifications for Elders set forth in the New Testament (ITimothy3:1-7; Titus1:6-9) will be considered for addition to the Elder Council. The Elders will add men to the Elder Council after due consideration and soliciting appropriate input from the church body. The appointment of new Elders shall be confirmed by an affirmative vote of a majority of the non-abstaining votes cast by members present at a business meeting called by the Elders, where there is a quorum of 50percent of the members residing within a 40 mile radius of Journey Christian Church. The Elders shall serve until they choose to step down, are removed from the membership roll of the church, or are removed from the position by the process described below in ArticleV.A.1.e. An Elder may choose to take a sabbatical from active participation on the Elder Council for a period of time under terms agreed to by the other Elders. During this sabbatical period, he may choose to participate in various Elder duties at his discretion.

b.  The members of the Elder Council shall, individually, and as a body, model Christian character and leadership. The Elder Council shall encourage the members of the body to strive toward maturity in Christ, to undertake personal evangelism, to extend hospitality and fellowship toward one another, to foster strong Christian families, and to encourage study of Scripture and prayer.

c.  The Elder Council shall, moreover, have general responsibility and authority for overseeing the ministries and business of the church and shall have the following specific duties and responsibilities:

i. making themselves available to members of the church body for counseling and prayer;

ii. ensuring that all members of the church staff, boards, and committees are serving and ministering consistently with the doctrines and philosophies of the church as set forth in this Constitution;

iii. scheduling and calling regular and special business meetings of the members in accordance with Article VI.A of this Constitution;

iv. resolving all issues of church policy and practice and issues of interpretation of this Constitution; and