[Programme Title(s) 2017-18] LQEH Section 3 – Appendix 3i
*This document should be used as a template and all red text should be updated to reference your specific area. Some of the red text will be bullet points highlighting information that should be included in the handbook. No red text should be showing in the final copy given to students*
**Any wording in black is guidance text that should not be removed**
**Programme Teams are free to change the design if all of the required information in this document is included**
[Undergraduate] Programme Handbook
[Include name of Faculty (and School if applicable)]
[Insert programme name(s)/Department and Academic Year]
[Include a list of all the exit awards in the programme]
Name: ______
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[Programme Title(s) 2017-18] LQEH Section 3 – Appendix 3i
Contents *Update and format once handbook is complete*
Your Programme Handbook 4
Information in Alternative Formats 4
The Student University Guide 4
Welcome to Middlesex! 5
Welcome from the Dean 5
Welcome from your Programme Leader 5
Academic Calendar 5
Your Programme Team 6
Your Programme 6
Your Modules 8
Your Programme Feedback 8
Resources 12
Library Resources 12
Student Support Services 13
Wellbeing Services 14
Disability and Dyslexia Support 15
Counselling and Mental Health Services 16
Employability 16
Studying or Placement Abroad 18
Middlesex Student’s Union (MDXSU) 20
Programme Regulations 21
Assessment 21
Academic Misconduct 22
Attendance 24
Things you should know about attendance 24
Health and Safety 25
Appendix 1: Programme Specification(s) 26
Appendix 2: Curriculum Map 33
Appendix 3: Module Narratives 35
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[Programme Title(s) 2017-18] LQEH Section 3 – Appendix 3i
Updated 3/11/17 Page | 2
[Programme Title(s) 2017-18] LQEH Section 3 – Appendix 3i
Your Programme Handbook
The purpose of this Handbook is to introduce you to your programme of study and to direct you to other general information about studying at Middlesex University. The material in this document is as accurate as possible at the date of production; however, you will be informed of any major changes in a timely manner.
Your comments on any improvements to this handbook are welcome. Please put them in writing (an email will suffice) with the name of the Programme Handbook to [name and contact details].
Information in Alternative Formats
This handbook can be found online at: insert link
If you have a disability which makes navigating the website difficult and you would like to receive information in an alternative format, please contact [name and contact details].
We can supply sections from this publication as:
· a Word document with enlarged type — sent by email or supplied on a CD or memory stick
· printed copy with enlarged type
· printed copy on non-white paper
· as Braille
Other formats may be possible. We will do our best to respond promptly. To help us, please be as specific as you can about the information you require and include details of your disability.
The Student University Guide
Before reading this Programme Handbook you should read the Student University Guide; this guide contains information on more general university services and facilities, such as UniHub, UniHelp and the Library. It is important that you familiarise yourself with this information in order to get the most from your handbook.
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[Programme Title(s) 2017-18] LQEH Section 3 – Appendix 3i
Welcome to Middlesex!
To welcome the student to both the school and the programme.
Welcome from the Dean
· Include a welcome from the Dean to the University and Faculty.
· A photo should be included here.
· Name and contact details should be included.
Welcome from your Programme Leader
· Give a brief welcome to the programme
· A photo should be included here.
· Name and contact details should be included.
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[Programme Title(s) 2017-18] LQEH Section 3 – Appendix 3i
Academic Calendar
To give students an indication of their term dates, and key programme dates.
· The Academic Calendar for the forthcoming Academic Year.
· Key dates – such as exam periods, Programme Voice Groups should be included.
· Academic Calendars can be found at: https://unihub.mdx.ac.uk/your-middlesex/academic-calendars
· Details of how students should get a revised calendar for subsequent years
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[Programme Title(s) 2017-18] LQEH Section 3 – Appendix 3i
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[Programme Title(s) 2017-18] LQEH Section 3 – Appendix 3i
Part One: Programme Details
Your Programme Team
To introduce students to the key teaching and teaching support staff relating to their programme, as well as to give details on how to contact them. NB. Some of the below details may not be known at the time of writing; details below should be included where possible.
Please include the details for all programme staff. Information in the table below should be included. Optional information on research interests for staff can be included (NB: the information does not have to be in a table). The following staff should be included;
· Teaching Staff
· Liaison Librarian and AWL contact
· Technical Staff
· SLA/GAA – provide contact details where possible
· Progression and Support Team Officers
Staff Name / Photo / Contact Details / Office Hours (or a link to where they can be found) / Teaching Modules/Role DescriptionUpdated 3/11/17 Page | 2
[Programme Title(s) 2017-18] LQEH Section 3 – Appendix 3i
Your Programme
This section should provide the bulk of information about the programme to be undertaken by the student. The aim is for the programme to be described in engaging and interesting terms, making clear its relevance and importance. Its structure, learning & teaching methods, assessment and feedback policies/processes should be introduced, as well as information on how students are engaged within the programme itself.
· Description of programme, its importance and relevance, any localisation, key features, USPs, graduate pathways
· PSRB Information (If applicable)
· Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) information: total course costs including tuition fees; whether fees are likely to increase (if unknown then this must be stated); any other costs likely to be incurred by the student, for example, field trips, bench fees, studio hire etc.
· Placements and Employability if programme-specific
· Make reference to the programme specification in appendix 1, and curriculum map in appendix 2.
Course costs
The following course-related costs are included in the fees:
· A free electronic core textbook for every module,
· All printing and copying required for your study,
· Self-service laptops available for loan for a maximum of 24 hours,
· Audio-visual equipment available for loan, including digital stills cameras, digital video recorders, digital audio recorders.
The following course-related costs are not included in the fees, and you may be required to purchase these to complete the course. The costs are approximate and may change due to changes in pricing at the retailer; (delete as appropriate or move items from the list below to the list above if included in the fees)
· Your art materials, for example, X, Y and Z. (around x per year)
· Compulsory visits to museums and galleries (annually?)
· Optional field trips (approx. cost)
· Additional books that you wish to purchase
· Lab coats/nursing uniforms
· Sports clothing and trainers.
Further details on specific additional equipment required which is not included in your fees can be requested from the Programme Leader.
Your Modules
To give further detail on the individual modules which make up the programme.
· Broad description of each Module
· Reference to information contained in Module Handbooks
· Make reference to the module narratives in appendix 3
· Details on the programme structure and what modules will be studied when for both FT and PT students.
Your Programme Feedback
To inform students of the Student Voice mechanisms available at Middlesex including details on how to give feedback on their programmes, take part as a Voice Leader and where programme information is available.
All information is required:
· An explanation of the importance of student feedback and how it inputs into the programme. Any changes to the programme made directly as a result of student feedback should be referenced, as well as You Said We Did (http://unihub.mdx.ac.uk/mdx/feedback/yswd/index.aspx) and the student feedback pages on UniHub (http://unihub.mdx.ac.uk/your-middlesex/student-feedback)
· Information on how students can feed back to staff outside formal feedback mechanisms; particularly in regard to minor academic/pastoral issues and early resolution of complaints.
Student Voice Leaders
Working in partnership, Middlesex University and MDXSU support students to talk, take action and to help make Middlesex better – understanding how everyone feels about their university experience and making change happen.
Each year of every programme is represented by a Student Voice Leader – a student who is elected to work with students and academics to get feedback on what is good and what needs improving on your course. They represent you and make students’ voices heard, collaborating with everyone at university to create the best possible student experience, and working with MDXSU’s President and Vice Presidents to create changes that will improve Middlesex for everyone.
Any student can stand to be a Voice Leader and every student gets a vote in the election – for more information visit http://www.mdxsu.com/voice-leaders.
Programme Voice Groups
The Programme Voice Groups (PVG’s) are one of the main formal channels of communication between staff and students. They are a forum in which students (through the Student Voice Leaders) and staff can constructively discuss areas of good practice as well as areas needing improvement, with the collective aim of enhancing the student experience. Students and Staff should both be given assurances they will not be penalised for raising issues at a PVG.
PVG’s occur each term and your Student Voice Leader will ask for programme feedback from you to report to staff at the pre-meeting to develop and agenda, for the issues to be addressed at the main meeting. You will also be given feedback from both staff and the Student Voice Leaders on the outcomes of the feedback.
The dates of the Programme Voice Groups for 2017/18 are:
· Include dates of the PVG and pre-meeting (if known – if not a link to where they will be published).
Minutes and actions from previous PVG’s (formerly Boards of Study) should be made available to you through MyUniHub. Further guidance on the PVG’s can be found here: https://unihub.mdx.ac.uk/your-middlesex/student-feedback/
Throughout your time at Middlesex you will be asked to complete several surveys that request your feedback on your programme or modules. The aim of the surveys is to gather your feedback to make improvements to current and future cohorts of students, and enhance the quality of your experience. During your studies, you will be asked to complete the surveys listed below;
Module Feedback– Most students, at different stages in their programme, will be asked to complete a survey for each of their modules. These are short online surveys that usually take place in term two, and provide module leaders an opportunity to consider and implement your feedback to improve the modules available on you programme. You will be asked to complete module feedback surveys throughout your programme.
UK Engagement Survey (UKES)– This provides an independent anonymised way for undergraduate students to feedback of your experience. The survey will focus on your experience and engagement with your programme to allow staff to determine whether any developments or changes are required to improve your experience. This survey is anonymous and managed by an external body called the Higher Education Academy. You will be asked to complete this survey for the first and second year of your course.
The National Student Survey(NSS)– The NSS gives us independent anonymised data of finalist undergraduates’ experience throughout their time at Middlesex University. This survey is completed by all final year students nationally, and asks questions based on your overall student experience on your programme. This survey is also anonymous and is managed by an external body called Ipsos-MORI. You will be asked to complete the survey in term 2 of your final year.
Facilities and support services– To ensure that we are delivering the best for students, we will ask students to take part in surveys about our support services. These surveys will be completed at different points during the academic year and are used to enhance your non-academic experience at Middlesex.
How your Programme is Quality Assured
You may have not heard the terms 'quality assurance', 'academic quality', 'academic standards' before and now you have you may think they have nothing to do with you, however these terms are important to you and your programme. The below definitions explain why;
'Quality'refers to how well Middlesex supports you in your learning and covers the following areas: the teaching, the support available, the resources available, and how you are assessed.
'Standards'refers to the level of achievement you need to succeed on your course and get your qualification. Standards should not vary from one higher education provider to another.
Having both quality and standards means that you and everyone else can have confidence in your degree and your education.
Quality assuranceis therefore mainly about maintaining standards and ensuring you have the best possible experience at Middlesex. The University has a range of quality assurance processes and procedures which include the following:
· Programme approval and validation –The process a programme must go through before it can run.
· Programme review – A process which looks at programmes every 6 years to see how they have been running.
· Annual monitoring – How the University reviews how programmes are doing every year.
· External Examining– Independent moderators who help ensure academic standards are being met but are also comparable nationally.
· Student feedbackand representation – This includes student surveys, Boards of Study and student representation.
Further information on quality assurance and enhancement can be found here: http://unihub.mdx.ac.uk/your-study/ensuring-quality