Journal Entry Physical Education – Goal Check & Reflection
Learning Target / 1-minimal / 2-Basic / 3- Proficient / 4- AdvancedConcepts
Paragraph 1
__ Overview of journal / The overviewincludes one of the three goals the student is trying to accomplish and how they are doing or includes two of the three goals but is missing the summary of reflections on the goals included. / Overview states what the journal will cover, including two of the three goals the student is trying to accomplish and how they are doing so far. Or includes the three goals, but is missing the summary of reflection on the goals. / Overview states clearly what the journal will cover, including the three goals the student is trying to accomplish and how they are doing so far. / Reflective overview is complete and well thought out,including outside information about their goals and/or fitness concepts that pertain to their plans and how they are doing so far.
Paragraph 2-4
__Reflection on goals/plans / Each paragraph includes one of the three requirements: goal, reflection and benefits. Or includes no benefits or most of the reflection answers are not included. / Each paragraph includes two of the three requirements: goal, reflection and benefits. Or includes one or two benefits or part of the reflection answers. / Each paragraph includes the goal the student is working on, if they are on track and at least three benefits they receive from reaching that goal (including health-related benefits). / Each paragraph also includes all information required and also includes outside information or examples that pertain to these goals.
Last Paragraph
__ Personal implications & conclusion / Concludes the journal, including main points, but does not include the PE standards. Or includes the standards, but is missing the reflection or benefits summary. / Concludes the journal, including the main points gathered from the assignment (reflection & benefits) and relates one or two of the PE standards to their three goals with examples of each. Or relates three standards, but does not include examples. / Concludes the journal clearly, including the main points gathered from the assignment (reflection & benefits of their goals) and
Clearly relatesthree PE standards to their three goals with examples of each. / Summarizes the main points from the assignment clearly in their conclusion and also relates five of the PE standards to their three goals with examples.
Paragraph Information:
Paragraph one: Overview of what this journal will cover.
Your thesis statement will be first in this paragraph. It will let the reader know what the whole journal will cover.
Then your job is to summarize the main thoughts and ideas from paragraphs 2-4. Show us that you really understand your plan and what you need to successfully complete your three fitness goals.
Paragraph two-four: Analyzing your fitness plan (your three goals) and how you are doing so far.
Describe your first goal and why you chose it to begin with. Then elaborate on how you feel you are doing on your action plan concerning this goal.
- Are you on track?
- If you are not on track, what’s holding you back? How do you feel about it? How can you change it?
- If you are on track, how do you feel? What/who has helped you stay on track?
- What are the benefits to getting or staying on track? Include health-related benefits as well as others.
Last Paragraph: Application of Knowledge/personal fitness implications
This is your conclusion paragraph. Wrap up and summarize what you learned from the goal setting/My Fitness Plan & action plan assignments. Use the PE standards on the next page to support your answers.
Standard 1.Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of activities.
Standard 2.Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.
Standard 3.Participates regularly in physical activities.
Standard 4.Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
Standard 5.Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.
Standard 6.Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction.