Journal Entry 4 for Debbie Teske

Journal Entry #4

February 5, 2010

1. I think it is important to have an understanding about a child’s personal life and how it relates to their behavior. I really think Happy’s personal life has a big impact on the way she acts and the decisions she makes. She was quite a handful for the teachers today. She did not engage in mistaken behavior with another child, but just did not want to listen to the teachers and was disruptive to the class. There were several experiences or interactions that happened today, but I will share one. During nap time today, Happy did not want to sit quietly on her cot. The teacher sat next to her and rubbed her back for a little while, but had to go over and talk with another child that did not want to rest. Happy wanted the teacher to come back but the teacher told her she needed to wait a little bit. Happy yelled to the teacher, “I don’t like you”. The teacher said, “I’m sorry you are feeling sad right now, but I need to take care of something else right now”. Happy had her snow boots on and kicked the wall. She kept kicking the wall very loudly. The teacher told her to stop kicking the wall. She did not listen, so the teacher asked me to take off her boots. I walked over and said, “Happy, stop kicking the wall or I will have to remove your boots. The other children cannot sleep when you are being so loud.” She did not stop, so I removed her boots. She started to scream. I said, “Happy that is not okay, stop screaming”. She didn’t. So, I asked the teacher if I could take her into the hall until she stopped screaming. She said yes. I picked up Happy and took her into the hall. I held her and walked around the hall with her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and laid her head on my shoulder. She stopped screaming and relaxed. After about 10 minutes, I brought her back into the classroom and lay next to her on her cot. I gave her a book to read and she relaxed for 30 minutes. When I first brought her into the hall, I was upset with her behavior. But as I held her and she let go, I started to feel to better about it. Happy was craving affection and just needed some positive attention. She just needed someone to hold and comfort her.

2. I have learned through this experience that there are many things that can impact a child’s behavior and the decisions they make. A child’s family life can affect their behavior. Single parents or parents who are under stress may not be able to solve family problems, communicate with their children or give tem the attention and affirmation they need (Dodge, et. al, 2002). Ibelieve it is apparent by Happy’scontinued behavior that things such as this could be going on in her personal life and having a negative impact on her behavior. As stated in Gartrell (2007) children show serious mistaken behavior because they have trouble in their lives that is beyond their ability to understand and manage. The trouble can be physical, psychological, or both and can be caused by a serious situation at home (Gartrell). I think Happy’s family life is affecting her behavior in preschool and the teachers need to work to guide and support her. One way the teachers can assist and help Happy, and other children that may be having the same problem, is through liberation teaching. They can do that by letting the children know they are special and valued. Children who gain the understanding that they are valued and belong can develop positive self-concepts and have less need to act out against the world (Gartrell). Teachers cannot become substitute family members, but they can their best to make the children feel special and that they have a place in the classroom (Gartrell). They can do that by showing the children unconditional positive regard. Unconditional positive regard means full acceptance of each child as a developing human being despite any mistaken behavior the child may show (Gartrell). Life has given some children a longer road and those children just need more time, extra help, love, and support, to learn democratic life skills (Gartrell). The teachers can assist Happy in this journey by giving her the extra time, love, and support she needs and showing her unconditional positive regard no matter what.

3. In the future I will make sure that I no matter what I show all children unconditional positive regard. I will do my best to ensure that all children I work with know they are valued, respected, and have a place in my classroom.

4. I did discuss this with my supervising teacher. They know Happy’s family life is not the greatest. They do their best and go out of their way to work with her and let her know she is loved and wanted. The teacher admitted that it is not always easy and Happy can be very frustrating, but they also know it is best that she is there so they can look after her and guide and support her as she grows and develops.

5. I believe this experience relates to a few Core Competencies:

  • MN Core Competency Content Area I: Child Growth and Development, level 2 a. Understands that culture and family have a critical impact on children’s development and that children are best understood in the contexts of family, culture, and society.
  • MN Core Competency Content Area II: Learning Environment and Curriculum, e. Promoting Personal and Social Development, Level 1 c. Recognizes that periods of stress, separation, and transition may affect children’s personal and social development.
  • MN Core Competency Content Area IV: Interactions with Children, level f. Addresses behaviors or situations, rather than labeling the child.
  • MN Core Competency Content Area IV: Interactions with Children, level b. Establishes and communicates limits for acceptable behavior.

6. One of the areas I would like to work on next is playing with the children during outdoor playtime. MN Core Competency Content Area II: Learning Environment and Curriculum, Promoting Physical Development, level 1 a. Actively participates in children’s activities. I will demonstrate the competency by playing with the children during outdoor playtime. I will play tag with the children, slide down the slide, and see if any of the children want to build a snow fort.

7. During the past year, I have observed in four different child care centers. I have to say that I am not impressed with “centers”. I’ve always thought that I would like child care centers, but I don’t. They feel too institutionalized to me. As a family child care provider, I guess I just prefer the comfort and hominess I can provide the children in my care. Children have to attend an institution when they are kindergarten age and I think that is early enough.