Unit 7


Chapters 16 and 17

Word List

Joseph Stalin


Benito Mussolini


Adolf Hitler


Neutrality Acts

Good Neighbor Policy


Axis Powers

Lend-Lease Act

Atlantic Charter


Women’s Auxiliary Army Corps

A. Phillip Randolph

Manhattan Project

Office of Price Administration

War Productions Board

Learning Goals:

Proficient students will be able to:

Identify the types of governments that took power in Russia, Italy, Germany, and Japan after WWI.

Describe the details of America’s turn to isolationism in the 1930s

Explain how Roosevelt assisted the Allies without declaring war

Summarize the events that brought the United States into armed conflict with Germany

Describe the American Response to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

Describe the wartime mobilization of industry, labor, scientists, and the media.

Trace the efforts of the U.S. government to control the economy and deal with alleged subversion.

Discuss the war efforts effect on the home front.

Describe the economic and social changes that reshaped American life during WWII.

Summarize both the opportunities and the discrimination of African Americans and other minorities experienced during the war

Unit 7 Main Ideas:

The rise of the rulers with total power in Europe and Asia led to WWII.

Using the sudden mass attack called blitzkrieg, Germany invaded and quickly conquered many European Countries

In response to the fighting in Europe, the United States provided economic and military aid to help the Allies achieve victory

Following the attack on Pearl Harbor, the United States mobilized for war.

Allied forces, led by the U.S. and Great Britain, battled axis powers for control of Europe and North America.

In order to defeat Japan and end the war in the Pacific, the United States unleashed a terrible new weapon, the atomic bomb.

After WWII, Americans adjusted to new economic opportunities and harsh social tensions.