Barack Obama...... President

Joseph Biden...... Vice-President


Secretary of Agriculture...... Tom J. Vilsack

Secretary of Commerce...... John Bryson

Secretary of Defense...... Leon Panetta

Secretary of Education...... Arne Duncan

Secretary of Energy...... Steven Chu

Secretary of Health & Human Services...... Kathleen Sebelius

Secretary of Homeland Security...... Janet Napolitano

Secretary of Housing & Urban Development...... Shaun Donovan

Secretary of Interior...... Ken L. Salazar

Attorney General...... Eric H. Holder

Secretary of Labor...... Hilda L. Solis

Secretary of State...... Hillary R. Clinton

Secretary of Transportation...... Ray H. LaHood

Secretary of Treasury...... Timothy F. Geithner

Secretary of Veterans Affairs...... Eric K. Shinseki


General Federal Information Hotline 1-800-688-9889

Herbert H Kohl (D)...... U.S. Senator

Term: Six Years, Expires 1/2013

330 Hart Senate Office Bldg


(202) 224-5653

(202) 224-4464 TDD

Fax: (202) 224-9787

Website Form:

Ron Johnson (R)...... U.S. Senator

Term: Six Years, Expires 1/2017

386 Russell Senate Office Bldg


(202) 224-5323

(202) 224-1280 TDD

Website Form:

Ron Kind (D)...... U. S. Representative

3rd Congressional District

Term: Two Years, Expires 1/2013

1406 Longworth Office Bldg


(202) 225-5506

(202) 226-1772 TDD


Fax: (202) 225-5739

Website Form:

District: All areas of Monroe County not in 7th Congressional District

Sean Duffy (R)...... U. S. Representative

7th Congressional District

Term: Two Years, Expires 1/2013

1208 Longworth Office Bldg

Washington DC 20515

(202) 225-3365

(855) 585-4251 (toll free)

Fax: (202) 225-3240

District: Towns of Byron, LaGrange Wards 1A, 2A, 3A, Lincoln, Scott,

Villages of Warrens & Wyeville, City of Tomah Ward 5A


Legislative Hot Line 1-800-362-9472

Terms: Four years, Expires 1/2015

Governor...... Scott Walker(R)

Lieutenant Governor...... Rebecca Kleefisch (R)

Attorney General...... J. B. Van Hollen (R)

Secretary of State...... Douglas LaFollette (D)

State Treasurer...... Kurt Schuller(R)

State Superintendent of Public Instruction...... Tony Evers (NP)


Room125SState Capitol

P. O. Box 7863

Madison WI 53707

Telephone: (608) 266-1212 Fax: (608) 267-8983


Dale Schultz (R)...... District No. 17

Term: Four Years, Expires 1/2015

District: Towns of Clifton and Glendale, Village of Kendall

PO Box 7882

Madison WI 53707-7882

Telephone: (608) 266-0703 or (800) 978-8008 Fax: (608) 267-0375


Julie Lassa (D)...... District No. 24

Term: Four Years, Expires 1/2013

District: Towns of Byron, Grant, Greenfield, LaFayette, LaGrange, Lincoln, Little Falls,New Lyme, Oakdale, Scott, Sparta, Villages of Oakdale, Warrens, Wyeville, Cities of Sparta & Tomah

PO Box 7882

Madison WI 53707-7882

Telephone: (608) 266-3123or (800) 925-7421 Fax: (608) 282-3564


Jennifer Shilling (D)...... District No. 32

Term: Four Years, Expires 1/2013

District: Towns of Adrian, Angelo, Jefferson, Leon, Portland, Ridgeville, Sheldon,

Tomah, Wellington, Wells, Wilton,

Villages of Cashton, Melvina, Norwalk, Wilton

PO Box 7882

Madison WI 53707-7882

Telephone: (608) 266-5490 or (800) 385-3385 Fax: (608) 282-3572



Terms: Two years, Expires 1/2013

Edward Brooks (R)...... District No. 50

Towns of Clifton and Glendale, Village of Kendall

PO Box 8952

Madison WI 53708-8952

Telephone: (608) 266-8531 or (877) 947-0050 Fax: (608) 282-3650


Amy Sue Vruwink (D)...... District No. 70

District: Towns of Byron, Grant, Greenfield, LaFayette, LaGrange, Lincoln, Little Falls, New Lyme, Oakdale, Scott, Sparta, Villages of Oakdale, Warrens, Wyeville, Cities of Sparta & Tomah

PO Box 8953

Madison WI 53708

Telephone: (608) 266-8366 or (888) 534-0070 Fax: (608) 282-3670


Lee Nerison (R)...... District No. 96

District: Towns of Adrian, Angelo, Jefferson, Leon, Portland, Ridgeville, Sheldon,

Tomah, Wellington, Wells, Wilton, Villages of Cashton, Melvina, Norwalk, Wilton

PO Box 8953

Madison WI 53708

Telephone: (608) 266-3534 or (888) 534-0096 Fax: (608) 282-3696



Term: Four Years

CountyClerk(expires 1/2013)…………………………..….(appointed 1/29/09)Shelley Bohl

CountyTreasurer(expires 1/2013)...... Annette M Erickson

Register of Deeds (expires 1/2013)...... John D Burke

District Attorney (expires 1/2013)...... Dan Cary

Surveyor (expires 1/2013)...... Gary A Sime

Sheriff (expires 1/2015)...... Peter Quirin

Clerk of Courts (expires 1/2015)...... Shirley Chapiewsky


The meetings of the Board shall be: the Organizational Meeting on the third Tuesday in April following the spring election, the Annual Meeting on the first Wednesday of November; all other meetings on the fourth Wednesday of each month, unless the date is changed by the Chair or Vice-Chair of the Board.

1.The Board shall be called to order by the Chair at 6:00 p.m. on each day of its meeting, at which time the meeting shall begin with the CountyClerk calling roll in numerical order of districts and noting whether a quorum is present; a quorum shall be 60% of the members. If a quorum is present, the business of the Board shall proceed. Should a quorum not be present, the Board shall adjourn until a specified time. In the absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chair shall preside. If both are absent, the Board shall elect a temporary Chair.

2.The order of business shall be as follows: call to order, roll call, Pledge of Allegiance, previous minutes, proclamations, appointments, correspondence, claims, announcements, CountyTreasurer’s report, reports and/or speakers, resolutions, adjournment.

3.Resolutions received by members with the agenda need not be read. Any member may request that a resolution be read. Late resolutions not mailed with the agenda shall be read. All resolutions shall be approved by the Corporation Counsel.

4.Any resolution or motion involving appropriation of money shall include (or as a fiscal note): 1) the actual or anticipated cost; 2) a statement whether sufficient funds are available in the current budget; 3) a note by the Finance Committee that a provision is made for funding. It shall further be determined that there has been compliance with Wisconsin Statute 65.90 (municipal budgets) and any appropriate CountyBoard resolutions.

5.The CountyClerk shall, at least four days before each meeting of the Board (except when the Board is in continuous meeting), mail to each member an itemized agenda containing copies of all resolutions and other matters to be considered by the Board. The agenda shall be prepared by the CountyClerk subject to the approval of the Board Chair. All resolutions or other matters to be brought before the Board shall be reported to the CountyClerk at least six days prior to the Board meeting in order to be placed on the agenda for consideration. Matters not on the agenda shall be referred to the appropriate committee. The Board may, by a two-thirds vote of those members present, suspend the rules and place on the floor any matter that was previously on a meeting agenda. However, if the matter did not appear on an agenda, no discussion or action shall take place on that matter and the matter shall be referred to the appropriate committee or placed on the agenda for discussion at the next Board meeting.

6.Any person not a member, wanting to address the Board on any matter shall first obtain leave, such leave being requested by a member. In case of objection, such person must have a two-thirds vote of those members present. The Chair, without suspension of the rules, shall be permitted to call upon employees of any department for remarks.

7.Every member, previous to speaking, shall indicate a request to speak electronically or show of hands, at the discretion of the Chair. Priority may be given to electronic requests but the Chair retains discretion in choosing whom to recognize. Upon being recognized by the Chair, a member shall address the Chair and shall not be interrupted except by call to order. No member shall speak more than twice on the same question without leave of the Chair, and a member shall limited to three minutes for each of their times in addressing the Board. Exempted from this limitation shall be committee chairperson/representative presenting a resolution or answering questions.

8.When a member is called to order, the member shall not proceed to speak, except in explanation, until it is determined whether he/she is in order or not.

9.Roberts Rules of Order shall prevail regarding parliamentary procedure when not in conflict with any rule of the Board.

10.It shall be the duty of all members to vote yes or no, unless the Chair shall excuse a vote for good and sufficient reason before the voting has begun.

11.Every vote upon the levy of a tax or providing an appropriation of money shall be by roll call. All other voting shall be by voice of the majority, and if the Chair be in doubt, a call for a rising vote or show of hands. Any member may request roll call on any question. A roll call vote shall be by district numerical order except that the County Clerk shall rotate the order so that the member voting first shall have his/her name called last on the succeeding vote. This sequential rotation shall start with the April Organizational Meeting and continue from meeting to meeting. The Chair shall always vote last.

12. No rule shall be changed, modified, or amended unless it is presented and voted on in resolution form at a regular meeting.

13.When a motion or question shall have once been determined either in the affirmative or negative, it shall always be in order for any member of the prevailing to move for a reconsideration, at the same or succeeding meeting. In case of a tie vote, the motion shall be lost except in case of an appeal. An appeal may be made at the meeting verbally by any member. If an appeal is made, any member present may present the same question again at the same meeting. In case of a second tie, the same matter may be brought before the Board only one subsequent time at the next following Board meeting.

14.Any matter that comes before the Board without a committee recommendation or resolution shall be referred to the appropriate committee by the Chair without motion.

15.The Board Chair, in conjunction with the Vice-Chair, shall select the committee members and the chair of the various committees and boards with the following exception: the Highway Committee shall be elected by the Board at the Organizational Meeting. The committee chairs shall designate a member of the committee as vice-chair. The committee chairs shall select a recorder who shall record and forward a copy of the minutes to the County Clerk and posted on the county website within five business days of the meeting and send an approved copy when approved by the committee. The County Clerk shall keep these minutes on file for five years.

16. The chair of each committee, subcommittee, special committee, standing committee, or board shall have the primary responsibility for complying with Wisconsin Statute Chapter 19, the Open Meeting Law. Each committee chair or designee shall notify the County Clerk how meeting notices are going to be conveyed to the media. Committees shall designate if notification is to be made through the County Clerk’s Office; if not done through the County Clerk’s Office, notices must be properly conveyed.

17.Special Board meetings may be called at the joint request of the Chair and Vice Chair or upon a written request of a majority of the members to the County Clerk, specifying the time and place of the meeting, with four days notice to the members in either instance.

18.All reimbursement claims of members and other individuals eligible for per diem and other expenses shall be made on the expense sheet. Claims will be reviewed and allowed or denied by the Finance Committee. Expense sheets are to be submitted to the County Clerk’s Office no later than the seventh of each month.

Prior approval of the appropriate committee is required for attending conventions, workshops, conferences and training sessions. Approval shall be recorded in committee minutes. The Board Chair is authorized to attend or designate a member or employee to attend special meetings, etc.

Per diem for Board meetings will be paid on a monthly basis. Members who fail to attend some portion of the meeting, unless excused by the Board Chair, shall receive a reduced amount equal to one-half the allowable amount.

If it is recorded in committee minutes that a representative from that committee is to attend a meeting of another committee or a committee-related function, per diem payment shall be allowed. If there is no time to obtain committee approval prior to the other meeting or function, the committee chair shall authorize attendance and it shall be retroactively approved at the next meeting.

If an individual eligible to claim per diem attends two or more meetings on the same date, per diem shall be allowed for each meeting at which the individual is present for roll call and adjournment of each such meeting.

19.All departments shall prepare an annual written report for the Board to include a brief activity report and a financial statement of amount budgeted and expended.

20.The Board Chair and Vice-Chair shall serve as ex-officio members of all committees. The Chair and/or Vice-Chair, as ex-officio members, shall have the power to vote in a committee only in the event that the committee lacks a quorum.

  1. Any member who wishes a particular resolution be brought before the entire Board shall do so by petitioning the appropriate committee, in writing, said petition to bear the signatures of at least five members. If said written petition is presented to the appropriate committee, the committee chair shall direct that a resolution be forwarded to the Board to be considered at the next scheduled meeting. Said resolution shall contain the position and/or request of the petitioning members and shall conform to all other requirements provided for in these Rules.

22. Any individual supervisor may introduce a resolution to a Monroe County Board Committee. That supervisor may draft a resolution, and would then forward that resolution to the Corporation Counsel for review and/or formatting. That resolution shall then be given to the Monroe County Clerk, and subsequently forwarded to the Administrative/Executive Committee for review. After that review, said resolution shall then be forwarded to the appropriate Monroe County Board committee for review and/or action.



1. Carol A Las………………………………………………………………..272-3883

6509 Acorn Ave, Sparta,WI54656

(Towns of Little Falls 1&2, New Lyme, Sparta 3&4)

2. Nodji VanWychen...... 378-4813

3365 Auger Rd, Warrens,WI 54666

(Towns of Grant, Lincoln, Scott; Village of Warrens)

3. Gene Treu...... 269-2501 or 487-2501

7234 Harper Avenue, Sparta,WI 54656

(Town of Sparta 2&6)


(Towns of Angelo 1, Sparta 1&5)

5. Gail Chapman...... 343-6164

21508 Gladview Avenue, Tomah,WI54660

(Towns of Greenfield 1, Adrian, Angelo 2, LaFayette 1&2)

6. David Pierce...... 378-4076

7789 Denver Road, Tomah, WI 54660

(Towns of Greenfield 2, LaGrange 1a, 1b, 2a &2b)

7. Bob Retzlaff...... 374-3108

8490 Co Hwy N, Tomah,WI 54660

(Towns of Byron, LaGrange 3a & 3b; Village of Wyeville)

8. Dale Greeno...... 372-3727

26426 Grant Avenue, Tomah WI 54660

(Towns of Tomah 1&2, Wilton 1)

9. Mary J Cook...... 463-7379

28003 Locust Ave, Wilton,WI54670

(Towns of Clifton, Oakdale, Wilton 4&5; Village of Oakdale)

10. Sharon Folcey...... 269-8463

20686 Jameson Road, Sparta,WI 54656

(Towns of Angelo 3, Leon, Wells)

11. Douglas Path...... 435-6936

902 Water Street, Wilton,WI 54670

(Towns of Ridgeville,Wilton 2; Villages of NorwalkWilton)

12. James Kuhn...... 654-5440

27419 Navy Road, Cashton,WI 54619

(Town of Portland; Village of Cashton 1&2)

13. James Schroeder...... 654-5306

27011 County Hwy U, Cashton, WI 54619

(Towns of Jefferson, Sheldon, Wellington 1; Village Melvina)

14. Craig Buswell...... 463-7217

509 Thayer Street, Kendall,WI 54638

(Towns of Glendale, Wellington 2, Wilton 3; Village of Kendall)

15. Wallace Habhegger...... 269-1247

2081 Linda Lane, Sparta, WI 54656

(City of Sparta Wards 10, 11, 13)

16. James Rasmussen...... 269-2822

1527 Highland Meadows, Sparta, WI 54656

(City of Sparta Wards 12, 14, 15)

17. Bruce Humphrey...... 269-6107

200 Pine Street, Sparta,WI 54656

(City of Sparta Wards 4, 5, 16)

18. Daniel Olson...... 269-5334

602 N. Spring, Sparta, WI 54656

(City of Sparta Wards 1, 2, 3, 6)

19. Anthony Boltik...... 487-3214

711 Mill Street, Sparta,WI 54656

(City of Sparta Wards 7, 8, 9)

20. Paul Steele...... 372-2168

924 Alderman Street, Tomah, WI 54660

(City of Tomah Wards 1, 2, 3)

21. Christopher King...... ……….567-4194

439 North Street, Tomah, WI54660

(City of Tomah Wards 4, 5a, 5b, 6, 11)

22. Dean Peterson...... 372-7546

303 Schaller Street, Tomah WI 54660

(City of Tomah Wards 14, 15, 16)

23. Pete Peterson...... 374-0718

1514 Lakeview Drive, Tomah WI 54660

(City of Tomah Wards 9, 10, 13)

24. James A Rice...... 372-2002

1019 Farmer Ave, Tomah WI 54660

(City of Tomah Wards 7, 8, 12)


(Chair listed first)


Pete Peterson

Bruce Humphrey

Sharon Folcey

Bob Retzlaff

Gene Treu


Nodji VanWychen

David Pierce

Mary Cook

Gail Chapman

Dale Greeno


Sharon Folcey

Nodji VanWychen

Dean Peterson

James Rice

James Schroeder


James Kuhn

Bruce Humphrey

Pete Peterson

Wallace Habhegger

Sharon Folcey


Bob Retzlaff

James Rice

Mary Cook

Dean Peterson

Kristi Brown, DVM

Emma K. Ledbetter, MD

Marlene Sund


James Schroeder

Gene Treu

Daniel Olson

James Rice

Dale Greeno


Carol Las

James Rice

Chris King

Craig Buswell

Bob Retzlaff

David Pierce

James Shilling(05/13)

Sue Peck (05/14)

Ellen Graham Knight (05/15)


Gail Chapman

Nodji VanWychen

James Kuhn

James Rasmussen

Dean Wegner-FSA Chair


Sharon Folcey*

Bruce Humphrey

Gene Treu*

Pete Peterson*

*Bargaining Committee


Gene Treu

Douglas Path

Dale Greeno

Dean Peterson


James Kuhn

Carol Las

Paul Steele

Anthony Boltik

Daniel Olson

Craig Buswell

James Rasmussen


Chris King

Mary Cook

Wallace Habhegger

Douglas Path

James Schroeder


Anthony Boltik

Douglas Path

Paul Steele

James Kuhn

Gail Chapman


Mary Cook

David Pierce

Wallace Habhegger

Theresa Lehner (12/31/12)

Mary Witt (12/31/13)

Wes Cornett(12/31/14)

Carol Ostrem(12/31/14)

Harry Thonesen (12/31/14)


Carol Las

Daniel Olson

Chris King

James Rasmussen

Mike Luethe-Town of Ridgeville Chair



2nd Tuesday – 9:00 a.m.

Child Support

Corporation Counsel

County Clerk

Information Systems

Land Information

Register of Deeds


Veterans Service


2nd Friday - 9:00 a.m.

Extension Office

Local History Room