Jonathan Hayward

530 E Indiana, Wheaton, IL 60187, USA

[+1] (630) 815-2012


Core skills:

●Accessibility ●FED ●IA ●Responsive Design ●UI ●Usability ●UX


●Applied Mathematics ●Computer Science ●Software Engineering

●Psychology ●Anthropology ●Cognitive Science ●Linguistics ● Philosophy of Mind


●Ajax ●CSS ●HTML ●HTML5 (Boilerplate) (Mobile) ●JavaScript

●JSON ●Perl ●Python ●SQL ●XHTML ●XML


●Agile ●CMS ●e-Commerce ●End-to-End Development

●Front End ●Mobile ●OOP ●Patterns ●Security

●Scripting ●Themes


●Apache ●CVS ●Cygwin ●Django ●GIMP ●Git

●jQuery ●LAMP ●Mac/OSX ●Mercurial ●MVC ●OSS

●Portals ●SVN ●Unix/Linux ●Windows


Web Design and Web Developer Contracts/Positions

Alpine Access, Chicago, IL, 12/12-01/13.

·  80% front end work for main project, using HTML5 Canvas, jQuery / JavaScript.

·  Created entire user interface for executive dashboard to tell at a glance how projects were going and if things were going as planned.

·  Dashboard was built to be deployed to web terminals and TV’s, and to display everything that is most essential at first glance.

·  Explored and documented flagship system and left information so the Sphinx documentation would have substantially more extensive coverage in its documentation.

·  Used Agile, Canvas, Django, HTML5, Linux, Mac, Python, Responsive Design, Scrum, and Unix.

Kaplan Higher Education, 8/12-10/12

·  Handled all bare JavaScript, jQuery, CSS, and all initial work was done without a library.

·  Built Ajax parts of webpages from JSON data on server.

·  Responsible for all aspects of front-end development.

·  Worked on “Ranger” project that used game design to try to help people connect people with jobs.

·  Effectively worked with and without using JavaScript libraries.

·  As team expanded, worked with another front-end developer to use agile methodologies to build out project.

·  Used Ajax, CSS, HTML5, JavaScript, jQuery, jQuery UI, JSON, Linux, OSX, Portals, RIA, Scripting, Ubuntu, UI, Unix, Usability, VMware/Virtualization, and Windows 7.

Civic Consulting Alliance: McDonald’s Civic Fellow, 6/12–8/12

·  Created Ajax UI that used Google Maps API to create interactive and informative map with additional data supplied in JavaScript.

·  Served as one person team creating a succession of UI’s that left people, in boss’s words, “blown away”.

·  Worked on project aimed at significantly reducing violence.

·  Used and developed data visualization techniques to help people glean insights from data.

·  Created geospatial mapping portal to program data.

·  Used CSS, Geospatial, Google Maps API v3, HTML5, JavaScript, jQuery, jQuery UI, Linux, OSX, Portals, Python, Scripting, Ubuntu, Unix, VMware/Virtualization, and Windows 7.

Bank of America, Chicago, IL, 3/12-5/12

·  Used creative technique to work with Bank of America systems while working much faster due to a system that kept track of user choices.

·  Developed in Python across areas of responsibility.

·  Worked with functionally oriented Python having object-oriented database.

·  Addressed relevant legal issues and worked to ensure Dodd-Frank regulatory compliance.

·  Devised technique for user interface that would work with their system and remember user choices for next time.

·  Worked, as far as possible, to further end-to-end software development including UI and usability.

·  Used Python, Scripting, UI, and usability.

Optics Planet, Northbrook, IL, 8/11-1/12

·  Tested as fully capable of handling front-end as well as back-end. Demonstrated competencies included [X]HTML, bare JavaScript, regular expressions, and tricky but seemingly innocent requests in CSS.

·  Front end work included all usual suspects.

·  Worked on both front- and back-end.

·  Senior back end web developer.

·  Worked in team environment in group responsible for flagship web software project.

·  Contributed popular internal-use tools.

·  Used Agile, Back-End, Cygwin, Front-End, HTML, JavaScript, JIRA, Kamban, Linux, Mercurial, MVC, MySQL, Object Oriented Design Patterns, Python, Scripting, SQL Server, Virtualization, Windows 7, and XML.

General Electric, Hoffman Estates, IL 3/11-6/11.

·  Responsible for Ajax grid development and added features, so JavaScript / jQuery would pull data in JSON and display it in a very sophisticated grid.

·  Implemented front end changes to transform billing site to be more modern, friendly, cutting edge, and better serve business needs.

·  Produced extremely rapid prototypes of Ajax functionality for user interface needs across system.

·  Client-side liaison for implementing details in Skunkworks project.

·  Created over half a dozen Python/Django microsites.

·  Used Ajax, CSS3, Cygwin, Django, HTML5, HTML5 Boilerplate, JavaScript, jQuery, jQuery UI, JSON, Linux, Python, RIA, Scripting, UI, Usability, UX.

Navteq, Chicago, IL 12/10.

·  Worked with special requirements system which requested a Web 2.0 site but did not permit partial page updates. Used JavaScript to make appropriate page loads. Used jQuery and CSS.

·  Created powerful UI that simplified access to data and made finding desired information much easier.

·  Lightning contract creating CMS and microsite so team could more elegantly browse and explore information.

·  Produced results immediately, resulting in contract completion

·  Completed contract faster than planned.

·  Worked with Agile, CSS, Django, HTML, JavaScript, jQuery, Python, Scripting, UI, Unix, Usability.

Packt Publications, Wheaton, IL 3/10-12/10.

·  Demonstrated proof-of-concept for Ajax Without JavaScript or Client-Side Scripting, which was Slashdotted.

·  Wrote book demonstrating how to build a Django- and jQuery-powered UI.

·  Wrote treatment of Django jQuery Ajax and completed expanded first draft two months ahead of schedule.

·  Walked the reader through the creation of a special-purpose tailored CMS.

·  Created the world’s first open source employee intranet photo directory Also proposed Python and Usability title which was editorially accepted.

·  Independently invented technique for Ajax without JavaScript or client-side scripting resulting in over two million hits and ongoing traffic

·  Independently published domain-specific, specialized search engine and CMS with strong attention to UI and UX.

·  Worked with Agile, Ajax, CGI, CMS, CSS, Django, GIMP, HTML, Intranet, jQuery, jQuery UI, JSON, Mercurial, MVC, Python, Scripting, SQL, UI, Unix/Linux, Unobtrusive JavaScript, Usability, UX, Web Design, Web Development, XHTML, and XML.

Steep Rock, Chicago, IL 1/10-2/10.

Front and back end responsibilities including massive improvements to password setting UI.

·  Responsible for development and expansion of advanced pharmaceutical industry software identifying and managing key opinion leaders.

·  Developed, maintained, and debugged multiple areas of complex system.

·  Developed new password system, proposed and implemented several security enhancements, and significantly improved on prior system.

·  Used Ajax, Apache, CGI, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, JSON, LAMP, MySQL, ORM, Python, Scripting, SQL, SVN, UI, Unix/Linux, Usability, Web Design, Web Development, XHTML, and XML.

Kingsway Financial Services, Elk Grove Village, IL 9/07-3/08.

·  Handled front end development responsibilities to convert a generic portal into an intranet.

·  Developed RIA intranet/extranet prototype.

·  Documented and explained open source technologies and solutions.

·  Worked with CMS, CSS, Cygwin, GIMP, HTML, RIA, Tomcat, Velocity, Web 2.0, and Windows XP.

Call One, Chicago, IL 6/08-11/09.

·  Worked for revenue assurance auditor to create tool and high-powered user interface to help auditor sift through mounds of data to find extremely valuable information.

·  Cut auditor’s time allotment from working overtime to catch up, to only needing part-time work on that responsibility with freedom to take up other projects that were not otherwise in reach.

·  Provided web solutions to telecom parent company and travel subsidiary, coming to know both industries.

·  Developed UI to help relevant information “jump out” from mounds of data, which substantially decreased excess workload for the revenues assurance auditor while improving productivity.

·  Created secure web server from scratch to handle online payments at well above industry standard security levels.

·  Transformed look and feel of billing system and integrated e-commerce payment system.

·  Responsible for communicating and handling technical negotiations with upstream provider which the company knew to be difficult to work with.

·  Handled customer-facing communications for issues related to online billing

·  Created mobile website intended to address urgent needs and provide quick contact information to resolve emergencies.

·  Worked with Agile, Ajax, Alfresco, Apache, CherryPy, CGI, CSS, Customer Service, e-Commerce, Flex, GIMP, HTML, JavaScript, JSON, LAMP, Perl, Python, Scripting, SOAP, SEO, SQL, UI, Unix/Linux, WDSL, Web Design, Web Development, XHTML, and XML.

Web Designer, Fordham University, Bronx, NY 8/05-5/07.

·  Created, overhauled, expanded, organized, and maintained websites and user interfaces for multiple departments within university.

·  Developed technical side of website including adapting work to function gracefully in the CMS.

·  Worked on making a more user-friendly website through sensitivity to artistic concerns, graphic design, usability, and information architecture concerns..

·  Represented university to both internal and external clients in person, over phone, and by e-mail.

·  Used CMS, CSS, Customer Service, GIMP, and HTML.

Web Consultant, Systematic Political Science, Cosby, TN, 1/03—present, part time.

·  Responsible for all aspects of creating, updating, and maintaining website.

·  Took information existing in Word documents and incorporated it into seamless website.

·  Used Apache, CSS, GIMP, HTML, Linux, POSH.


·  Handled all aspects of creation, presentation, and implementation of PR4 website that was:

o  Sticky,

o  Easy to use,

o  Asked big questions,

Has had a growing web presence for over a decade.

Has over 2000 pages and won over 200 awards, and

Makes a visual persona that is so old, it will never go out of style.

·  Handled all aspects of design, graphics, front end development, hand coding, accessibility, cross-browser testing including IE6, back end development, SEO, promotion, usability, UI, UX, IA, and content creation for website.

·  Created a friendly IA that makes it easy for users to navigate a large and complex collection with many different kinds of content.

·  Software projects on website amount to 100k lines of code.

·  Created a search engine with a pioneering UI that arose out of an artificial intelligence experimental initiative.

·  Full responsibility for Mobile Web Proxy, which won the “Editor’s Pick” award from Brothersoft, is open sourced, and powers a mobile version of the site at as well as a SAAS mobile web proxy at

·  Posted a proof of concept for Ajax without JavaScript, and a four-dimensional maze. (Both have received coverage from Slashdot.)

·  Open source projects use Python (with and without Django), Tcl, Perl, bash/shell, and SQL on back end. Front end uses HTML, Ajax, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery., 12/09-Present

·  A dynamically generated proxy for Jonathan’s Corner for mobile access.:, 2/12-Present

·  Created look, feel, and experience for science fiction site that:

o  Has a dark, stonelike theme,

o  Shows a visualizations of objects in higher-dimensional spaces,

o  Provides a Socratic dialogue set in a science fiction world,

o  Has an arc of sparks jump out if the user clicks the screen., 5/10-present

·  Created search engine with pioneering interface approach to search 200M document library:

o  Ante-Nicene Fathers and Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers collections, totaling to 38 dense volumes and the standard reference translation for numerous patristic texts.

·  Created heavily revamped interface designed around the entire guiding principle of reducing the mouse clicks and scrolling for scholars navigating volumes of data and needing as much time as they can to focus on the text (not the tool).

·  Used CSS, HTML, its own server, JavaScript, jQuery, Proxying, Python, Unix., 01/12-3/12

·  Handled all aspects of design and implementation to represent family business on web.

·  Pro bono work to see a family-owned business represented on the web.

·  End-to-end responsibilities and development.

·  Responsible for all aspects of website creation except for some content.
Accessibility, Hijaxing, HTML5 Boilerplate 2.0, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Scripting, Server-parsed HTML, UI, and unobtrusive Ajax., 12/09-present

·  Completely revamped usability, information architecture, and look and feel for parish website.

·  Obtained approval from stakeholders and was given full responsibility.

·  Created custom-purpose CMS to make the website editable by nontechnical users.

·  Continued to enrich JavaScript-driven display of art photography associated with parish.

·  Used CSS, HighSlide, HTML, JavaScript, and Python.


·  Created “Mobile Web Proxy” that has won the Brothersoft “Editor’s Pick” award.

·  Published author in three languages, including online book on Perl and paper book on Django and JavaScript.

·  Created “Ajax Without JavaScript” proof of concept that was given coverage on Slashdot.


·  B.S. in Math, Calvin College, 1996. GPA 3.3/4.0.

·  M.S. in Applied Math, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1998. Computational Science and Engineering Option. GPA 3.5/4.0.

·  Postgraduate Coursework in anthropology, cognitive science, linguistics, and other disciplines at the heart of Usability, UI, UX, and IA.

·  Real-life Experience corresponding to academic disciplines: travelled for years, studied half a dozen languages, experimenting in art, asking as an author, “How can I present this so my reader can understand it?” (a question which is very close to “How do I make a usable UI?”)



·  CGI Scripting (Master)

·  Dynamic HTML

·  HTML 4.0

·  Internet Security

·  Java 2

·  JavaScript 1.5

·  Linux Administration (General)

·  Linux Programming (General)

·  Network Security

·  OO Concepts

·  OO Design Patterns

·  Perl

·  Programming Concepts (Master)

·  Python 1.5


·  Web Design for Accessibility

·  Web Design Concepts

·  Web Development Concepts

·  Web Server Administration