Services Employment Framework

Pay Comparison Calculator

Guidance Notes

April 2017


We have designed an Excel calculator to help you make a comparison of your pay between what you currently earn and what you can expect to earn under the new proposed arrangements.This calculator will provide you with the potential financial impact that these proposals will have on you.

To use the calculator you will need your last payslip and your new pay rate which is contained in Section 2 of your revised terms and conditions(included with your letter dated the 7th April 2017)

To ensure that you can make use of this calculator we have made it widely available to:-

  1. Your Service Manager
  2. Your Service Administrator
  3. A copy is available for download from:
  1. Internet - use this link:


  1. Go to the LCDnet homepage – there a selection menu on left hand side of the page click on document library (2nd option down) then scroll down to People click on Pay and benefits

For 3 a & b - Please see the step by step guidance later in this guide

How to use the Calculator:

  1. There is a tab called User Guide that provides the details of how to use the calculator
  1. Have a copy of your recent pay slip to hand
  2. After entering the data the Calculator will show a comparison between current and new pay, at a gross pay level i.e. before deductions for Tax, National Insurance and any other deductions you may have
  3. You will need access to Excel, if you using a home PC please be aware that this does not always come as standard. If you don’t have Excel on your PC you will be able to access the calculator at your service.
  4. You can download the file from the intranet. Alternatively you can ask your Service Manager or Service Administrator to e-mail it to you.
  5. If you have any access problems please speak to your Service Manager or Administrator to assist you to access and use the calculator

Step by step guidance on accessing the Calculator using the Internet

If downloading separate guidance is provided below for both Internet Explorer and Google Chrome – if using a different browser than these please follow your usual process for downloading files

  • enter this address which takes you to here

Scroll down and you will see the two links to download the calculator and this user guide – choose them both if required

If using Internet Explorer:

Use the links for “download the user guide” and / or “download the calculator” and you will see the following – choose “Open” and go to Section 10 below

If Using Google Chrome:

After choosing “download the user guide” and / or “download the calculator” you will see the two files (below image) at the bottom left hand corner of your PC

Choose the down arrow on each and the dialogue box will appear – choose “Open” and go to Section 10 below

Step by step guidance on accessing the Calculator using the Intranet

On LCD Intranet - document library < People < Pay and Benefits and look for files named “Services Employment Framework – Pay Calculator Mar 2017” and “Services Employment Framework – Pay Calculator Guide”

Choose these files

If using Internet Explorer you will see this – choose Open and go to Section 10 below

If using Google Chrome you will see this – choose Open and go to Section 10 below

10After opening the files, now would be a good time to Save the files - feel free to re-name the files and remember where you have saved them

11When finished you can close the file, choosing whether to Save or not

12Should you wish to re-run the Calculator just locate the file where you Saved it, open the file and re-enter the data as before

April 2017