Joliet WestSoftball


Practice Policy

  1. All players will be assigned equipment that they will be responsible for bringing to practices and/or competitions.
  2. Practice begins at the designated time on the schedule. If you need to see the trainer you must still be at practice on time.

Softball Behavior Expectations

  1. When at practice, on the bus, in the hallways, in the locker room or on the field you must follow all school rules as well as treat team members, teachers and coaches with respect.
  2. You need to use social media in a positive and respectful manner.
  3. Bus behavior on the way to the game should be excellent. (Focus for game.)
  4. Players will be representing Joliet WestSoftball and need to act responsible at other schools.

School Behavior Policy

  1. If a player receives discipline for behavior in classes she will have the following consequences:

1st offense = 1 game suspension

2nd offense = 1 game suspension

3rd offense = removal from team

*Any severe violation could result in automatic removal from the team.

  1. No drinking of any alcoholic beverages, drugs and tobacco.
  2. No fighting.
  3. No out of school suspensions.

Academic Policies

*Varsity: Receiving a D in one or more classes *Fresh/JV: Receiving a F in one or more classes

  1. 1st week=Probation-(Must see your teacher to get help. (Coach Suca needs to receive a note or email from teacher.)
  2. 2ndconsecutive week=Will be excluded from one game-(Repeat above)
  3. 3rdconsecutive week=May continue to practice but will not play in a game until player receives passing grades in all classes. Varsity will continue to sit a game a week until C’s in all classes (multiple D’s will only be allowed to practice).
  4. Must be passing 5 or more classes to be eligible according to IHSA.

Absence Policies

  1. Players who are absent from PRACTICE or GAMES will have the following consequences. There is not adifference between excused or unexcused absences. Player must contact the coach prior to missing any practice or game.

3rd absence = 1 game suspension

4th-5thabsence = 2 game suspension

6th absence = dismissal from team

  1. Absence from tournament = automatic 2 game suspension
  2. Automatic game suspension if player does not call a coach before the missed practice or game
  3. Long term absences will be handled on an individual basis (i.e. injuries and illnesses)

Tardy Policies

  1. Player will run sprints after practice for being late. If player fails to run, this will result in an automatic 2 game suspension.
  2. Repeated abuse will result in game suspension.


Each player in the program is required to participate in a team fundraising activity. Team clothing will not be given to player until fundraising obligations are fulfilled.

Player/Parent/Coach Contract

By signing this contract we accept all policies set forth by the Joliet WestSoftball Program and District 204 Athletic Department. Players will not be allowed to participate in practice or games until all three signatures have been secured.

Players Name ______Level of Play ______

Player’s Signature ______Date ______

Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date ______

Coach’s Signature ______Date ______

Checking this box permits the coaches to post your players pictures/videos on the Joliet West Softball Facebook/Twitter Page and/or the Joliet West Softball Website.

***Tear this page off to turn in this page only***
Joliet Softball Grade/Behavior Report

Student is responsible for filling in their own grades by looking them up on line. If teacher needs to change the grade written by the student they may do so.

Subject / Grade / Behavior/Attitude / Signature
1 / Excellent Fair Poor
2 / Excellent Fair Poor
3 / Excellent Fair Poor
4 / Excellent Fair Poor
5 / Excellent Fair Poor
6 / Excellent Fair Poor
7 / Excellent Fair Poor
8 / Excellent Fair Poor
