(12 MAY 2005 Skopje)

The Deputy Chiefs of Defense of eleven NATO and Partner Countries participating in Southeastern Europe Defense Ministerial (SEDM):

-Lieutenant General Slavko BARIĆ, represented by Lieutenant General Marijan MAREKOVIC

-Lieutenant General Fabrizio CASTAGNETTI

-Major General Luan HOXHA

-General Peter PACE, represented by Major General Edward LA FOUNTAINE

-Lieutenant General Stilianos PANAGOPOULOS, represented by Major General Evangelos VERONIKIATIS

-Major General Florian PINŢĂ

-General İlker BAŞBUĞ, represented by Lieutenant General Cahit SARSILMAZ

-Major General Miroslav STOJANOVSKI

-Brigadier Bojan ŠULIGOJ

-Major General Oleg SYVUSHENKO

-Lieutenant General Atanas Dimitrov ZAPRYANOV

convened in Skopje on 12 May 2005 to take further steps in order to strengthen their collaboration in supporting the stability, security and prosperity in Southeastern Europe.

The Deputy Chiefs of Defense expressed their gratitude to Joint Forces Command Naples (JFC Naples) for the assistance and contribution provided to Headquarters Southeastern Europe Brigade (HQ SEEBRIG) during NATO certification process.

Having welcomed the representative of Joint Forces Command Brunssum (JFC Brunssum), the Deputy Chiefs of Defense noted that this platform constituted an appropriate basis for the enhancement of cooperation between SEDM and JFC Brunssum.

The Deputy Chiefs of Defense welcomed the briefing given by the Chairman of the SEDM-CC and PMSC on the activities of the PMSC and SEDM-CC since their last meeting. In this regard, the Chairman reported that he had underlined the following issues on SEEBRIG deployment during the visits and contacts made with NATO and EU officials: Nations have agreed on the deployment of SEEBRIG in the region, preferably in Bosnia-Herzegovina; however, in November 2004, at the Ljubljana Ministerial, Ministers tasked SEDM-CC and PMSC Secretariat and HQ SEEBRIG to continue to seek an opportunity to deploy in an operation under EU or NATO auspices. NATO and EU officials stated that current command and control structures of the operations within the region are not suitable for a brigade; and thus another mission has been offered by Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe (DSACEUR) that is employment in Kabul Multinational Brigade of International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan (KMNB/ISAF), and to date, SEDM Nations are still considering the response to this NATO offer for a mission in Afghanistan.

The PMSC Chairman underlined the fact that the advances made by SEDM Nations so far should go along with a more constructive approach toward a SEEBRIG deployment. It is high time for Nations to give an actual impetus to eliminate the shortfalls and make SEEBRIG fully deployable in a PSO, which would enhance the credibility of Nations and SEEBRIG at international level. The Deputy Chiefs reiterated their readiness for SEDM Nations to cooperate in finding and accepting a mission for SEEBRIG, or some of its units as soon as possible. The United States reiterated its pledge of two million dollars to support the SEEBRIG deployment, which is contingent upon the decision of MPFSEE Nations to accept a mission by 01 September 2005, including any option that deploys the entire brigade or its sub-units.

The Deputy Chiefs of Defense expressed their satisfaction with the completed and ongoing SEEBRIG activities and extended their appreciation to SEEBRIG Staff and SEDM-CC& PMSC Secretariat for their efforts during the NATO certification process and deployment-related activities.

The Deputy Chiefs of Defense welcomed the presentation of JFC Naples on the outcome of certification process and discussed the elimination of Full Operational Capability (FOC) shortfalls and reiterated the commitment of nations to take every possible step to eliminate the shortfalls identified during the NATO certification process in order to make SEEBRIG fully operational.

The Deputy Chiefs of Defense welcomed the contribution of JFC Naples and emphasized their continuous support for ongoing NATO-led operations in the region and reiterated their commitment to contribute to NATO’s efforts to strengthen security and stability in Southeastern Europe.

The Deputy Chiefs of Defense exchanged views on SEDM activities, certification process and SEEBRIG deployment. The Deputy Chiefs of Defense commended the countries of the region for launching this initiative to contribute to regional peace and stability and declared the deployment of SEEBRIG in a PSO to be the main objective. Having assessed the importance of deployment underlined by the PMSC Chairman, the Deputy Chiefs of Defense emphasized that SEEBRIG employment in ISAF would certainly contribute to stability, security and prosperity in that region, and reiterated their support to such a mission and suggested that this issue be submitted to SEDM MODs for final decision considering that all requirements of operations including the financial issues as well as the US support for such deployment are to be addressed.

In compliance with the decision at the last SEDM Meeting in Ljubljana to take the necessary actions to facilitate SEEBRIG deployment in short term, the Deputy Chiefs of Defense tasked the PMSC&SEDM-CC Secretariat to inform NATO on the principle support for SEEBRIG deployment in ISAF as it was specified in DSACEUR offer with preparations beginning immediately, and to find out the details of this specific mission with specified timetable and straightforward cost-sharing among the participating nations in order to facilitate the final political decision, having in mind the U.S. proposal for financial support.

The Deputy Chiefs of Defense noted and welcomed the steps taken with regard to SEDM projects; expressed their gratitude to the new chairs of SEDM projects and appreciated the previous chairs for their contribution to the development of projects.

The Deputy Chiefs of Defense welcomed the endorsement of Ukraine’s full membership to the SEDM Process and MPFSEE Initiative, and tasked the SEDM-CC&PMSC Secretariat to invite Ukraine to take part in all SEDM and MPFSEE related activities with observer status until the accession procedure is finalized. The Deputy Chiefs of Defense kindly invite Ukraine to review the list of SEEBRIG shortfalls from the NATO FOC evaluation and identify any gap they will be able to fill.

The Deputy Chiefs of Defense tasked the SEDM-CC&PMSC Secretariat to coordinate the possible participation of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia and Montenegro to the next SEDM Ministers of Defense Meeting in December 2005 and next SEDM Deputy Chiefs of Defense Meeting in May 2006 with guest status.

The Deputy Chiefs of Defense commended Ambassador Uğur ERGUN, the Chairman of SEDM-CC and PMSC and, BG Giovanni SULIS, the Commander of SEEBRIG for their contributions to the achievement of very important steps in MPFSEE Initiative and SEDM Process.

The Deputy Chiefs of Defense welcomed and wished success to Professor Besnik BARAJ as the next Chairman of SEDM-CC and PMSC and Brigadier General Neyko NENOV as the next Commander of SEEBRIG.

The Deputy Chiefs of Defense agreed to hold their next meeting in Bulgaria in April/May 2006.

Finally, the Deputy Chiefs of Defense expressed their appreciation to the Major General Miroslav STOJANOVSKI for hosting the meeting and for the warm hospitality.
