A tour of African Geography Project


· You will be working individually and in small groups on this task

· You and the rest of your classmates have just returned from an exciting trip to Africa. Because of the diverse regions of this continent, we have decided that we would take photographs and record information based on separate regions. Your job is to create a virtual scrapbook using PowerPoint (or any other creative means) to share with you classmates everything you learned on your trip.

· You will be working individually and/or with partners during this task

· This assignment is in lieu of a Unit Exam, so try your best!

Task outline:

· African Mapping Activity:

o On a map, distributed by Ms. Steinmetz, individually label:

§ All the countries (color coded as per instructions)

§ Label major cities. Use a star in a circle to identify the location of the country’s capital and a dot for a major city.

§ Using a blue colored pencil, draw and label the major rivers.

§ Label bodies of water in and surrounding Africa

§ Using brown colored pencils, draw ^^^^^ for mountains and also label other physical features

§ Answer Review Questions

o Use your textbook and the following website to assist you:

o http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/africaarchive/map.html

· Working either individually or in pairs, you will receive one of the following regions in Africa (no repeats):

o Sahara

o Sahel

o Ethiopian Highlands

o Savanna

o Swahili Coast

o Rainforest

o Great Lakes

o Southern Africa

· OR you can choose to learn about a specific country (no repeats)

o Algeria

o Angola

o Cameroon

o Chad

o Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire)

o Egypt

o Ethiopia

o Gambia

o Ghana

o Guinea

o Ivory Coast

o Kenya

o Lesotho

o Liberia

o Libya

o Morocco

o Namibia

o Niger

o Nigeria

o Rwanda

o Senegal

o Sierra Leone

o Somalia

o South Africa

o Sudan

o Tunisia

o Uganda

o Zimbabwe

· You will use the following website for your research:

o http://www.pbs.org/wnet/africa/explore/index_flash.html

· The tasks you will complete (and present…possibly {depending on which topic you receive and if you want extra credit}:

o Complete the African Mapping Activity

o Class Notes & Research Worksheets provided

o You will be creating a presentation of your region in Africa

o To do this you can do any of the following {and be creative}:

§ PowerPoint

§ Newscastà video tape a “segment on the news about your region”

§ Create a newspaper complete with pictures, articles, editorials, etc.

§ iMovie, Windows Movie Maker, etc

§ Posters

§ Travel Brochure

§ Which way works best for you to create this project?

· What needs to be included for my region in the presentation? (also, see Research Worksheet)

o Overview of the region:

§ Where is it in Africa

· Have this aspect on the map

§ Physical aspects (most of them should be found in the “eco” section):

· Climates, plants, and animals

· Natural resources

· Landforms

§ Cultural aspects:

· The people

o You should definitely use the group provided on the pbs website and others

· Traditions/customs of the region

o Go above the “basics”

o Is there anything that you would consider “odd” in terms of tradition? Why?

o Is there some form of “self-mutilation” (body piercing etc.)?

· Folklore

· Music

· Foods

o Bringing in something is never a bad idea J

· Religion(s)

§ The Region Today:

· What are the issues the region faces and why?

o Sources:

§ Please have all sources in MLA format. To do this, simply use one of the links on the library home webpage:

· http://www.sturbay.k12.wi.us/faculty/hselle/

o Final aspect of the project:

§ Create a “What you need to know sheet” to pass out for the class

· This should be a document with a summary of the cultural aspects and physical aspects of your region.

· The list should be in a NEAT AND ORGANIZED outline format. Please see me for additional instructions if you need help!! J

Additional Instructions:

· During presentations you are required to perform the following tasks:

o Listen to your classmate(s)

o Write 2 interesting facts from the presentation(s)

o Hold on to your “what you need to know sheet” it will be used for the questions on Africa in the Final Exam!

Useful Links for your Project:

Culture Gramsà is a leading reference for reliable, up-to-date information on the United States and countries around the world.

Africa Imagery Websiteà go here to get all the pictures you will need for your project (in the top bar go to “image gallery” to get all pictures

Regions of Africa Websiteà go here to get most of the information for your project (http://www.pbs.org/wnet/africa/explore/index_flash.html)

How to cite your source(s)à go here to get links to cite your sources for your project (https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/)

Mapping Africaà go here for an interactive map to help with your mapping portion of the project (http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/africaarchive/map.html)

Grade breakdown:

· Research Chart 30% (15 points)

· Brochure 60% (30 points)

· MLA Referencing 10% (5 points)

· Going “Above and Beyond” the basic requirements: 10% Extra Credit

My Country/Region: ____________________

Due Date: ____________________