September 5, 2014


Undergraduate coordinators attending: Janice Kroeger, Steve Turner represented by GA, Lisa Borgerding, Sonya Wisdom, Drew Tiene, Kelly Cichy, Mary Lyberger, Natasha Levinson, Swathi Ravichandran, Karen Gordon, Jeff Huston, Sloane Burgess, Ellen Glickman, Joanne Arhar.

Undergraduate coordinators absent: Pat O’Connor, Philip Wang, Laura Buckeye, Angela Backus/Renee Axiotis.

Guests: Susan Augustine, Mike Pfahl, Julie Wilcox, Mike Englert.

Legal Update – Background checkschecks and Contracts with Practicum Sites

(Mike Pfahl, University Counsel)

Mike Pfahl discussed university policies and practices related to compliance, risk assessment and risk management with coordinators. He specifically asked coordinators to send him (via email) copies of their contracts with schools and other institutions so that they could be reviewed and recommendations made for updates as needed. He stated that contracts are required for formal arrangements between the university and outside agencies in which students complete coursework (field experiences, student teaching, internships, etc.). The time for counsel to review and provide feedback is usually less than a week. He shared that if faculty members feel that a long-term relationship is at risk when requesting a formal contract, faculty can use University Counsel as the reason for the request.

Mike also discussed background checks with coordinators, clearly stating that faculty members should not review a background check and use the results to make a recommendation to an institution/organization related to accepting a student. Instead, he said that the background checks should be reviewed by the institution/organization and the decision to accept the student made by them. As a side note, he also reminded coordinators that students should start early with regard to completing background checks because unplanned delays in receiving it could cause them to be dropped from their field experience. He also cautioned about the wording used in recommendation letters for students, sharing that a template for a recommendation letter is being developed and will be available soon. Mike asked coordinators to watch e-inside for policy change information.

CurricuNet Update (Susan Augustine)

Susan updated coordinators on status of new CurricuNet curriculum workflow and training. She said that the workflow is in place but there are some issues to be resolved and that training will be available when for everyone this fall. She also asked coordinators to pay particular attention to deadlines for curriculum submissions because some deadlines are earlier this year. Coordinators were asked to follow up with her if there were any questions.

Admissions Events for Undergraduate Coordinators and EHHS Scholarships Update (Julie Wilcox)

Julie updated coordinators on scholarship funds available to EHHS students. Foundation accounts indicated that over $900,000 in scholarship dollars available to EHHS students have not been awarded. The Foundation office has asked that EHHS address this issue. Julie said she would be sending a list of available funds to each program area coordinator, along with the criteria for awarding the funds. A fair application process must be developed for students applying for the funds. The deadline for spring 2015 Nov. 1, 2014, and the deadline for fall 2015 is Feb. 15, 2015. The amounts to be awarded will be determined by the Foundation office based on the percentage of funds available. There will also be some funds set aside for emergencies and special circumstances.

With regard to undergraduate admissions events, Julie told coordinators that she would be emailing the dates for admissions events to them.