Coral Cove Elementary School
School Advisory Council
November 18, 2015
Family: A social unit where the father is concerned with parking space, the children with outer space, and the mother with closet space-Evan Esar
SAC Chair: Vinson D. Jones
SAC Co-Chair: Marilyn Montenegro
Secretary: Alexandra Valiente
- Establish quorum
- Approve minutes from last SAC meeting on 10/14/15
- Content Focus Presentation-Writing
- School Improvement Plan Approval
- Accreditation: Standard 2
- Principal’s Update
- Open Forum
- Adjournment
Dates to Remember:
Thanksgiving Break: November 24-27, 2015
CCE McDonalds Family Night: December 2, 2015
Next SAC/SAF Meeting: January 20, 2016
Coral Cove Elementary
School Advisory Committee
October 14, 2015.
Meeting called to order at 5:38 PM
- Establish quorum
- Quorum was met. All members of the committee were present.
- Approval of September minutes
- Minutes approved as written
- SAC Sub Committees Report
- CCE Teachers collaborating together to work on the School Improvement Plan
- Math SAC Committee: discussed the strength and weaknesses regarding the teachers experience with math this year.
- ELA SAC Committee:
K Handwriting, Letter Sounds, Word Families, Story Structure, Sight Words
1st- Word Families, Dolch Word Lists, Story Structure, Sequencing, Lucy Caulkins-Small Moments Writing
2nd- Conclusions & Story Structure, Circle Maps, Opinion Writing, Cause & Effect, Compare & Contrast, Basic Text Evidence Skills
3rd-Inferrencing Skills, Story Structure, Compare & Contrast, Cause & Effect, Opinion Writing, Finding Text Evidence.
4th-Inferrencing Skills, Compare & Contrast, Cause & Effect, Opinion Writing Prompts, Writing Process,
Finding Text Evidence to Support Your Answer
5th- Opinion writing, Using Text Evidence to Support Details, Story Structure Compare & Contrast, Cause &
Effect, Inferrencing Skills.
- Content Focus Presentation- Reading- Fluency
- Mrs. Valiente (3rd grade teacher) discussed the importance of fluency. The parents were able to understand what fluency is, learn what to look for in a fluent reader and got some tips on how to increase oral reading fluency at home.
- School Improvement Plan voted and approved
- Accreditation: Standard 1- Purpose and Direction
- The system maintains and communicates at all levels of the organization a purpose and a direction for continuous improvement that commits to high expectations for learning as well as shared values and beliefs about teaching and learning.
- Principal’s Update
- 2015 FSA data was reconstructed and reported for Reading and Math for grades 3-5.
- FSA scores were also broken down by grade levels.
- Students were assigned a T score that ranged from 20-80. T score was translated into percentile ranking.
- What’s next:
-Data Chats with Grades 3-5
-Remediate strands based on common formative assessments
-Professional Learning Communities
- Open Forum
- Parents concerned with classroom doors being kept locked at all times. Mrs. Saban assured that the problem would be fixed by having teacher lock classroom doors.
- PTA mentioned providing blinds to cover windows in class doors in case of an emergency.
- Intern Principal, Doris Palacio, from glades Middle School extended her hand in introducing middle school to parents.
Meeting adjourned at 6:24 PM