The JCGRG comprises ACT Government, Peak Body and Community Sector representatives. It meets seven times a year to monitor sector viability matters in the community sector and provide strategic advice to the ACTGovernment. The JCGRG fosters a partnership between the ACTGovernment and Community Sector to progress social and sustainability policy issues affecting the ACT community and the community sector.
The JCGRG met on 27 March 2015 and next meets 22 May 2015 at National Disability Services.
Government/community/business engagement
Digital Canberra
The meeting received an update on the implementation of the Digital Canberra Strategy. ACT Government digital initiatives include Digital Capability Workshops, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) Internships, Digital Canberra Challenge/Pitch Panel, Digital Hub in the City, Digital Screen and the Canberra (CBR) Innovation Network. The Free Wi-Fi Project is 2/11 complete and is scheduled for completion at the end of 2015 at a cost of $2.9 million. Bus Wi-Fi is scheduled to commence in 2015. The CBR Free Wi-Fi map is available at:
The JCGRG is arranging for the CBR Innovation Network to host a JCGRG meeting on 16October2015. Digital Canberra is willing to provide other presentations to community sector forums, such as the Community Sector Leadership Forum.
Commonwealth funding
The representative from the Commonwealth Department of Social Services (DSS) noted that grant reporting had commenced on the DSS website as of 19March2015. Link:
The ACT has received $43 million in funding over four years, with emergency relief services to be funded for two and a half years. DSS is looking at the service implications of the overall grant outcomes and is commencing discussions with community organisations on data sharing and service planning. Government and community sector members expressed their disappointment at the lack of joint service planning in the tender procurement process, and the delays in announcements. The meeting discussed ways to improve future communication and joint planning between the Commonwealth and the ACT.
ACT Budget process
A representative from the Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate provided the meeting with a summary of community sector participation in the Budget process. Bids are more likely to be successful if they align with ACTGovernment priorities, and if they provide evidence demonstrating how proposed programs will make a difference. In the ensuing discussion, members expressed interest in organising a meeting to identify key priorities for improvements to community facilities rented by NGOs potentially feeding into a Budget submission related to community facilities.
Other issues
The JCGRG has commenced a review of the undertakings and awareness of the Social Compact (2012), as outlined on page 11 of the Compact. This review will occur alongside a review of progress of the JCGRG’s work plan agreed in April 2014. Both reviews will be considered in the next JCGRG meeting in May2015. Members were asked to consider the difference that the Compact has made to the operations of their own community organisations or directorates; and to the relationships between the two sectors.
JCGRG members - Community Sector Representatives:
Susan Helyar (Co-Chair), ACT Council of Social Service/DarleneCox, Health Care Consumers Association/Emma Robertson, Youth Coalition of the ACT/Clare Henderson, Conservation Council of the SE-Region Canberra/Travis Gilbert, ACT Shelter/Ewan Brown, COTA/ MaureenCane, Volunteering ACT/Dira Horne, Belconnen Community Service/Stephen Fox, National Disability Services/FrancesCrimmins, Ministerial Advisory Council on Women/Simon Viereck, Mental Health Community Coalition ACT.
Government Representatives:
Sue Chapman (Co-Chair), Community Services Directorate/Karl Alderson, Chief Minister Treasury and Economic Development Directorate (CMTEDD)/LeanneCover, Education and Training Directorate/Louise Gilding, Economic Development Directorate (EDD)/John Meyer, Environment and Planning Directorate/Andrew Mehrton, EDD/RossO’Donoughue, ACT Health/David Peffer, CMTEDD/Anthony Polinelli, Territory and Municipal Services Directorate/Tim Reddel, Department of Social Services/Geoffrey Rutledge, CMTEDD.
Further information:
Contact Rowan Ford, JCGRGSecretariat on (02) 6205 0454 or email: