Unit 5 Vocab Quiz: 1920s
Directions: In each sentence circle the term that makes the sentence true.
- The decade of the 1920s is often called the (Jazz Age, Great Depression), or the Roaring 20s.
- A rebirth of African American cultural contributions to America called the (Lost Generation, Harlem Renaissance) took place in U.S. cities during the 1920s.
- Governments found it difficult to enforce antialcohol laws during the era of (good feelings, prohibition).
- Americans went on a buying spree during the 1920s when they purchased (consumer, investment) goods like radios and automobiles on credit using (installment, laissezfaire) buying.
- Investors also used credit when they purchased shares of stock with borrowed money called buying on (margin, consignment).
- Some bold young women of the 20s, called (speakeasies, flappers), caused great controversy with their short skirts, bobbed hair, makeup, and wild dancing.
- Many Americans of the 20s demonstrated their intolerance of cultural diversity by joining a new version of the (Ku Klux Klan, Ohio Gang) that opposed Catholics, Jews, and immigrants as well as AfricanAmericans.
- (Marcus Garvey, Charles Lindbergh) began an organization called the (UNIA, NAACP) which suggested that African Americans begin a new nation for themselves in Africa.
- In 1925, the nation followed the (KelloggBriand, Scopes) trial as Clarence Darrow and William Jennings Bryan debated the issue of teaching the theory of (evolution, urban sprawl) in public schools.
- In another trial that made headlines, two immigrants (Sacco and Vanzetti, Palmer and Lewis) were given the death penalty even though the judge in their case had not remained impartial.
- One of the decades greatest heroes was (Albert Fall, Charles Lindbergh) who became the first person to fly solo, nonstop across the (Atlantic, Pacific) in 1927.
- With the ratification of the (19th, 21st) Amendment in 1920, American women gained the right of (suffrage, property) in all states.
- One of the greatest political controversies of the 1920s occurred when a member of President (Taft=s Harding=s) cabinet was convicted of illegally selling public (oil, gold) to private businessmen in a scandal called the (Teapot Dome, Palmer Raid).
- In January, 1929, the U.S. Senate ratified the (Prohibition, KelloggBriand) Pact that outlawed offensive (words, wars). Unfortunately, there was no strong way to enforce this agreement.
- Thousands of Americans lost their life savings in (1921, 1929) when the (stock market, Spirit of St. Louis) crashed on (Black Tuesday, Good Friday).