
Unit 5 Vocab Quiz: 1920s

Directions: In each sentence circle the term that makes the sentence true.

  1. The decade of the 1920s is often called the (Jazz Age, Great Depression), or the Roaring 20s.
  1. A rebirth of African American cultural contributions to America called the (Lost Generation, Harlem Renaissance) took place in U.S. cities during the 1920s.
  1. Governments found it difficult to enforce antialcohol laws during the era of (good feelings, prohibition).
  1. Americans went on a buying spree during the 1920s when they purchased (consumer, investment) goods like radios and automobiles on credit using (installment, laissezfaire) buying.
  1. Investors also used credit when they purchased shares of stock with borrowed money called buying on (margin, consignment).
  1. Some bold young women of the 20s, called (speakeasies, flappers), caused great controversy with their short skirts, bobbed hair, makeup, and wild dancing.
  1. Many Americans of the 20s demonstrated their intolerance of cultural diversity by joining a new version of the (Ku Klux Klan, Ohio Gang) that opposed Catholics, Jews, and immigrants as well as AfricanAmericans.
  1. (Marcus Garvey, Charles Lindbergh) began an organization called the (UNIA, NAACP) which suggested that African Americans begin a new nation for themselves in Africa.
  1. In 1925, the nation followed the (KelloggBriand, Scopes) trial as Clarence Darrow and William Jennings Bryan debated the issue of teaching the theory of (evolution, urban sprawl) in public schools.
  1. In another trial that made headlines, two immigrants (Sacco and Vanzetti, Palmer and Lewis) were given the death penalty even though the judge in their case had not remained impartial.
  1. One of the decades greatest heroes was (Albert Fall, Charles Lindbergh) who became the first person to fly solo, nonstop across the (Atlantic, Pacific) in 1927.
  1. With the ratification of the (19th, 21st) Amendment in 1920, American women gained the right of (suffrage, property) in all states.
  1. One of the greatest political controversies of the 1920s occurred when a member of President (Taft=s Harding=s) cabinet was convicted of illegally selling public (oil, gold) to private businessmen in a scandal called the (Teapot Dome, Palmer Raid).
  1. In January, 1929, the U.S. Senate ratified the (Prohibition, KelloggBriand) Pact that outlawed offensive (words, wars). Unfortunately, there was no strong way to enforce this agreement.
  1. Thousands of Americans lost their life savings in (1921, 1929) when the (stock market, Spirit of St. Louis) crashed on (Black Tuesday, Good Friday).