Joining JUSP: information for libraries

What is JUSP?

The Journal Usage Statistics Portal (JUSP) provides a "one-stop shop" for libraries to view, download and analyse their usage reports from publishers, gateways and host intermediaries participating in the NESLi2 consortium agreements and from other publisher deals. Data collected from publishers on behalf of libraries, using the Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative (SUSHI) protocol,are made available to libraries via a password-protected portal (

JUSP is a Jisc-funded service managed by a consortium of Evidence Base at Birmingham City University, Cranfield University, JiscCollections and Mimas at The University of Manchester.

Who can join JUSP?

UK higher education and research council libraries.

How can I find out more?

You can download a flyer that shows the benefits of JUSP for academic libraries (

You can see full lists of library participants ( and publisher participants ( on our website,where you will also find further information about JUSP, including FAQ, support materials, the monthly newsletter and copies of presentations made by members of the JUSP team at recent events.

How do I join?

Institutions wishing to join JUSP should first log in to the Jisc Collections website and review the JUSP agreement, then add the agreement to the basket and 'accept agreement' (completing the checkout process). If you do not see the option to 'add to basket' or 'accept agreement', it may be that you do not have the relevant permissions and will need to speak with your institution's account owner.

Once you have completed the agreement, you should email us at and we will ask you to complete a short web-based form. The web form asks you to select from a list which publishers and gateways you subscribe to. On receipt of the form, a member of the JUSP team will contact you and advise you on the next steps required to add you to the service.

What reports are available in JUSP?

The COUNTER ( JR1 and JR1a reports form the basis of JUSP. A full list of available reports can be found on our website (

How do I access JUSP?

Access to JUSP is available to participating institutions.

If you are interested in joining JUSP and want to see what is available, contact us a login to give you trial access to dummy data.From the JUSP website, click on “Login to the portal” and login using your Shibboleth or OpenAthens username and password. At the pop-up box enter your JUSP assigned login details.