November 2011


Johnston Professor


Department of Political Science

University of Minnesota

1414 Social Science Building

267 19th Avenue South

Minneapolis, MN 55455



Ph.D., Political Science, 1978

University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN

B.A. in Mathematics (Honors) and Political Science (Highest Honors), 1972

Macalester College, St. Paul, MN


University of Minnesota

John Black Johnston Distinguished Professor, 2011

Department Chair, Political Science, 1998-2004

McKnight University Professor, 1996

Director, College-In-The Schools Political Science Program, 1993-1998

Professor, 1988; Associate Professor (with tenure), 1984

University of Michigan

Visiting Professor, 1991

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Associate Professor, 1984; Assistant Professor, 1981-1984

University of Missouri

Assistant Professor, 1977-1980


Books and Monographs

Three-Way Street: Strategic Reciprocity in World Politics (with Joshua S. Goldstein). Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990.

Democracy and Markets: The Politics of Mixed Economies. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1989; Second printing 1991. Chinese language version published by Wu-Nan Book Company, Ltd., 1994. Winner, Quincy Wright Book Award, International Studies Association.

The Politics of Indebted Economic Growth 1985. Denver Monograph Series in World Affairs. Denver, Colorado: University of Denver.


The Economic Origins of Democracy Reconsidered.” With Dennis Quinn. Forthcoming,

The American Political Science Review 106(1).

Symposium on Models of Path Dependence [Introductory Essay]” With John Jackson,

Forthcoming, Political Analysis, Spring 2011

“Real Time, Time Series Forecasting of Inter-and Intra-State Political Conflict” With

Patrick Brandt and Philip Schrodt. Conflict Management and Peace Science. 28(1): 41-64.

“Democratic Accountability in Open Economies” With Patrick Brandt and Thomas Sattler.

2010 Quarterly Journal of Political Science 5: 71-97.

Modeling Macropolitical Dynamics” With Patrick Brandt.2009 Political Analysis 17(2):


The American Public and the Room to Maneuver: Responsibility Attributions and Policy Efficacy in an Era of Globalization”With Timothy Hellwig and Eve Ringsmuth. 2008International Studies Quarterly 52: 855-880.

“The Dynamics of Reciprocity, Accountability and Credibility” with Patrick T. Brandt and Michael Colaresi. 2008 Journal of Conflict Resolution52(3): 343-374.

“Political Accountability and the Room to Maneuver: The Search for a Causal Chain”

With Thomas Sattler and Patrick Brandt. 2008 Comparative Political Studies, 41(9): 1212-1239;

2009 Corrigendum 42(1): 125-131. Winner of 2007 Robert H. Durr Award, Midwest Political Science Assn.

Advances in Bayesian Time Series Modeling and the Study of Politics: Theory Testing,

Forecasting and Policy Analysis” with Patrick T. Brandt. 2006 Political Analysis 14(1):1-36.

“Exchange Rate Volatility and Democratization in Emerging Market Countries” with Jude C. Hays and Hans Nesseth. 2003 International Studies Quarterly47(2): 203-228.

“Competing Commitments: Technocracy and Democracy in the Design of Monetary Institutions.” 2002. Special issue of International Organization56(4): 889-910. Reprinted in The Political Economy of Monetary InstitutionsWilliam Bernhard, Lawrence Broz, and William Clark Editors Cambridge, Massachusetts: M.I.T. Press, 2003.

“Economic Consequences of Political Approval Management in Comparative Perspective.”

With Daniel Houser. 2001. Journal of Comparative Economics 29: 692-721.

“Democracy and Markets: The Case of Exchange Rates.” With Jude C. Hays and Helmut Stix. 2000. American Journal of Political Science 44(3): 449-468. Working paper number 39. Working paper series of the Austrian National Bank.

“Long-memoried Processes, Unit Roots, and Causal Inference in Political Science.” With Daniel Houser, John Williams, and Paul Kellstedt. 1998. American Journal of Political Science 42(4): 1289-1327.

“A Computable Equilibrium Model for the Study of Political Economy.” 1998. With Daniel Houser. American Journal of Political Science 42(2): 628-660.

“U.S.-Soviet-Chinese Relations: Routine, Reciprocity, or Rational Expectations?” With Joshua S. Goldstein. 1991. American Political Science Review 85(1): 17-36.

“Systematic Sampling, Temporal Aggregation, and the Study of Political Relationships” 1989. Political Analysis vol. 1. James Stimson Editor. Ann Arbor, Michigan: The University of Michigan Press.

“Vector Autoregression and the Study of Politics.” With John T. Williams and Tse-min Lin. 1989. American Journal of Political Science 33(4): 842-877.

“International Economic Relations and the Entrepreneurial State.” With Raymond D. Duvall.1984. Economic Development and Cultural Change32(2): 373-400.

“The Relationship Between Defense Spending and Inflation.” With Harvey Starr, Frank Hoole, and Jeffrey Hart. 1984 Journal of Conflict Resolution28(1): 103-122.

“The Use of Markov Models to Analyze Interaction Processes.” With William Berry and Brian Job. 1984. Political MethodologyWinter: 250-284.

“The Techno-Bureaucratic Elite and the Entrepreneurial State in the Dependent Industrialization.” With Raymond Duvall. 1983. American Political Science Review 77(3): 569-587.

“Granger Causality and the Time Series Analysis of Political Relationships.” 1983. American Journal of Political Science 27(3): 327-358.

“DeGustibus Non Est Disputandum? (There is no arguing about tastes?)” [Reply to a Comment by Christopher Achen] With Duncan Snidal. 1983. Canadian Journal of Political Science 16(1): 155-160.

“State Entreprenuership and Dependent Development.” 1982 American Journal of Political Science 26(1): 90-112.

“Diffusion, Development and Democratization: The Extension of the Suffrage in Western Europe.” With Duncan Snidal. 1982. Canadian Journal of Political Science 15(2): 299-330.

“Constitutions, Charters, and Covenants: An Analysis of Decision Rules in International Organizations” With Cynthia Cannizzo. 1981 Journal of Peace Research 18(4): 277-288.

“The State and Dependent Development” With Raymond Duvall. 1981. International Studies Quarterly 25(1); 99-118. Reprinted in World System Structure: Continuity and Change W. Ladd Hollist and James N. Rosenau Editors. Beverly Hills, California: Sage Publications, 1982.

“The Logic of Franchisement: A Decision Theoretic Analysis” 1980. Comparative Political Studies 13(1): 61-96.

“Scientific Forecasts in International Relations: Problems of Definition and Epistemology”

With Brian Job. 1979. International Studies Quarterly 23(1): 113-143; along with A Brief Reply to Professor Choucri, Ibid. 151-155.

“Carrots, Sticks and Liars: Incentives Information and Entrepreneurial Politics” 1977. Political Methodology, Spring: 185-193.

“A Decision Theoretic Explanation of Electoral Reform in Sweden: The Modification of the Sainte Lague Formula” 1977. Comparative Political Studies 10(2): 279-288.

Chapters in Edited Volumes

“Democracy and Markets in the Twenty-First Century: An Agenda.” In Democracy in the

Twenty-First Century Peter Nardulli Editor, Champaign, Illinois:University of Illinois

Press, 2008.

“The Politics of Public and Private Investment in Britain.” With James Alt. 1993. In The Comparative Political Economy of the Welfare State T. Janoski and A.Hicks Editors. New York:

Cambridge University Press.

Research In Progress

“Dynamic Elicited Priors for Updating Covert Networks: Evidence From Experimentation” With Jeff Gill. Presented at the Annual Summer Meeting of the Political Methodology Section of the American Political Science Association, University of

Michigan, July. Presentation and application of Elicit.1, a software package for Bayesian elicitation (with Steve Haptonstahl)

“Can Time Series Methods Be Used to Detect Path Dependence” (third draft)

“Racing Horses: Constructing and Evaluating Forecasts In Political Science” (With Presented at the 28thAnnual Summer Meeting of the Political Methodology Society, Princeton University, July 2011


Book Reviews

Review of Scott Gates and Brian Hume’s Games, Information and Politics 1998 Journal of Politics 60(2): 558-560.

Review of Adam Przeworski’s Democracy and the Market: Political and Economic Reform in Eastern Europe and Latin America 1993. Journal of Politics 55(1): 283-284.

Review of David Apter’s Rethinking Development 1989. American Political Science Review83(3): 1046-1047.

Review of Yair Aharoni’s The Evolution and Management of State-owned Enterprises 1987. American Political Science Review 81(4): 1423-1424.


“An Annotated Bibliography on Vector Autoregression” With John T. Williams 1989 The Political Methodologist 2(1): 2-5

“Systematic Sampling and Temporal Aggregation: A Bibliography” 1989 The Political Methodologist 2(2): 4-7


“The Multi-site Interactive Video Curriculum in Advanced Data Analysis in Political Science” With Kathy Powers, Janet Box-Steffensmeier, W.Philips Shively and others 1992The Political Methodologist 8(1): 2-8.

“Methodology” With W.Philips Shively. 1992 Political Science Course Syllabi Collection. Washington D.C. The American Political Science Association.


“A Free Enterprise Economy and Social Welfare” (with Peter Narduli) Center for the Study of Democratic Governance, University of Illinois (

“Three Indices of Economic Freedom: A Critical Evaluation.” Center for the Study of Democratic Governance, University of Illinois.



Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2009

Dean’s Medal, College of Liberal Arts, 2009

Fellow, Political Methodology Section/Society, American Political Science Association, 2008

Gosnell Award, for best research on political methodology presented at a conference in 2008

With Jeff Gill for “Dynamic Elicited Priors for Updating Covert Networks.”

Robert H. Durr Award, for best paper applying quantitative methods to a substantive problem,

2006, With Thomas Sattler and Patrick Brandt. Midwest Political Science Association, for

“Political Accountability and the Room to Maneuver: A Search for a Causal Chain.”

Distinguished McKnight University Professor, 1996-2001


Quincy Wright Award for the Best Book in International Relations [for Democracy and Markets]1990 The International Studies Association.

RESEARCH GRANTS ($ to home institution)

Development of a Technology for Real-Time Ex Ante Forecasting of Intra and International Conflict Patrick Brandt and Philip Schrodt collaborators, 2009-2011 The National Science Foundation ($168,445).

Bayesian Time Series Models for the Analysis of International Conflict. Patrick Brandt collaborator. 2004-2005 The National Science Foundation ($195,000)

Government Responsibility Attributions and the Room to Maneuver Debate 2005-6

Time Sharing Experiments in the Social Sciences (TESS) The National Science Foundation.

Economic Internationalization, Institutional Change, and Democracy in the ‘New Europe.’ Morris Kleiner, Franz Traxler and Georg Winckler collaborators. 1997-2000. The Austrian Ministry of Science ($200,000)

International Finance and Democracy in Central Europe 1995-1996. The Bank Austria Foundation. ($5000)

International Finance and Democracy. 1992-1995. The National Science Foundation ($89,000)

The Politics of Mixed Economies 1984-1986. The National Science Foundation

A Formal and Empirical Analysis of Government Dynamics in Dependent Societies, Renewal. Raymond D. Duvall collaborator. 1981-1983 The National Science Foundation ($49,000).

A Formal and Empirical Analysis of Government Dynamics in Dependent Societies.

Raymond D. Duvall collaborator. 1979-1981 The National Science Foundation ($40,000)


Member Academy of Distinguished Teachers, University of Minnesota

Award for Outstanding Contributions to Postbaccalaureate, Graduate, and Professional Education, 2008, University of Minnesota.

Morse-Alumni [All-university] Distinguished Teaching Award. 1992. University of Minnesota

Distinguished Teaching Award. 1992College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota

Honorable Mention, Roman and Littlefield Award for Innovative Teaching in Political Science With Janet Box-Steffensmeier. 1997.

Social Science Teacher of the Year [The Purple Chalk Award] 1980. University of Missouri


Grant to enhance Political Science 1025: Global Politics [To introduce digitized video materials into the course] Ronald Krebs collaborator. 2003-2005. College of Liberal Arts Infotech Fees Committee, University of Minnesota.

Grant to develop an interactive television course for the teaching of advanced methods for analyzing political data. W. Philips Shively collaborator. 1994Committee For Institutional Cooperation.

Grant to develop experimental course that teaches jointly Introduction to American Government and Introduction to Macroeconomics. George Green collaborator. 1990. College of Continuing Education and Extension, University of Minnesota.

Studying World Politics Through and as a Means of Developing Proficiency in French and Russian Languages. Raymond D. Duvall collaborator. 1988-1989. Educational Development Program University of Minnesota


Austria: January and November 2000; January and June 1999; March and December 1997; July 1996, May 1995, June 1994, November 1985, October 1984.

Britain: October 1984

China: December 2008

Denmark: June 1995

Germany:February 2011,June 2008 (teaching), January 2006, October 1997, May 1995

Taiwan: July 2010, July 2009 (teaching)



Co-editor (with John Jackson) of Symposium on Models of Path Dependence. Forthcoming, Political Analysis Spring 2011

EDITOR, Political Analysis. 1991-1995. Edited volumes (annuals) 4, 5, 6. University of Michigan Press.


The American Political Science Review 1982-1985

The American Journal of Political Science 1988-1993, 2001-2009

The Journal of Politics 2001-2005

Comparative Political Studies 1978-2005

International Studies Quarterly 1985-2009

The Socio-Economic Review 2003-2006

Political Analysis 1988-1991

Political Methodology 1985

PS: Political Science and Politics 2000-2003

REFEREE The National Science Foundation, The American Political Science Review, The American Journal of Political Science, International Studies Quarterly, Comparative Political Studies, International Organization, The Journal of Conflict Resolution, Political Analysis, The European Journal of Political Research, The Journal of Peace Research, Western Political Quarterly, The Journal of Politics, Social Science Quarterly, The Journal of Theoretical Politics, Political Research Quarterly, Public Opinion Quarterly, Social Networks, Conflict Management and Peace ScienceReview of International Political Economy, Economics and Politics,European Union Politics,International Interactions, TESS (Time Sharing Experiments in the Social Sciences), The Israel Science Foundation, University of California Press, Cambridge University Press, Chicago University Press, Cornell University Press, Institute for International Economics, University of Michigan Press, Princeton University Press, Prentice-Hall Publishers, Houghton-Mifflin Publishers, .


Invited Public LecturesAcademia Sinica (Taipei), University of Freiburg, University of Copenhagen, Universitaet der Bundeswehr, University of Konstanz, University of Vienna, Queens University, Harvard University, University of Chicago, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Yale University, Boston University, Syracuse University, University of California-Los Angeles, University of Michigan, New York University, University of Illinois, Georgetown University, Indiana University, Michigan State University, University of Pittsburgh, University of Rochester, University of Texas, Texas A&M University, University of Washington, Washington University-St. Louis, University of Iowa, University of Virginia, University of Missouri-St.Louis, Carleton College, St. Olaf College, Saint John’s University, Macalester College,.

Conference PapersAmerican Political Science Association, (2010, 2008, 2006, 2005, 1995, 1993, 1990, 1988, 1987, 1986-2, 1985, 1981, 1980, 1979, 1978), American Statistical Association (2005), Canadian Political Science Association (2005), German Political Science Association 1997, Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (1996), International Political Economy Society (2009, 2006), International Political Science Association (1982), International Studies Association (2006, 2004, 2001, 1989, 1982, 1981, 1980, 1977), Midwest Political Science Association (2007, 2006, 2005, 1999, 1997, 1982, 1980, 1979, 1977), Western Political Science Association (1986).

Panel Chair and (or) Discussant American Political Science Association (2010, 2008, 2002, 2000, 1999, 1996, 1995, 1993, 1991, 1989, 1987, 1986, 1985, 1984, 1977), Midwest Political Science Association (2007, 2004, 2000, 1999, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1988, 1985, 1981), International Studies Association (1998).

PROFESSIONAL SERVICE (National and Regional)

Panelist, Methods, Measurement, and Statistics Program, The National Science

Foundation, 2010-2012

Political Methodology Society of the American Political Science Association, Many

activities, most recently, chaired committee for selection of 2009 Fellows of the Society

Faculty Representative, American Political Science Association, COSSA (Consortium of

Social Science Associations), 2009-2011

Member, Committee of Visitors, SES and Political Science Programs, The National Science

Foundation, 2007

Panelist, Mathematical and Statistical Behavioral Social Science Program, The National

Science Foundation, 2006.

Member, Council, Midwest Political Science Association 2004-2006

Chair, Best Dissertation in Political Economy Selection Committee, Political Economy

Section of the A.P.S.A., 2006

Member, Westview Press Award Selection Committee for the Best Paper presented by a Graduate Student at the 2002 Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association.

Member, Miller Award Committee for the Best Article in the 2000 Volume of Political Analysis

Senior Master, Merriam Laboratory Masters Seminar, University of Illinois, 1998

Co-Chair, 1997 Convention, Midwest Political Science Association

Member, 1993-1994 Quincy Wright Book Award Committee, International Studies Association

Member, Department Review Teams, University of Michigan (2), Emory University, University of Nebraska, Marquette University, Iowa State University

Select Committee, Empirical Implications of Theoretical Models. The National Science Foundation, 2001

Select Committee, Democracy and Markets, The National Science Foundation 1990-1991.

Political Science Advisory Board The National Science Foundation 1989-1991.

President, Political Methodology Section of the American Political Science Association. 1989-1991.

Executive Committee, Organized Section for Comparative Politics of the American Political Science Association 1989-1991.

Section Head for Comparative Politics, Program Committee, 1990 Meeting of the American Political Association.

Section Head for Mathematical and Statistical Modeling, Program Committee, 1990 Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association.

Chair, 1989 Franklin L. Burdette Pi Sigma Alpha Award Committee, American Political Science Association.

Executive Committee, Political Methodology Section of the American Political Science Association 1987-1993.

Section Head for Political Economy, Program Committee for the 1986 Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association.

Professional Service (University of Minnesota and College of Liberal Arts)

Chair, Associate Dean Search Committee, College of Liberal Arts, 2011

Member, College of Liberal Arts Committee for 2015, 2010-11

Member, Winton Chair Selection Committee, College of Liberal Arts, 2008-9

Vice President’s Research and Scholarship Advisory Panel, Graduate School, 2007-9

Honors CollegeCore Faculty for Political Science, College of Liberal Arts 2004-6;

Birkelo (2006) and Truman (2005, 2006) Scholarship Selection Committees

Promotion and Tenure Committee, College of Liberal Arts, 2005-7

Member, Selection Committee, Distinguished McKnight University Professorships, Graduate School, 2003-2005

Member, Truman Scholarship Selection Committee, 2004-2005.

Member, Austrian Studies Center Advisory Committee, College of Liberal Arts, 1985-2007

Chair, Council of Chairs and Directors, College of Liberal Arts, 1999-2000

Member, Review Committee for first term of College of Liberal Arts Dean (Rosenstone)

Co-Chair, Dean’s Task Force on International Studies, College of Liberal Arts 1997-1998

Member, College of Liberal Arts, Nomination/Selection Committee, Morse-Alumni Distinguished Teacher Award 1996-1997

Member, University of Minnesota Grievance Panel 1995-1998

Member, Stassen Chair Search Committee, Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, 2003-2004, 1990-1991

Member, Freeman Chair Search Committee, Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, 1993-1996.

Member, Grants-In-Aid Committee, Graduate School. 1993-1997

Member, Summer Research Fellowship Award Committee, Graduate School, 1990-1991

Member, Advisory Committee, Institute of International Studies, College of Liberal Arts 1990

Professional Service (Department)

Department Chair, 1998-2004

Member, Merit Advisory Committee (several times)

Member, Graduate Work Committee1994-1997; 2008-9

Director of Graduate Student Recruitment1994-1997; 2009

Graduate Student Placement Directors (several times)

Chair and Member, Faculty Search Committees (several)

Field Head Methodology (numerous years)

Director&Instructor, Math-Statistics Camp for Incoming Graduate Students 2005-2011




Time Series Analysis, Academia Sinica, Taipei, July 2009

Time Series Analysis, University of Freiburg, Germany June 2008


Advanced Bayesian Models for the Social Sciences

ICPSR, University of Michigan (co-taught with Jeff Gill,

Patrick Brandt, and Jong Hee Park, summer 2008)


POL1025: Global Politics

HSEM3050: Democracy and Markets

HSEM3090: The Politics of World Trade and Money

POL 4481/5481: Government and Markets


POL8101: Introduction to Political Science (most recently team taught with Jeffrey


POL8120: Core Course in Models and Methods

POL8125: Dynamic Analysis (via interactive video, most recently team taught with Janet

Box-Steffensmeier and Jon Pevehouse)

POL8637: Comparative Political Economy