Purpose: / Toraisestandards ofpupil attainmentandachievement within the Mathsdepartment and tomonitorand supportpupil
Tobe accountableforpupil progressand development within the Mathsdepartment.
Todevelop and enhancetheteaching practice of others.
Toensuretheprovisionofanappropriatelybroad,balanced, relevantand differentiated curriculumforpupilsstudyingin the department,inaccordance with the aimsof the school and the curricularpolicies determined bytheGoverning Bodyand Headteacher oftheschool
Tobe accountablefor leading, managing and developing the subject/curriculumarea.
Toeffectivelymanageand deployteaching/support staff, financial andphysical resourceswithin the Mathsdepartment.
Reportingto: / Head Teacher
Responsiblefor: / Teachingstaff and otherrelevantpersonnel within thedepartment.
Liaisingwith: / Head/SLT, other Curriculum Leaders, SENCO, HOYs and other relevant staff with cross-school responsibilities, relevant non-
teaching support staff,LEA staff, parents.
WorkingTime: / 195 daysperyear.Fulltime
Disclosurelevel / Enhanced
Teaching / Toundertakeanappropriateprogrammeofteachingin accordancewith the duties ofa standard scaleteacher.
Strategic Planning / Tolead thedevelopment ofappropriatesyllabuses, resources, schemesofwork, marking policies,assessmentand teaching
and learning strategies in thedepartment.
Tosecuretheday-to-daymanagement, control and operation of course provision with thedepartment, including effective
deploymentofstaff andphysical resources.
Toactivelymonitorandfollowup pupil progress
To implement School Policies and Procedures,e.g. Equal
Opportunities, Health and Safety, COSHH.
Toworkwith colleaguestoformulateaims, objectives and strategicplansforthe Mathsdepartmentwhich have coherence
and relevance totheneeds ofpupilsandtotheaims, objectives
and strategicplansof the School.
Tolead andmanagetheplanning function of the Maths department,andtoensurethat theplanning activities ofthe
department reflect theneedsofpupilswithin the SDP/DDP and
the aimsandobjectivesofthe School.
In conjunction with the Cross CurricularICTCo-ordinatorto fosterandoverseethe application ofI.C.T. in Maths,including
the development ofmaterialsforIndependentLearning.
ToensurethatHealthand Safetypolicies andpractices, includingRiskAssessments, throughouttheDepartment are in-
line with national requirementsand areupdatedwhere
necessary, throughliaising with the School'sHealth and Safety
Provision: / Toliaise with the relevant memberof theSLTtoensurethe deliveryofan appropriate,comprehensive,highqualityand cost-
effective curriculumprogramme which complements the School
Improvement Plan/School SelfEvaluation.
Development: / Tolead curriculumdevelopmentfor the whole department.
Tokeep uptodatewithnational developmentsinMathsand in teaching practice and methodology.
Toactivelymonitorand respond tocurriculumdevelopmentand initiatives atnational, regional and local levels.
Toliaise withseniorcolleagues tomaintain accreditation with the relevantexamination and validatingbodies.
Toensurethat thedevelopment ofMathsisin line with national developments.
Staff Development: Recruitment/
Staff / Toworkwith the AssistantHead(Professional Development) to ensurethat staffdevelopment needsareidentified andthat
appropriateprogrammesaredesignedtomeet such needs.
Tocontributeto Performance ManagementReview(s)andto act as teamleader foragroup ofstaffwithinthe designated department.
Tomakeappropriatearrangementsfor classeswhen staff are absent, ensuring appropriatecoverwithin the department,liaising
with thecoversupervisor/relevantstaff to secureappropriate
coverwithin the department.
Toparticipate inthe interviewprocessfor teaching postswhen required andtoensure effective induction ofnewstaffin line with School procedures.
Topromoteteamworkand tomotivatestaff to ensure effective working relations.
Toparticipate intheschool’sITTprogramme.
Toberesponsiblefor theday-to-daymanagement ofstaffwithin the Mathsdepartment and act asa positive role model.
QualityAssurance: / Toensuretheeffectiveoperation of qualitycontrol systems.
Toestablishthe processofthe setting oftargetswithin the Maths department andto worktowards theirachievement.
Toestablish common standardsofpracticewithin the department and develop the effectiveness ofteaching and learning styles in
all subjectareaswithin the Mathsdepartment.
TocontributetotheSchool proceduresfor lesson observation.
ToimplementSchoolqualityprocedures andto ensure adherencetothosewithin thedepartment.
Tomonitorandevaluatethe Mathsdepartment inline with agreed School procedures includingevaluation againstquality
standardsandperformance criteria.
Toseek/implement modification andimprovementwhere required.
Toensurethat the Maths Department'squalityproceduresmeet therequirementsofSelfEvaluation and the StrategicPlan.
Information: / In conjunction with relevantcolleagues, tomanagethecollection ofdata.
Toensurethe maintenance ofaccurateand up-to-date information concerningschool performance andpupilprogress
on themanagementinformationsystem.
Tomakeuseofanalysisand evaluate performance data provided.
Toidentifyandtake appropriateaction onissuesarising from data,systemsandreports;setting deadlineswhere necessary
and reviewingprogresson theactiontaken.
Toproducereportswithin thequalityassurance cycle for the
School Improvement Programme.
Toproducereportsonexamination performance, including the use ofvalue-added data.
Toprovide theGoverning Bodywith relevantinformation relating to whole school performance and development.
Communications: / Toensurethatallmembersof the Mathsdepartmentarefamiliar with itsaimsandobjectives.
Toensureeffective communication/consultationas appropriate with theparentsofpupils.
Toliaise with partner schools,higher education, Industry, Examination Boards, Awarding Bodies andother relevant
external bodies.
TorepresenttheMaths Department’s viewsand interests.
Liaison: / Tocontributetothe School liaison and marketing activities,e.g. the collection of materialforpressreleases.
Tolead thedevelopment ofeffective subject linkswith partner schoolsandthecommunity;attendance where necessaryat
liaison eventsin partner schoolsandtheeffective promotion of
subjectsat OpenDays/Eveningsand other events.
Toactivelypromotethedevelopmentofeffectivesubjectlinks with external agencies.
Resources: / Tomanagetheavailableresourcesofspace,staff, moneyand equipmentefficientlywithin the limits,guidelinesand procedures
laid down;includingdeployingthe Mathsdepartmentbudget,
acting asa cost centre holder, requisitioning,organisingand maintaining equipmentand stock, andkeeping appropriate
Toworkwith theSeniorLeadershipTeamin order to ensurethat the MathsDepartment's teaching commitmentsare effectively and efficientlytime-tabled androomed.
Pastoral System: / Tomonitorandsupport the overall progressanddevelopmentof pupilswithin the Mathsdepartment.
Tomonitorpupil attendance together with pupils' progressand performanceinrelation to targetsset foreach individual;
ensuring that follow-up proceduresareadheredto andthat appropriateactionistaken where necessary.
Toactasa FormTutorand tocarryout thedutiesassociated with that role asoutlinedin thegenericjob description.
TocontributetoPSHCE,citizenship and enterprise according to school policy.
ToensuretheBehaviourManagement systemisimplementedin the department sothateffective learning cantakeplace.
Management / Alongwith SeniorLeadership colleaguesallTLR1 postholders will have curriculum-based line management responsibilityfora
significant number ofcolleagues.They will beexpectedto
contributeto Performance Reviewarrangements,carryingout aspectsoftheprocessrigorouslyand within agreedguidelines. Thiswill include making judgementsthatwill inform the performancepayprogression ofcolleaguesandcontributeto overall judgementsof teaching quality inthe school.
Theschooliscommittedtopromotingahealthywork-lifebalance forall staff.

Whole School / In conjunction with relevantcolleagues, tomanagethecollection ofdata.
Toensurethe maintenance ofaccurateand up-to-date information concerningschool performance andpupil
achievementonthemanagement information system.
Tomakeuseofanalysisand evaluate performance data provided.
Toidentifyandtake appropriateaction onissuesarisingfrom data,systemsandreports;setting deadlineswhere necessary
and reviewingprogresson theactiontaken.
Toproducereportswithin thequalityassurance cycle for the
School Improvement Programme.
Toproducereportsonexamination performance, including the use ofvalue-added data.
whole school performance and development.
AdditionalDuties: / Toplayafull partinthelife of the school community,tosupport itsdistinctive mission and ethosandto encourage staff and
pupils tofollowthisexample.

Post of Curriculum Leader:Maths:PersonSpecification

SelectionCriteria / Essential / Desirable / How
Qualifications,training& experience
QualifiedTeacher Status
Graduate Status
Experience ofleadership
Leadership CPD
Taughtacrosstheabilityrange atKS3 andKS4
A proven track record of raising studentachievement
Using ICT inteachingMaths
Experience ofdeveloping and co-ordinating schemes of work / 

 /  / A,R A,R
A,R, I
A,R, I A,R, I
A,R, I
Knowledge& understanding ofSubjectLeadership
Knowledge ofcurrenteducational developmentsin the subjectandmore broadly
Experience ofsuccessfulleadership
Abilityto usecomparative datatoestablish benchmarks, target resourcesandraise achievement
Experience of monitoring and evaluation,including school self-evaluation, todevelop practice andraise
Knowledge ofcurriculumdesignandexperienceas a budgetholder / 

 / A,R, I A,R, I
A,R, I A,R, I
Leading Teaching andLearning
Outstandingclassroom practitioner with record of successatKS3and 4
A breadthof teaching experience within aspecialist curriculumareaand extra-curricularareas
Agoodunderstanding ofcurrent thinking about learning and assessment
Experience ofworking toimproveteaching andlearning atasubject / whole school level
Knowledge ofandinvolvement in curriculumdesign
Knowledge of the usesof ICT asateachingand learning tool / 

 / 
 / A,R, I A,R, I I
A,R, I A,R, I
Leading People
Abilityto provide professional advice,coaching and to delivertraining tocolleagues at alllevels
An effective communicator– verbal and written, to individuals, groupsandatwhole stafflevel
Able tofosteranopen, fairand equitableculture, enthuse andmotivatepeople
Can hold colleaguestoaccountandchallenge poor / 

 / A,R, I A,R, I A,R, I
Abilitytobuild trustwithpartnersandactin an ambassadorial roleforthe school
Confidentandassertive whenworking with arangeof stakeholders
Experience ofleading and managingadiverse rangeof colleagues / 
 /  / A,R, I A,R, I A,R, I
Leadinginthe community
Knowledge of multi-agencywork
Abilitytoformconstructive relationships with all stakeholders
Outwardlookingwith adesire tofindbest and next practicein order tomove theschoolforward
Experience ofworking outside of the immediateschool environmentin collaborationsand networks
Evidence ofsuccessful partnership work / 

 / 
 / A,R, I R,I
A,R, I A,R, I
A reflective practitionerand with goodlistening skills
Well organised &prepared with goodtimemanagement skills
Flexible,hardworkingand diligent
A proactive problem–solver
Abilitytomaintain optimism, enthusiasm,humour and energy,even in themostdifficult ofcircumstances / 

 / R, I R, I R,I
R, I R,I R,I

A =Applicationform andletterI =InterviewprocessR=References