University of Wisconsin-Madison
Arabic, Persian, and Turkish Language Immersion Institute
Summer 2017
Instructor: Funda Derin
Classes: M/T/W/T/F 8:30 am- 1:00 pm with a half an hour break
Location :Van Hise
Office hours: Wednesdays 2:00pm-3:00pm and Thursdays4:00pm- 5:00 pm
Office: Philips Hall
Email :
Course Description
This course is designed to introduce the fundamentals of Turkish language and culture through three modes of communication which includes interpersonal, interpretive and presentational modes.
The main goal of this course is to help students improve both fluency and accuracy at the same time. The course will provide useful and important Turkish grammar points, pronunciation, vocabulary, expressions, etc., along with interesting Turkish cultural information. Participants will be asked to work with different types of supplementary materials, completing a variety of tasks for different purposes. Active participation is expected. Students are encouraged to work collaboratively to achieve individual and collective goals.
It is students’ responsibility to come and see the instructor when they need help or want to share concerns.
Course Requirements
The basic philosophy of intensive/immersion program is LEARNING BY PRACTICING; therefore, class attendance, active participation in and outside activities are required. Students are HIGHLY urged to be in class on time and not to miss classes except in cases of illness, family emergency, and things of that nature.
Participating out of class activities, mini courses as well as excursions is mandatory for all class members. Students only miss them by communicating with the instructor.
Course Objectives
By the end of the term, students will be able to:
- develop to communicate in interpersonal, interpretive and presentational modes.
- control of a range of basic Turkish vocabulary.
- become familiar with general aspects of Turkish society, culture, and politics.
- built upon and improve language learning strategies.
- There is no required textbook for this class. The instructor will provide course materials on the web. Students are responsible to download or print out the material.
- Classes will be enhanced by various teaching materials, worksheets, textbooks, different audio and visual aids including websites, movies, documentaries, advertisements, and video clips.
The final grade based on the following percentage.
- Class attendance & participation20 %
- Daily preparation10 %
- 6 Quizzes 20 %
- Midterm 10 %
- Final exam (written test & speaking test) 15 %
- Cultural projects & presentations 15 %
- Performance, Skits, singing10 %
Grades will be assigned based on the following scale:
A: 92%-100%
AB: 89%-91%
B: 82%-88%
BC: 80%-81%
C: 70%-79%
D: 64%-69%
F: 0%-63
Course Policies
In class:
I. Discussion on current events: Students report news at the beginning of the class. Each student has 5 minutes to share a news/ a current event in Turkey or in the world. The other students must share their opinion on the issue or ask questions for clarification. The instructor will evaluate each students’ participation and their interpersonal interaction. This activity does not extend more than 50 minutes.
[10 minutes break]
II. Discussion on a novel: It takes places on the second-class meeting every day. Students will share their summary, commentary and analyzes on a chapter of Kırmızı Saçlı Kadın by Orhan Pamuk. Students will apply literary devices[characters, mood, point of view, figurative language, technique] to their analyses by instructor’s guide. One student leads each discussion every day in turn. Instructor focus only one paragraph to analyze and give grammatical explanation. Discussion does not extend more than 50 minutes.
[10 minutes break]
III. Discussion on movie:It takes places on the third-class meeting every day.Students will summarize and analyze half of a movie every day. Movies can be found on the stream at Learn @UW. The instructor will guide the discussion.
[10 minutes break]
IV. Conflict in a situation: Students will learn how to solve a real life problem in the target culture.
Cell phones and laptops are allowed in the classroom as long as they are used for class.
OPI: Students will have an OPI interview on the phone with a licensed OPI assessor at the end of the program to measure their spoken Turkish program.
On Academic Integrity: Students in this class have the right to expect that their fellow students are upholding the academic integrity of this University. Academic dishonesty is a serious offense at the University because it undermines the bonds of trust and honesty between members of the community and defrauds those who may eventually depend upon our knowledge and integrity. Such dishonesty consists of cheating, fabrication, facilitating academic dishonesty, and plagiarism.Quoting fromany Internet translation toolwill be considered plagiarism.
The University of Wisconsin-Madison has established a range of penalties for students guilty of plagiarism or academic dishonesty. Appropriate penalties include suspension or expulsion from the university, a failing grade for a course, a failing grade for the assignment, or a reduced grade on a redone assignment. All instances of serious plagiarism are reported to the Dean of Students.
Daily Preparations, Homework and Projects:
Students are expected to be fully prepared for class; this will be part of the final grade. Preparation entails completing homework and actively participating in class. Students are encouraged to spend at least 4 hours per day on homework. The beginning of class must complete assignments. As a rule, late assignments will not be accepted, except for a reason approved by the instructors.
Students will upload their written and oral homework on their personal folder on the UWMADISON BOX.
Students must use Quizlet to practice their vocabulary.
Homework based on:
- A daily paragraph and 5 to 10 key words on the current event.
- A daily paragraph and 5 to 10 key words on the novel.
- A daily paragraph and 5 to 10key words/ cultural expression on the movie.
- A weekly 3-paragraph essay/story. It will be done by during the weekend. The instructor will provide a guideline.
Quizzes: Students takea quiz every Friday. Quizzes based on vocabulary and grammar of the week. Instructor review grammar with the students before quiz starts.
Projects: Students will prepare an individual and a group project during the program. Group project can be considered as final performance. Each student will make a personal project and present it in class in the 4thand 8thweek of the program. Students can discuss their project with the instructor or have help from other students ornative speakers.
On disability accommodations: Your success in this class is important. If you have a disability or particular circumstance that may have an impact upon your work in this class, please contact me immediately so that we can work together to adapt assignments to meet your needs and the requirements of the course. The McBurney Disability Resource Center (263-2741) is located at 702 W Johnson St, the corner of Lake and Johnson. Students need to provide documentation of a disability to this office in order to receive official university services and accommodations.
Sharing pictures or videos on the social media: Students gives consent to the instructor to share activities on the social media and with classmates. If students have concern, they are responsible to talk to the instructor or any time during the program. The instructor deletes any post that disturbs any of the students.
Communication tools: Instructor makes announcement by using Remind. Students will join the tool by using the link below.
Students will email the instructor in target language. In the case of an emergency, they can call or email the instructor in English.
Subject to change statement:
The information contained in the course syllabus, other than the course requirements, may be subject to change with reasonable advance notice as seemed appropriate by the instructor.
Presentation Guideline:
Guideline for presentations will be given to students.
WEEKS / SongI / Aşk Lazım
II / Pırlanta
III / -Athena
On İki Dev Adam
IV / Türkiyem
V / Deniz Üstü Köpürür
VI / Melek
VII / Bekle Bizi İstanbul
VIII / Yüksek Yüksek Tepelere
Mini Club Activities: Time and Place TBA
@Philips Hall Kitchen / Making Turkish Coffee- Telling Fortune -
Playing backgammon
II / TUESDAY / @ 5:00pm
@ Turkish Lounge Philips Hall / Lecture on Eid
III / TUESDAY / @ 5:00pm
@ Turkish Lounge Philips Hall / Lecture on Political Parties in Turkey
IV / WEDNESDAY / @ 5:30pm
@ Turkish Lounge Philips / Lecture on Mosques in Turkey
V / TUESDAY / @ 5:30pm
@ Turkish Lounge Philips / Lecture on Minorities in Turkey
VI / SUNDAY / @ 10:30 am
@Philips Hall Kitchen / Turkish breakfast
VII / TUESDAY / @ 5:00pm
@TBA / Lecture on Humor in Turkish Daily Life
VIII / TUESDAY / @ 5:00 pm
@Philips Hall Kitchen / Cigar Borek
Mini club activities are subject to change. Instructor re-designs it according to students expectations or needs.