SC07 Schedule Planner

IBM Booth

Monday, November 12 / Tuesday, November 13 / Wednesday, November 14 / November, Nov 15
SURAgrid Pedestal Staffing
SURA / SURAgrid Institutions Demos / SURA / SURAgrid Institutions Demos / SURA / SURAgrid Institutions Demos
8am Setup / LA / 10am / LA / 10am / LA / 10am / DW
9am Setup / LA / 11am / LA / 11am / MFY / 11am / DW
10am Setup / LA / 12pm / LA / 12pm / MFY / 12pm / DW
11am Setup / LA / 1pm / 1pm / MFY / 1pm / DW
2pm / MFY / 2pm / MFY / 2pm / DW
3pm / MFY / 3pm / LA / 3pm / DW
4pm / MFY / 4pm / LA / 4pm Dismantle / DW
5pm / LA / 5pm / LA
Opening Gala
7pm – 9pm / LA, GC, MFY, DW
IBM Theater Presentations times to be determined - 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday/Wednesday; 10:30am to 1:30pm Thursday
1.  SURAgrid/SCOOP Theater Presentation (Gary/Phil) – requested 10:30am either Tuesday/Wednesday
2.  GSU/Virtual Parasite Theater Presentation (Tarynn)
3.  GSU/Case Study Theater Presentation (Art)
4.  GSU/Molecular Dynamics Simulation Theater Presentation (Maryam Rahimian)

·  John-Paul Robinson/UAB will do a Gridway Demo

·  TTU, ODU, UAB, and GSU demos at the SURAgrid pedestal to be defined

·  Steve Johnson will answer later after confirming he will be in attendance

5.  SC07 Schedule Planner

SURAgrid Member Booths

8 ½ x 11 Foam Core SURAgrid / SURAgrid Handout / Topical
24 x 36 Poster / Application
Glossy(s) / SURAgrid Presentation / Clips / Notes
DELL / Gary is working this.
University of Kentucky / yes / tbd
LSU CCT / yes / limited / tbd / yes / yes / yes / Short presentations (10 minutes)
Gulf Coast Academic Supercomputing
– Rice, TAMU, UH / yes / limited / tbd / yes / yes / yes / Short presentations (10 minutes)
Renaissance Computing Institute / yes / limited / tbd / yes / yes / yes / Short presentations (10 minutes)
TACC / yes / limited / no / yes / no / yes / - No theater – no extra space on the display
Texas Tech University / yes / yes
University of Florida / yes / tbd
University of Louisiana at Lafayette / yes / tbd
University of Southern California / yes / yes
Vanderbilt Advanced Computing / yes / tbd

1.  Place handouts in a SURAgrid folder to keep them more organized and make it easier for folks to get all of them.

2.  Provide small number of folders to each member booth

3.  Each morning plan a SURA staff member will walk the floor and replenish supply of SURAgrid Handouts

SC07 Exhibitor Floor Plan