Dinosaur Guts

Adventure Program


Adventure programs are a requirement of the Joey Scout Adventure Challenge Award, which also includes 2 outings, Log Sheets completed by each Joey Scout, and Photos and Mob Article.

Elements of an Adventure Program

·  The entire program is an imaginary journey that ‘travels’ from place to place, or through time

·  The Joeys will progress through linked activities towards a goal or quest

·  Dress-up is optional but adds atmosphere, especially if leaders and parent helpers also dress up


Our dinosaur is constructed using a large tent (the guts), a sturdy cardboard box (mouth) with polystyrene teeth mounted over a ladder & slide (neck) and using tunnel materials for the tail. A tub of slime (extension of the guts) and small ice block fossils are set up outside the tent (on tarp for easier clean-up). Use your imagination to set the scene inside the monster’s belly. Clue-bags are made from vinyl material (pre-punched holes), threaded with lacing, cord or raffia. Clues are hidden in the tent, the slime and the ice blocks and can be anything from bones to teeth, lollies, pictures, shells, plastic toys.

Dinosaur Guts Program Outline

Step back in time to the Jurassic Age! We arrive at the mouth of a prehistoric dinosaur to discover that the huge creature has eaten all of the clues that get us back. Our Mission is to explore the monster’s guts to retrieve the clues and return our whole Joey Mob back safely to the present.

Activity 1: Making Clue Bags from animal skin and vines

Enter the Dinosaur: Climb ladder into its mouth, slide down the neck and land in the guts

Game 1: Hot Dinosaur Egg

Find 1st Clue: An eye from a swallowed animal (marble)

Exit to 2nd gut: Break into 2 groups to find clues in slimy guts (bone, tooth, leaf) and to dig for fossils (collect 1 fossil)

Each group wash hands and swap

Wash hands and play game two.

Game 2: Dinosaur Mime Game.

Return to main gut:

Game 3: Who Am I?

Story: Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs

Find last Clue: dinosaur card

Hold tight to your bag of clues and say the name of your dinosaur to enter the dinosaur’s tail and be transported back to Present Day

Dinosaur Guts Adventure Program


Hot Dinosaur Egg (played like Hot Potato); (pass an egg around the circle and if you drop it you are out) you can sing a song as you play or modify the game to suit your mob.

Who am I (guess the dinosaur); Joeys have to ask a series of questions to find out what sort of dinosaur the leader is. The leader can only answer yes or no.

Dinosaur Mime Children call out the names of dinosaurs and have to act like that dinosaur moving gradually back to the inside of the tent.

Slime Recipe: 2 pkts pure soap flakes (eg Lux) dissolved in 4 litres boiling water, add cold water to reach desired consistency allow to set overnight and add water if needed to keep a slimy consistency. This recipe is trial and error and seems to work differently every time I make it! As long as it is gooey the Joey’s love it.

Fossils: For each fossil freeze 1 plastic toy dinosaur in disposable plastic cup 1/2 –filled with cordial; when frozen top up cordial and return to freezer. To retrieve the fossil Joeys chip away the ice with a spoon.