Date: April 10th 2014
Time: 3:30
ASOC Executive Council
Regular Meeting Minutes
Room: 411B CSC
Bremerton Student Center, Bremerton, WA 98337
Council Members in Attendance
Name / Title / Present / Not PresentMargarita Mashkina / President / X
Gabriel Krebs / Executive Vice President / X
In Young Cho / VP of Student Affairs / X
Janelle Lean Lapat / VP of Finance / X
Cameron Walsworth / VP of Poulsbo / X
Kelli Alexander / VP of Shelton / X
Brittanie Tonstad / VP of Diversity and Equity / X
James Mohr / Dean of Student Development / X
Others in Attendance: T.J from Ping Pong Club and Jodie Collins
The meeting was called to order by ASOC President at: 3:35
A. Communication Items from the public –
B. Information/Action Items:
· Girl rising was added to agenda
· The Minutes from March 7th were approved unanimously after Jonelle Lapat motioned and Inyoung seconded,
· Resolution calling for a minimum pay adjustments for adjuncts, Jack Longmate is the head of this idea, he wants adjuncts to get $5,000 per 5 credit class, this resolution started from the City University of New York, more information is needed and Margarita is going to talk with Jack outside of meeting
· T.J. Torez from O.C. P.P. Club came for club approval, they want to play Ping Pong together on Wednesday during open gym, Gabriel Krebs Motioned to approve Jonelle seconded and it passed unanimously,
· Survey, it is on Monday April 21st Club fair will be going on as well, Margarita has divvied responsibilities up and they are available upon request
· Creative Writing Club- Logan A Beth is the Club President, they want a group sharing and critiquing student written papers, Gabriel Krebs Motioned to approve InYoung Cho seconded and it passed unanimously
· Change in number of signatures needed for elections at satellite campus’s- Shelton campus would like to lower the amount due to lower number of students, the change would be from 100 signatures to 40 signatures in Shelton and 75 signatures in Poulsbo, Cameron Motioned to Approve and Kelli Seconded, it passed unanimously Brittanie is going to write official document about by-laws change,
· Receipts for Virginia trip, Cameron needs to give hotel receipts to Jonelle
· Girl Rising-Margarita divvied up responsibilities Cara is going electronic flyers for big screens, Margarita is going to email all students, Brittanie is going to make Banners, Gabriel is going to give out candies w/sticker, Brittanie, and Jonelle are going to give out candies before candies
C. Reports of the Associated Students of Olympic College
o ASOC President: Margarita Mashkina-Went to NCSL and got good ideas about events, working on “Click it for Ticket” survey for students, also working on Girl Rising event, talking to candidates for next year,
o ASOC Executive Vice President: Gabriel Krebs-Working on updating website, survey event, working on making binder for next year, Went to NCSL conference, Working on “Click it for Ticket” survey for students
o ASOC Vice President of Judicial Affairs: Inyoung Cho-Went to NCSL Conference, wants to purchase camera for clubs, getting food for food bank
o ASOC Vice President of diversity and Equity: Brittanie Tonstead-Working on getting HSS to let ASOC use one of their walls to show the emotions of students, working on Visioning conference with Bruce Rivland, Working on “Click it for Ticket” survey for students
o ASOC Vice President of Finances and Operations: Jonelle Lapat-Working on Binder for next year’s officers, also she is working on final budget for deliberation for next month’s BOT meeting, Working on “Click it for Ticket” survey for students
o ASOC Vice President of Poulsbo: Cameron Walsworth-Went to NCSL got water bottle filter installed, they are planning an earth day event on April 22nd wants to promote water reusable water bottles,
o ASOC Vice President of Shelton: Kelli Alexander-Monday she is throwing a pizza party for potential ASOC Candidates , working on student appreciation day which is in May,
o ASOC Advisor: James Mohr-Went to NCSL Conference, then went to another conference which was about student success, getting back in the swing of this quarter, he and Damon Bell are looking at restructuring student services, with a one person entry service for new students
D. Other Reports
a. Student Organizers=n/a
b. Vice President of Student Services=n/a
c. Miscellaneous Other Reports=n/a
E. Adjournment: 4:44