Career Search Strategies
Co-Op Office, RussCollege
Office of Career Services, BakerUniversityCenter 5th Floor
Career Beam—search engine of databases with contact information
Register with eRecruiting® through Office of Career Services—attend Registration Orientation seminar (during academic year) or contact the office directly (during summer or breaks)
VAULT Online Career Library—accessible through Career Services’ web site, info on careers and employers
Not sure about career options? Complete the Myers-Briggs inventory; a modified version is available online at The CareerResourceCenter in Career Services has the book Do What You Are by Tieger and Tieger to learn about your Myers-Briggs type and corresponding career options.
Participate in a Mock Interview
OhioUniversity Alumni Association, KonneckerAlumniCenter
Explore The [Gateway] on the Alumni Relations web site as a way to network with alumni—must be alumni to access
Bobcat Mentor Network—open to current students and alumni
Alumni Directory—must be alumni to access
Alumni Chapters around the US and world—contact info on web site
Attend Alumni Chapter events in cities of interest—list of chapters on web site
General Suggestions
NETWORK with faculty, professionals, alumni
Utilize the RussCollege eRecruiting portal through the Co-Op Office
Gain useful advice on the NACE (National Association of Colleges and Employers) Student web site:
Search by job title and location:
Participate in Career Shadowing and/or Informational Interviews
Not sure where you want to live? Complete the survey on identifies cities that match your interests and preferences
Network with professional organizations—many have regional/local chapters
Join LinkedIn online—there’s even an OU LinkedIn group you may join and post questions, ask for assistance
Attend professional conferences, guest speakers, and workshops
Have your résumé critiqued
Contact Chamber of Commerce or review their web sites in cities of interest
Career Fairs for 2009
Winter Career Fair through Career Services, Tues., Feb. 3, 2009
Web site with list of employers:
List is updated in real-time as more employers register
RussCollege of ENT Co-Op and Full-Time Career Fair, Wed., April 29, 2009. Open to allRussCollege students
ALL fairs are held from 10-3 in Baker University Center Ballroom
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