Evidencing the impact of the PE and Sport Premium 2015-2016
Key Priority: PE –To improve the quality of teaching, learning and assessment in PE to ensure all pupils to make regular and sustained progress.Actions and strategies / Impact and sustainable outcomes / Resources/
Cost / By who / By when / Progress / Evidence
Professional development
- Audit staff confidence in teaching all aspects of PE to enable planned CPD.
- Subject leader to offer team planning and team teaching opportunities to support staff in lessons. Specialist support to be sought where required.
- Observe lessons and provide constructive feedback.
- Specialist training or staff, identified by staff audit. (Y2 and YR) WSA
- All staff to be competent and confident to deliver high quality PE.
- The quality of all PE lessons is good.
5 afternoons
10 staff CPD sessions £550 / KD / Dec 15
May 16 / Lesson Obs, Staff audit, lesson plans, curriculum maps.
Curriculum development
- Monitor planning to ensure broad coverage and progressive outcomes for children in all year groups.
- Introduce Real PE scheme of work to ensure a consistent approach to teaching PE across the school.
- Review the assessment strategy in place. Implement Real PE development wheel as a tool for tracking children’s progress regularly to ensure no child gets left behind.
- Implement focus group inc governors, parents and children.
- All staff to feel confident in the delivery of all aspects of PE.
- Staff to feel more confident in their assessment of PE and the identification of SEN/GT pupils, as a result planning can be tailored to meet the needs of all children.
Including 3 days training time.
Supply cover for training days. 3x180 =540 / KS/STAFF / Dec 15 / Lesson Obs, Staff audit, lesson plans, curriculum maps, pupil surveys.
Achievement of pupils
- Review the effectiveness of current core task assessment strategy.
- Implement Real PE development wheel as a tool for tracking children’s progress regularly to ensure no child gets left behind.
- Assessments are accurate as staff are confident in using the Real PE assessment tool.
- Track progress in PE and
Real PE assessment data
Key priority: School Sport – To increase opportunities for participation, including for our young SEND pupils, in a range extra-curricular and competitive opportunities
Actions and strategies / Impact and sustainable outcomes / Resources/
Cost / By who / By when / Progress / Evidence
Extra-curricular activity
- Review lunchtime provision (Playground Friends) to ensure it is fully inclusive and a wide range of developmental opportunities are offered.
- Audit participation in lunchtime activities.
- Develop the range of extra-curricular activities available to KS1 and EYFS
- Monitor attendance and participation in clubs to ensure SEN/GT and PP are included.
- Display school sport activities to raise the profile of sport in school.
- Develop the breadth of after school clubs by employing specialist coaches
- PE Apprentice until Jul 15
- School sport is accessible to all children at lunch times. Children with SEND will be actively encouraged to partake.
- All extra-curricular activities are fully inclusive.
- Engagement and enjoyment and lunchtime increases.
- 15% more pupils access lunch time sport.
- All pupil premium children to participate in sport either at lunch time of after school.
- Target groups of pupils invited to and actively encouraged to attend clubs.
- The Olympic sporting values sportoffers are at the heart of school life.
£50.00 (8 children)
Replenishment stock
KD to offer club
WSA after school club
£150.00 (x3)
£1000 / KD
AW / Jul 16
Competitive opportunities
- Buy into Warrington School Sports Partnership and ensure all children have access to a plethora of competitive opportunities throughout the year.
- Sustain links with Birchwood High School to ensure all children participate in a competitive festival.
- Further develop links with the local community: Warrington Wolves, Culcheth Eagles, Birchwood Tennis Centre,Warrington Sport Academy
- Attend cluster competitions.
- Identified GT children provided with suitable competitive opportunity.
- Strive for the SSG active mark and hold a school games day incorporating the associated values.
- Buy new kits for football and netball teams,
- All children who attend after school clubs to be provided with competitions with other schools.
- Children understand the fundamental principles of competitive sport and win with pride and lose with grace.
- Children from every year group to attend at least 2 competitions as outlined in the WASSP calendar.
- Long lasting partnerships with local community clubs will be formed that last beyond the sport premium.
- GT children provided with appropriate challenge.
Including 2 SL Days
Football Kits
Transport to competitions
Netball court remarked
£500.00 / KD
Staff / Jul 16
Key Priority: Health and well-being - To use physical activity to improve pupils’ health, wellbeing and educational outcomes
Actions and strategies / Impact and sustainable outcomes / Resources/
Cost / By who / By when / Progress / Evidence
Awareness of healthy lifestyles
- Mrs Moat to deliver a healthy cooking club after school.
- Year 5 pupils will receive bike right training.
- Cross curricular links with Science and PSHE will be sought to promote healthy lifestyles.
- Year 6 pupils will participate in the life bus.
- Mrs Nicolaidis to deliver a gardening club focussing on home grown healthy produce.
- All pupils consistently make healthy make healthy lifestyle choices.
- Positive attitudes towards being active and healthy are encourages among staff, pupils and parents.
- All pupils meet the nationally recommended activity levels.
Life Bus / Jul 16
Engaging the least active
- Run a Change4life programme
- Identify the least active pupils and invite them to participate in additional lunchtime activity and after school clubs,
- Targeted pupils activity levels increased by 50% over 1 term.
- The least active children will realise the value of sport and be keen to participate.
£250.00 / WSA / Mar 16
Key Priority: To use PE, School sport and physical activity to impact on whole school priorities
Actions and strategies / Impact and sustainable outcomes / Resources/
Cost / By who / By when / Progress / Evidence
- Utilise the house point system to hold theme days where children across the school are able to compete with one another in a range of activities which incorporate the SSG and SMSC and British values.
- Children will appreciate the values of sport and fair play. They will gain a positive attitude to sport and embrace the entwined SMSC and British values,
Staff / Jul 16