Page 1Minutes for Wednesday March 14, 2012Cranston Zoning Board of Review
A meeting of the Cranston Zoning Boardin the Cranston City Hall Council Chambers was called to order by ChairpersonChristine Coleon Wednesday March 14, 2012 at 6:30 pm. Also present,Curtis Ponder, David Imondi, 1st alternate Adam Sepe,and 4th alternate Craig Norcliffe.Joy Montanaro, Steven Minicucci, 2nd alternate Lori Carlino and 3rd alternate Sharyn DiFazio were not present. Attorney Stephen H. Marsella was counsel to the Board.
The Board heard the following applications:
joseph piti 14 joyce ann drive smithfield ri 02917 (own/app)
133 Fletcher Avenue
old business
jessie perry 105 fort avenue Cranston RI 02905 (own/app)
CONTINUED to 5/9/12
Stephen W. Rioles
Secretary, Zoning & Platting Boards
joseph piti 14 joyce ann drive smithfield ri 02917 (own/app) has filed an application for permission to leave two existing industrial buildings with restricted front and side yard setback on a proposed 152,890+/- SF [parcel “1”] and leave an existing industrial building with restricted frontage, front and side yard setback on a proposed 66,480+/- SF [parcel “2”] at 127-133 Fletcher Avenue. AP 12/1, Lot 3194, area 219,370+/-SF, zoned S-1. Applicant seeks relief from Sections; 17.92.010 Variance, 17.20.120 Schedule of Intensity, 17.64.010 Off Street Parking. John S DiBona Esq. Filed 1/5/12.
Decision: The Board made the following findings of fact based upon the evidence in the record as submitted to the Board and presented at the hearing:
- The existing industrial use of the property is consistent with the City of Cranston Comprehensive Plan’s Future Land Use Map which designates the subject parcel as “Industrial” and “Open Space”.
- The subject property contains three existing industrial buildings; all of which are located within the designated industrial area on the Comp Plan’s Future Land Use Map. ( The rear of the property along the PocassetRiver is the area designated as Open Space on the Map.)
- The property has been utilized for industrial purposes for decades, the same as all the other abutting M-1 Industrial properties along Fletcher Avenue.
- This proposed 2 lot subdivision “The Piti Plat” received Preliminary approval from the City’s Plan Commission on February 7, 2012.
- The applicant has obtained a change of zone from S-1 Open Space, to Industrial M-1 for most of the property, as the portion of the property along the PocassetRiver will remain S-1 from the City Council.
- Parcel 2 will have 0’ of frontage, with a permanent 30’ wide access/utility easement over Parcel 1.
- The restricted side and front yard setbacks for all three existing buildings will not change.
- The Planning Commission found that the application is consistent with the Industrial Use designation on the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map.
In reviewing this application for the variances requested, the Board found that the application involves a hardship that is due to the unique characteristics of the property, and is not due to a physical or economic disability of the applicant, that the hardship does not result primarily from the desire of the applicant to realize greater financial gain, will not alter the general character of the surrounding area or impair the intent or purpose of the Zoning Ordinance or the comprehensive plan, is the least relief necessary, and that the Board finds that the applicant has met its legal burden with respect to the requirements necessary for the applicable relief. In conclusion, the Board unanimously voted to grant the requested relief from Sections; 17.92.010 Variance, 17.20.120 Schedule of Intensity, 17.64.010 Off Street Parking.
jessie perry 105 fort avenue Cranston RI 02905 (own/app) has filed an application for permission to build a 520+/- SF raised parking structure with restricted front yard set back at 105 Fort Avenue. AP 1, Lot 144, area 7178+/-SF, zoned A-6. Applicant seeks relief from Sections; 17.92.010 Variance, 17.20.120 Schedule of Intensity. No attorney. Filed 1/9/12. CONTINUED to 5/9/12
Stephen W. Rioles
Secretary, Zoning & Platting Boards
Ron Ronzio took the stenographic records.
The meeting was adjourned at7:15PM