Job Description
St. Nicholas-at-Wade C.E. Primary School
Post:Class TeacherKS1/2
Key Tasks – As Class Teacher with General Duties
It is the requirement of all class teachers to undertake the following duties:-
- To be directly accountable to the Head Teacher or in her absence the Deputy Head Teacher
- To maintain a vibrant, stimulating classroom that reflects outstanding teaching and the children’s work
- To be aware of the children’s ability within their class and differentiate the work accordingly
- To complete within the necessary timescales all requirements of the AEN manager relating to children’s learning plans
- To set targets in terms of class targets and individual targets to inform progress and planning.
- To ensure teaching is in accordance with the school’s curriculum and general policies and will include whole school events e.g. church services, school productions, sports day, Book Week, Healthy School Week
- To adhere to statutory policies and their implementation as agreed within the school
- To ensure that teaching and learning for all the children in their care is supported by a rigorous routine of formative and summative assessment. This will inform future planning and differentiation of work for children
- To carry out, where applicable, statutory assessment within the school’s framework for assessment
- To be aware that these assessments will inform pupil progress as individuals and as part of cohorts e.g. Year Group, gender, vulnerable groups
- To manage the class’s Teaching/Learning Support with a view to the needs of the class
- To be responsible for the welfare of all the children in their own class.
- To be aware of, and consider, all health and safety matters whilst carrying out their duties. Risk assessment is a requirement of all activities undertaken
- To be familiar with school procedures, rules and organisation
- To be aware of Child Protection and other safeguarding issues
- To be aware of the school’s Health and Safety procedures including school evacuation
- To respect the confidentiality of child related issues and the partnership between parents and teaching staff
- Such other duties as the Head Teacher may from time to time require
Key Tasks – As whole school team member
- To participate in meetings with colleagues and parents in respect of the duties and responsibilities of the post
- To collaborate with colleagues on any special projects adopted by the school, as negotiated and agreed
- To participate in and contribute to the school’s staff development programmes and processes including performance management
- To implement the whole school behaviour policy consistently throughout the school by taking responsibility for behaviour outside the classroom.
- To have a responsibility for the education, welfare and safety for all children within the school.
Subject Manager Responsibilities
- To maintain an up-to-date policy and action plan for their subject
- To inform the SMT of developments and pupil progress within this subject
- To assess impact of new initiatives on pupil progress
- To negotiate with the HT a suitable budget for subject development using best value judgements
- To report to the Governing Body, the position regarding pupil progress and subject
- To ensure all staff members are informed of new developments and progress within this subject
- To make the leading contribution to the evaluation of learning through observation, sampling of work and data analysis
- To use the evidence and data collected to identify training needs and support, either for individuals,groups or the whole staff
- Monitor the implementation of the policy and scheme throughout the school in both key stages, in order to collect evidence and assessment data, to inform the process of improving the quality of learning
- To organise and/or lead INSET, development days and staff meetings to respond to identified needs from monitoring activities
- To support the development of the whole school team through appropriate liaison and partnership with others
Head Teacher……………………….Teacher………………………………………..