QUALIFICATIONS / Qualified Teacher Statusgraduate / Good Honours degree
Higher/advanced qualification e.g. Med, NPQH, NPQML,MBA, Advanced Diploma SEN
EXPERIENCE / Relevant teaching experience with SEN
Proven track record of consistently good teaching which has impacted on pupil progress and achievement / Outstanding/excellent/’expert’ teacher
Substantial experience teaching children with autism and/or SLD and/or PMLD
Teaching which has impacted on outcomes for ‘Disadvantaged’ (Pupil Premium) learners
Positive experience of initiating and managing change in a school / Effective subject leadership
Experience of curriculum innovation and supporting staff development / Mentoring and coaching role
Experience of a variety of teaching styles and broad range of SEND in a Primary setting-mainstream and/or specialist setting
Proven commitment to maintaining the very best practice safeguarding children and supporting well-being
EQUALITIES / An acceptance of and commitment to equalities in practice
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT / Thorough knowledge of current educational practice and developments
Evidence of continuing professional development / Take responsibility for their own professional development
Delivery of school to school support
SKILLS / High level of written, oral and communication skills
Ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing to a range of audiences
High level of organisational and planning skills
Work effectively as part of a team, relating well to colleagues, children and parents
Ability to demonstrate a commitment to equality of opportunity for all pupils
Ability to investigate, solve problems and make decisions
Ability to analyse pupil progress data
Management of people and resources
Able to use own initiative and motivate others
Ability to demonstrate high level ICT skills to support planning and assessment and the production of high quality resources
Ability to relate to and empathise with children and to develop trusting and respectful relationships with them
Ability to relate to and empathise with parents, governors and all professionals and to develop trusting and respectful relationships with them / Able to offer expertise in a specific subject or area
Ability to teach across primary age range
Commitment to an involvement in extra-curricular activities.
Regular use of a virtual learning environment
Ability to make links with other schools to promote and support very best practice
KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING / Knowledge of the provisions of the National Curriculum
Effective use of ICT to support learning
Any statutory curriculum requirements and the requirements for assessment, recording and reporting of pupils’ attainment and progress.
Full working knowledge of relevant polices/codes of practice/legislation
Knowledge of the ingredients of an outstanding special school / Knowledge of all phases of primary specialist education
Knowledge of Restorative Practice
Knowledge of MAPP and iASEND
LEADERSHIP / As the lead professional in the classroom show an ability to advise and support other staff
Establish clear expectations and constructive working relationships in your own classroom through team working and mutual support; devolving responsibilities and delegating tasks where appropriate
Plan, allocate, support and evaluate work undertaken by other staff in the classroom / Lead professional development through example and support
DISPOSITION AND ATTITUDE / Positive and optimistic attitude towards school improvement and inclusion
Open-minded and receptive to new ideas, approaches and challenges
Flexible and able to work with change and challenge
Places high priority on effective team working and works easily and comfortably in a team environment
Organised and able to use own initiative
Respectful and honest
Open as a learner and reflective about improving practice
Interests out of school to support the achievement of a work-life balance / Commitment to involvement in extra-curricular activities.
