Video Title / Description / UC / ADC / DC / ARC / RTC / CC/ ACC / AC/ AAC/ RC
Accessing Commissioner Tools / Demonstrates how to access the tools and provides a brief overview. Demonstrates how to access the tools and provides a brief overview. / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1
The Units Tab / This video describes the specifics of the features found on the Units Tab and how to navigate this tab and the records of contacts for units. / 2 / 2 / 2 / 3 / 3 / 2 / 2
Entering a Unit Contact / The basic contact information and the entry point for creating either a Simple Assessment or a Detailed Assessment. / 3 / 4 / 4 / 4 / 4 / 4 / 4
Unit Assessment Scoring Matrix / Defines the scoring parameters used to complete an assessment. / 4 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 5
Simple Assessment / The shortest and simplest entry to report a unit contact. / 5 / 6 / 6 / 6 / 6 / 6 / 6
The Detailed Assessment-for Commissioners / How, why, and when to complete a Detailed Assessment and its variations, including a collaborative assessment. / 6 / 7 / 7 / o-11 / o-12 / 7 / 7
Collaborative Assessment-for the Unit Key 3 / Describes to the Unit Key 3 the process involved with the Collaborative Assessment creation, steps and procedures. It should be reviewed by Commissioner's and Unit Key 3 PRIOR to beginning the Collaborative Detailed Assessment process. / 7 / 8 / 8 / o-12 / o-13 / 8 / 8
The Reports button / Commissioners can choose to view and download a variety of district-level reports. / 8 / 9 / 9 / 7 / 7 / 9 / 9
Using the Discussion Tab / A dialogue capability for collaboration among commissioners at the same organizational level. / 9 / 10 / 10 / 8 / 8 / 10 / 10
The Roundtable Tab / For planning future roundtables and documenting unit roundtable attendance and participation. / 4 / 2 / 2 / 4 / 4
Using the Commissioner Profile Tab / Individualized summary of assigned units, contacts made in the previous four months, and unit contacts made by a specific commissioner. / 10 / 11 / 11 / 9 / 9 / 11 / 11
Commissioner Administration Dropdown / Administrative commissioners will use this tab to assign commissioners to units and monitor unit service within the district or council. / 3 / 3 / 10 / 3 / 3

A preceding ‘o’ indicates optional

Additional Commissioner Tools Training resources

Title / Description
Commissioner Tools Webinar / An hour long Commissioner Tools orientation webinar
Commissioner Tools YouTube Playlist / Commissioner Tools YouTube Playlist
Troubleshooting Document / A text and pictorial Commissioner Tools Troubleshooting guide