High Gear Archive 01052005 - 06292005

High Gear -- June 29, 2005

With a relatively soft gong, and a few chuckles, this evening began with an unusual invocation — Longtime High Gear Chair, Bill Flynn, announced his “permanent” move to Florida, and this particular High Gear editor realized it was the announcement of a huge loss to our club. Elaine and Bill will be moving this coming week, “hasta la vista, babies!” After over thirty years of membership in our club and, by tacking on some years in other areas of the northeast — over thirty-six years as a Rotary-involved couple. Bill has been the best chair of high gear ever. (And, that’s after his having been a member of the board and President of our club.) Thanks, Bill, for all your years of Service Above Self in our area; we know you will continue and those in Florida will benefit.
Bill’s invocation was certainly special, as we realized it would be his last as one of us, but also because he focused so well on those things dearest to the hearts of Rotarians as we round out this year of celebrating Rotary’s 100th year.

Have Don Hallquist to thank for all the music this evening; do enjoy having our own piano man, not all clubs have that! And to top it off, our very own lyricist, Tom Westbrook, led the Welcome Song tonight..

After welcoming guests — special thanks to DG Seidman for sending Asst. DG Richard Borden of Manchester Club to celebrate this passing of the torch — and focusing on the many Past District Governors in our midst, a great tribute to efforts of our club in District 7890, Dan mentioned especially how wonderful it is to have PDG Jim Sheehan, accompanied by Ruth, “a real; babe” according to a lone Yankee fan in the vicinity of this editor’s table, and of course noting how proud we are to have in our midst Frank and Ceil Collins, who together are working at the highest levels of Rotary International to achieve Rotary goals. (Frank is our RI delegate to the UN for any of you who have been dozing for the last year or so. Ceil is the newest member of our East Hartford Rotary Board, Sergeant-at-arms, but more importantly, she is a walking encyclopedia of what’s going on in Rotary in the world.)

President Dan took a few moments to line up his board and give thanks to them and the many other significant club members who have made his year a grand success. Then he handed over the medallion to incoming President Carol, whereupon he “faded into the immediate obscurity of a . . . club Past President.” (great quote from Doug W, when Pres. NC went into obscurity.) Just a note here: these Past Presidents are careful to celebrate their “pastness.” This year’s picnic for Past Presidents will be Wednesday, July 20th, 5 PM, at Lake Pocotopaug’s “clubhouse.” More details to follow, or contact PP Neal for information.
Out with the old, in with the new. President Carol began by introducing her friends and family, then, the incoming Board of Directors, and took a few minutes to outline her plans for the year. A final note, in a gesture so much like him, President Dan opted to have his outgoing President’s gift be a donation to the Rotary Foundation — $300 for the foundation’s good works has been contributed by our club. I am sure PP Dan thanks you all.

Hope this conveys the enthusiasm of the event.

Ever the Empress, Mary, who organized and oversaw this installation dinner for Carol, also had some announcements out on every table for Rotarians, friends and family. Among these, Mary is reminding us of the “mock “ medical disaster scheduled with the town’s health department on Wednesday, July 27th. Volunteers from our club will act as “victims” of a pretend case of anthrax contamination who need medication — of course, this is only a drill — no need to act sick or to take any actual medication. Location is Two Rivers Magnet School, next to Route 2, from 4 to 6 PM on July 27th. “Victims” can register and be in and out in about a half hour; you will not be committing to the full duration of the drill; Consider helping our town with this interesting event.

Another item on Mary’s flyer of events to remember — school supplies collection drive which has been underway for a few weeks and will continue until Thursday, July 28th. Give your supplies to Mary or drop them off at Town of East Hartford Social Services’ office in the lower level of Town Hall.

Last but not least, heads up, mark the date on your calendar, just two days before our famous East Hartford Rotary Club Invitational Golf Tournament, which will be on Monday, September 26th, this year’s Rebuilding Together Day is scheduled for Saturday, September 24th. Our club will be helping in a variety of ways, ranging from distributing food and drinks to workers to overseeing or participating in home repair and renovation tasks at sites around town. Save the date to help!

Yours in Rotary,

Sue Klock, dedicated to Bill Flynn, co-chair for this one last week of High Gear .

High Gear -- June 22, 2005

As we arrived at the Ridge on this first Wednesday of Summer our attention was drawn to the side room where President Dan was throwing us a wine and cheese party. Words of advice for incoming President Carol - remember the medallion!!!! Thanks, Dan, for forgetting!! Thanks also must go to Dean Roland, the club's wine steward and chief party planner. You do a great job in this role. As the noise level began to escalate, it became time to enter the main hall to begin our regular activities. After our opening ritual, Rev. Ted gave a thoughtful invocation and urged us to see all the goodness around us, and to empower us as Rotarians to make things better. Luncheon was served and consisted of roast lamb, rice pilaf, and grilled squash which was followed by tapioca and whipped cream.

Following lunch, Pres. Dan called us back to order a little sooner than usual. The following guests were introduced; Bob Dugger from Glastonbury, Gordon Surtlief, from Torrey Pines, California, and Gordon's friend from Manchester, Mark Ray. The Welcome song was led by a spirited Kathy McCabe, who has been away for awhile, with Don, as usual, at the Piano. Welcome back, Kathy. The Sgt. at Arms report was delivered by Dan Dienst. He had one birthday - Don Cramer, and several anniversaries - John McNaughton -17, Mo Moshovos -36, and Gil Wishart - 4. Dan Russell contributed because his grandson's soccer team had just won its third State Championship. Mo Moshovos also contributed for a new grandson. The Raffle was won by Mo Moshovos. One of our guests, Gordon Surtlief, asked if we would sing Happy Birthday to him if he donated $25 to the club. We accepted his offer. and even sang it twice in hopes he would double the offer!

President Dan made several announcements concerning Board related activities.

1. The Board voted to give $200 to the Intercommunity Health Organization.

2. Dan mentioned recent club publicity - for the School Business Partnership Career Day and the Taste of Hartford's use of the Gazebo.

3. We received a thank you from the District Governor for our contribution of $1000 to the District's tsunami relief fund. The District raised $14,000.

4. The Club received a thank you from Laura Larson, John's daughter, for helping her attend a youth leadership conference in Washington, D.C.

5. He had a note from Roger Nicholson, now a Pittsburgh Area Rotarian, indicating that he had just hosted a GSE member from Japan.

6. Neil Cunningham spoke briefly about the Past President's Party which has been put off until mid August. Call him if you have any thoughts about this.

7. And finally, Jim Reik spoke about going into a restaurant in Montenegro on May 23rd and seeing Rotary Flags all around. Jim sought out the owner who was thrilled to see a visiting Rotarian. He gave Jim a bottle of wine to present to the club. By unanimous acclaim it was given to President Dan who Indicated it was meeting #51. One More To Go!!!

Remember, no noon meeting next week. The Installation Banquet will be held at the Glastonbury Hills Country Club. Cocktails at 6:30, Dinner at 7:30.

Bill Saunders reminded us to get going on the Golf Tournament - Sponsors, Raffle Prizes, and Golfers are needed.

That’s all folks.

Bob Wood filling in for Larry Churchill

High Gear -- June 15, 2005
Dear Elsie,
I'm sorry you could not make the Sgt.-at-Arms party last night. It's true that we can't be everywhere at once, and you had another important engagement. But you surely did miss a festive occasion.
When I turned into Skyline Drive at 5:40 P.M. both sides of the street were already lined with cars, trucks, and assorted other means of conveyance. And walking across the lawn of the Leone Estate, it was obvious that the party was already well underway. Animated conversations in small groups were going on around the "refreshment" table and the narrow passageway between tables on the patio. Rotarians never seem to tire of talking with one another, have you ever noticed that, Elsie? At the far end of the patio the Master Chef himself scurried back and forth between kitchen and grills where another gourmet dinner was being prepared. To fend of our ravenous gluttony for the salmon and tenderloin with pasta and salad that soon were to be served, a table was laden with fresh shrimp, various seafood dips and crackers, cheese, pretzels, and I cannot remember it all because I was soon among those stuffing themselves and began to wonder how I would also manage the magnificent entrée. But dauntless Rotarians that we are, we met the challenge, Elsie, and would you believe? We even tamped it all down with vanilla ice cream and fresh strawberries, and for the non-purists in our midst, other assorted toppings! Oh, Elsie, I don't know what you had to eat last night, but you must be eating your heart out at the thought of what you missed.
At a propitious moment President Dan (it was 6:15 P.M. if you want to be picky), splendid in a "D & D" green racing jacket with yellow stripes at collar and cuffs, called the meeting to order. There was no Sergeant-at-Arms report, which to this experienced collector of alms seemed a most regrettable lost opportunity and even dereliction of responsibility. And there was no raffle, which annoyed me because it was surely my turn to win. We did have the usual introduction of guests. We were honored to have in our midst Mrs. Judy and Dr. Keith Barnard-Jones from Portland, England. Dr. Keith served with our own Frank Collins on the Rotary International Board of Directors. We also rejoiced that Scotty Howat, accompanied by Nurse Mary, and Frank Kreson, Jim Sheehan, Steve Guidatti, and not least Dick O'Brien joined us for the evening. Dick with great gusto led us in our traditional Welcome Song, which he dedicated to Roger Driggs.
RGA (that stands for "Rotary Golf Association in case you didn't know, Elsie) Director Bill Saunders reported on the tournament at the East Hartford Golf course earlier in the day. A field of twenty-one had shrunk to something like fifteen players by the time the tournament actually got underway, a response, no doubt, to fear of the fierce competition this event always involves. Bill announced that Dave Amberg won the longest drive contest. George Agnelli won both "closest to the pin" contests at holes #4 and #8. There were two teams tied for second place honors with a score of 73: Amberg, Frazier, Schoen, and Lemieux on one team and Dienst, Saunders, and Tamiso on the other. There were also two teams tied for first place at 72: Ghagan, Larson, Richmond, and Wood, tied with Flynn, Cramer, Westbrook and Agnelli.
Full credit goes to Sagacious Shot Selector George for this win, because he put Don Cramer in position to hole out a critical putt for par. Actually it was only Don's accomplishment that saved George from the wrath of his partners for selecting an impossible shot and insisting on it. Be that as it may, the competitors were rewarded with sleeves of golf balls.
That's about it, Elsie. A wonderful day - though a bit chilly on the course and around the tables late in the evening. But memorable for food and fellowship. Many thanks to our chef, to Bev Leone and Jean Roland for all their hard work behind the scenes, to those who did the set-up and those who stayed to help with clean-up. Where would the rest of us be without you??
Oh! Don't forget it's wine and cheese before the meeting next week. And the Golf Committee will also meet next week (6/22) at 11:00 A.M. at the Ridge. See you there.
Your Fellow Rotarian

High Gear -- June 8, 2005

Another great summer day at the Ridge as President Dan rang the bell at 12:15 on the dot. He asked that we repeat the four-way test and not look at the banner. I think to his surprise (and mine); everyone seemed to know it.

Reverend Mosebach gave the invocation; (he asked that no one look at him either).

Sergeant at Arms again today was “Dangerous Dan Dienst” who reported a good day for adding to the coffers. Birthdays included President Dan Firestone, Stu Harris, and Chuck Clark. All paid well! Anniversaries included Nick Cecere, and Chuck Clark.

Darlene Roberts paid for her picture in the paper, and an unnamed Rotarian was fined for ducking out early last week without paying and showing up late today with no pin.


Get your money in to Mary Martin for the Installation Dinner on the 29th if you haven’t yet paid.

Reminder, Herb Barall is being honored at the courthouse in Hartford at 1pm on June 15th. Rotarians are invited to attend.

Bill Saunders is setting up a golf tournament next week before the Sergeant at Arms party. It will be held at East Hartford Golf course, and will start at 10:30am. Anyone interested who has not signed up, please contact Bill before Sunday so he can make the appropriate arrangements.

Don’t forget the “Sergeant at Arms” party at Bill Leone’s home. Save the date, June 15th. It’s a great event and the foods (and drinks) are the best.

Bob Brown has been in the hospital but the good news is he will be coming home tomorrow. Get well soon Bob

We started our summer schedule this week so there was no guest speaker, but our District Governor; Dick Seidman paid us as farewell visit today. He indicated this would be his last time visiting East Hartford as the District Governor and expressed appreciation for all that our entire club has done and the support he has received.

He presented the club with the District's [new] Outstanding Service Award for 2004-2005.

In addition to the club Citation, he also presented Service Awards to Don Hallquist, Neil Cunningham, Steve Jacoby, Frank Collins, Ceil Collins, George Stewart, and Jim Sheehan.Congratulations to everyone whomake this club so special.

Winner of the raffle today was Dean Roland. What are you going to do with all that money Dean?

We closed with one verse of God Bless America.

Respectfully, Elsie

High Gear -- June 1, 2005

June opened with a very pleasant day for us at the Ridge. President Dan opened the meeting promptly at 12:15 with the ringing of the bell, followed by the four-way test and his brief but eloquent blessing. (We sure missed Don Hallquist for the opening song)

Someone must be tipping the chefs well because the meal today consisted of a generous slice of prime rib, mixed vegetables, mashed potatoes and topped off by blueberry cobbler. I think everyone cleaned his or her plate.

Sergeant at Arms was the infamous “Dangerous Dan Dienst who reported a slow day. In addition to late arrivals and early leavers, Carol Krantz paid for her daughters’ safe return from Iraq, Steve Bates for his 10th anniversary, and Dean Roland for a birthday. He wanted everyone older than him to stand up and sing, but Dan Larson indicated anyone older than Dean wasn’t able to stand up or could not hear the request, or both.


The golf committee meeting date is changed from the 15th to 22June.

Mary Martin requested the payment from attendees at the installation Dinner on

June 29th.

Our own Herb Barall is being honored at the courthouse in Hartford. Rotarians

are invited to attend. The ceremony will be held from 1-2pm on June 15th.

Don’t forget the Sergeant at Arms party. Bill Leone is hosting. Save the date,

15th of June. Sign up if you haven’t done so. Anyone with a pickup truck willing