traffic anomaly diagnosis

Joan Peckham, Computer Science, (401) 874-4174,

Chris Hunter, Civil Engineering, (401) 874-2818,

University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881

Partial support is provided by RIDOT and URITC


The integration of data from various information sources to convey the highway traffic situation to travelers and transportation experts is a challenge that is not unique to transportation centers. This is a pervasive problem that can impede the conveyance of timely, complete, and accurate information in many governmental and commercial domains. In this project we addressed this problem through the goal of reporting planned and unplanned incidents on the highways using real-time and archived information derived from multiple sources. This is a multidisciplinary project in which computer scientists are working with civil engineers to develop intelligent real-time algorithms and software.


A prototype for traffic anomaly detection was developed that can process information from different types of transportation sources, including stationary and moving cameras, phone calls to transportation centers, GPS (Geographic Positioning Systems) devices, historical databases and provide coherent and integrated information to users via a web-based interface. This problem was developed and solved in consultation with the Rhode Island DOT. The computer scientists developed the software prototype for the system using web, GIS, and database technologies. The civil engineers worked with the computer scientists to develop the algorithms for anomaly detection. We reported results on an earlier project in [5].

The challenges of this project, included the integration of commercial GIS, database and web development technologies; the integration of various sources of traffic anomalies (planned such as construction and utilities upgrades, and unplanned such as accidents and traffic jams); and the integration of different traffic information sources (such as sensors and phone calls to the police); and the integration of real-time and historical data to provide coherent and timely information for travelers. The primary goal was to report the traffic situation on various segments of the highway, including traffic speed and anomalies.

information collection

There are different types of data gathering that complement each other in intelligent transportation systems. One is through the use of video imaging processing systems

(VIPS) or stationary radars. This coverage is limited due to the current limited placement of such equipment.

The use of probes to measure travel time is a concept gaining increasing attention throughout the country. There are various methods of attempting to gain this information real-time, such as the use of toll tag readers and geo-location of cell phone users [2] [4]. Here we experimented with AVL (autonomous vehicle locators) technology with Global Positioning Systems (GPS) to locate vehicles and assess current speeds. Specifically, a TRIMBLE GPSTM system, adapted with special hardware and software by Battelle was used.

Another major source of data was the Rhode Island RhodeWatchers system, whereby DOT employees report their travel times on the way to and from work. This is a program that the RIDOT is developing with NextelTM celluar phones to report such roadway information as accidents, congestions levels, travel times and roadway debris. This data was of interest to the research team in that it introduced another source of real-time information, thus contributing to the study of techniques for integrating different types of data.

A third source of information was a set of loop detectors, installed under the pavement, and owned and operated by RIDOT. A representative subset of these was selected.


We designed and developed the computer systems in such a way that the data is available for dissemination in real-time and at the same time archived for later analysis and use in such efforts as travel-time prediction. In this project, this involved the integration of database, real-time, web, and GIS technologies. The software technology used was as follows:

  • OS: Window 2000 Server
  • Web Server: Microsoft IIS 5.0
  • GIS System: Arc/Info 8.1, ArcIMS 3.1, ArcSDE 8.1
  • DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server 2000

Project Execution

The GPS AVL, the RhodeWatcher program, and loop detection devices were used on Route I95 in Rhode Island on a segment stretching from West Greenwich to the Providence metropolitan area. This included 14 miles of uninterrupted flow highway that was divided for study into eight segments (four northbound & four southbound). The data sources provided travel time and speed information. The AVL GPS and RhodeWatcher were used to validate the results of prediction equations that were developed from the loop data. Polynomial regression analysis was chosen as the statistical analysis technique. From this, prediction equations were developed that could be used to calculate travel times for specific segments.

The segments were selected because of the availability of sensing devices as well as their representation of differing geometry and prevailing traffic conditions. Some examples:

  • Subject to excessive delays due to a merge of another major highway and the subsequent splitting into another major highway.
  • Experiences periods of stop & go conditions due to exits and ramps to other major state highways.
  • Has a major exit at a dangerous curve in the highway.
  • Runs through the providence metropolitan area and has a series of weaving lanes due to several major and conflicting entrance and exit ramps.
  • Is a long stretch with no major delays or geometric obstacles to free flowing traffic.
  • Has a fork with a major highway causing a bottleneck situation from vehicles trying to access the highway from all four lanes.

Data was collected during the morning and afternoon commutes on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays as they has historically provided more reliable and consistent information with less fluctuation than on the other days.

First, expected travel times were estimated using the speed limit on each segment and assuming a free flowing traffic situation. Then travel times were collected using RhodeWatcher data during morning commute time for two months in the spring. The actual travel times were generally comparable to the expected times..

GPS data collection was carried out in approximately the same two month period. Data was collected during the weekday commutes. For most segments, this uncovered travel times that were significantly higher than predicted in free flowing situation. This is to be expected in during the heavy commute hours. One explanation for a discrepancy between this result (which seems more realistic) and that of the RhodeWatchers is that most of the GPS data was collected during peak commute times, where RhodeWatchers probably plan their commutes to avoid those more difficult periods.

The loop detector information provided data during approximately the same two month period. This was the most consistent and continuous data collection technique with data being collected in 15 minute intervals (less sporatic than collecting data using probes in a few sample vehicles). A problem was the use of speed bins by the loop detectors, where the number of vehicles traveling a certain range of speed is detected (instead of a precise speed for an individual vehicle). So a weighted speed equation was used to calculate the average speed during a given time interval. So, for example, if a bin for speeds 45-54 mph detected 21 vehicles traveling at speeds in that interval, it was assumed that there were 21 vehicles traveling 50 mph for the weighted average calculation. As additional data, the loop detectors are also able to collect traffic volumes for highway segments. HCS (Highway Capacity Software) was used to collect and analyze this and provide other information such as volume/capacity ratios, etc. This helped to identify trouble spots on the segments.

This data analysis was needed to be able to determine if a sampled sensor is reporting normal or abnormal conditions (an anomalous situation or not). These results were placed into database tables for the use of the anomaly detection algorithm

The team also developed a framework to apply to travel time prediction. The researchers outlined the steps to take in designing the process for accurate calculations and targeted it to intelligent transportation experts in the field. The outline includes such matters as deciding applicability of the regression equations to types of highway segments, how to determine and break down the highway of interest into segments, what type of data to collect, how to select the data collection periods, how often to collect and transmit the data, what types of field data sources to consider (loop detectors, GPS probes, VIPSs, tag readers, and radar detectors), how to disseminate the data, and how to perform the average speed and travel time calculations. This was a first attempt to capture a technique for travel time prediction needed in future projects.

One of the interesting outcomes of this work is the capture of volume and speed data with the regression equations modeling the situation on the interstate highway in Rhode Island. If speed is plotted against time of day, we find a drop in speed during the commute times. If the volume and speed were plotted on a two-dimensional graph this exhibited many of the classical characteristics of expected of traffic flow. For example, in general, the speed decreases slowly with volume until volume is high, and then speed drops off precipitously for a significant subset of the data.

The computer science students developed a prototype system that is capable of collecting real-time information sensor and probe information and displaying travel speeds for selected highway segments on the web. Since the researchers did not have direct access to the probes and sensors, simulated data in the same format as was collected during the first part of the project was used here.

We designed and implemented a database capable of storing archived traffic data, and planned projects that would impact travel on the highways. In real-time we were able to display traffic speeds and locate real-time and planned anomalies on highway segments. Other features:

  • A continuous loop of real-time map display that is periodically updated (traffic speeds and identified anomalies).
  • Software to permit the user to click on the map and zoom into a particular location for more detailed information.
  • Access to planned incident information as well as real-time speeds.

For the system design, a three –tier client server software architecture was chosen. This is the architecture that is used for most web environments with a database backend because it provides good performance under heavy request loads and is a design that permits easy modifiability and extensibility. The three tiers are the web interface, the database server, and a separate layer of application logic in the middle. A discussion of the tradeoffs of open source and commercial software is given in [5]. Information about the problems and solutions encountered and used in this project are given in greater detail in two student M.S. theses [1] [3].


The accomplishments of this project include the following.

  • Collection of traffic data from various locations using different modes of collection
  • Analysis of the data collected
  • Creation of a data analysis and systems development background for anomaly detection and travel time algorithms
  • Development of a prototype systems integrating GIS, database and web interface to display the current travel times of segments of selected Rhode Island highways
  • Completion and successful defense of two M.S. theses

Future Work

Most of the original goals of the project were accomplished in this project. There were some additional outcomes and due to lack of time and resources, some goals were postponed. This section outlines the future work that is planned in this ongoing effort.

  • Other data sources -The integration of different types of information is one of the goals of this project.
  • Travel time prediction- Preliminary techniques for travel-time detection were outlined. We will continue this work in a special project for RIDOT.
  • Emerging technologies – Future work should also include investigation into emerging technologies for collecting traffic information, such as vehicle identification tags [6].
  • Other modes of transportation - This research envisions the integration of real-time data from on railways, boats, and busses.


[1]Cannamela, S. “Development of a Travel time Prediction Technique for its Deployment in Rhode Island”, M. S. Thesis, University of Rhode Island, 2001.

[2]FHWA “Assessment of Automated Data collection Technologies for Calculation f commercial Motor Vehicle Border Crossing Travel time Delay”, Office of Freight Mgt. and Operations, Federal Highway Administration, US Dept. of Transportation, Washington, DC 20590, April 2002.

[3]Liu, J., “Design and Prototype of a real-time Traffic Information System”, M. S. Thesis, University of Rhode Island, 2002.

[4]Mouskos, K. C., Niver, E., Pignataro, L.J., & Lee, S., “Transmit System Evaluation, Final Report”, Institute for Transportation, New Jersey Institute of Technology, University Heights, New Jersey, 07102, June 1998,

[5]Peckham, Hunter, DiPippo, Hervé. “Moving Smart in Rhode Island”, Proceedings NEDSI 2003, Puerto Rico. p. 202-204.

[6][TXDOT, 2001] “Automated Vehicle Identification Tags in San Antonio, Lessons Learned from the Metropolitan Model Deployment Initiative, Unique Method for Collecting Arterial Travel Speed Identification”, prepared by Mark Carter, Enterprise Center, P.O. Box, 50132, 8301 Greensboro Drive, McLean, VA 22101-3600.

Sample GIS map with Anomaly Icons