SEE Change: Sustainable Early Engagement for Change

State Leadership Team Teleconference Notes

November 19, 2014 • 10:30-12:00

Call In #: 206-6883

Joan Izen, SLT Coordinator, Meeting Facilitator • Ruth Littlefield, Scribe

Pre-meeting prep: Review 10/22/14 meeting notes; Review draft mission and vision statements

Participants: Ruth Littlefield,Kerry Wiley, Pat Cantor, Leslie Couse, Michelle Lewis, Debra Nelson, Dee Dunn Tierney, Tammy Vittum, and Kathy Keene and Linda Graham

Regrets: Ellen Wheatley

Meeting Goals:

  • Implementation sites are officially selected
  • SLT reviews the selection process and makes recommendations for improvement for next year
  • Vision and mission statements are finalized and endorsed by SLT members
  • Upcoming meetings and trainings are confirmed

Time / Agenda Item / Discussion Points / Decisions
10:30 /
  • Welcome
  • Agenda Review
  • Changes in SLT membership
  • Carolyn Stiles retired on 11/1/14
  • Peggy Small Porter is not able to participate in meetings due to schedule conflict
/ Kerry will ask at the FCESS quarterly meeting if anyone is interested/available to serve on the SLT
10:35 /
  • Review of Subcommittee’s recommendations re: Implementation Sites
  • Family-centered Early Supports and Services
  • Preschool Special Education
  • SLT acceptance of subcommittee’s recommendations
  • Next steps
  • Master Cadre updates
/ Review committee: Tammy, Peggy, Michelle, Kerry and Ruth
6 Applications: five sites
  • 2 FCESS (Northern, Lakes)
  • 2 PSE (Timberlane, Alton)
  • 1 Double application: Combined (Birth-5 FCESS/PSE) (SAU 9: Children Unlimited)
We (Ruth and Kerry’s offices) have the capacity to support all sites (Master Cadre)
Michelle and Kerry did follow up with each site that applied to answer questions, confirm commitment and tighten up the teams. All teams are ready to go, pending final approval of SLT
They reviewed the proposed assignments of Master Cadre members:
  • Jen Cunha (Pam Miller Sallet): Children Unlimited
  • Meg Rugg: Alton School District
  • Liza Hewitt: Timberlane School District
  • ArdisYahna: Northern Human Services
  • KassieEafrati: Lakes Region
/ 5 sites, 6 applications: SLT agrees to move forward with all applications.
Michelle and Kerry will follow up with sites to notify them that they have been selected. Teams will submit in writing commitment to participate and identify leadership members.
Master Cadre members have been assigned to sites and will follow up with the sites.
  • Quick review of the site selection process
/ What worked well?
  • Good review team composition (mix ESS/PSE; State and local)
  • All reviewers read all applications
  • Scoring rubric
Changes for next time?
  • Depending on number of applications received, consider dividing up them up for review among the readers
  • Revise application (with notes taken during review meeting)
  • Revise scoring rubric (with notes taken during review meeting)
  • Send scoring rubric out with application
  • Consider time frame for sending out application (summers are not a good time for those who work in school districts)
  • Allow for more reading/scoring time prior to subcommittee meeting to discuss
/ Ruth will coordinate update of application and rubric with subcommittee feedback. Updated forms will be shared with the SLT.
Follow up discussion with Katy M. at next SLT meeting: What is the expectation for selecting the next round of sites?
11:00 /
  • December trainings (“program wide meetings”) update
/ Program-wide working meeting for implementation sites and master cadre members
3 outcomes:
  1. Self-Rating on use of practices
  2. Complete Benchmark Guide
  3. Detailed action planning
/ Michelle, Kerry (Master Cadre coordinators) will to attend
Joan and Ruth will be there but not necessarily participate in the full event
Kathy Keene (SLT member) plans to attend
11:15 /
  • Review/discuss updated Vision and Mission statements
  • Are we ready to agree and endorse?
/ Joan reviewed the process that took place over the past month in follow up to the SLT’s October meeting. Leslie, Pat and Joan worked on developing the next draft versions of both mission and vision statements. Joan shared these drafts with Katy McCullough and Barbara Smith. Katy responded with two alternatives and some questions for us to consider:
  • Is this initiative only targeting young children who have or are at risk for delays or disabilities, and their families?
  • Is our vision and mission for all children?
  • Is our vision for all children but our mission specific to young children who have or are at risk for delays or disabilities, and their families?
The SLT discussed the drafts at length and responded to the questions posed. While some members expressed the preference for the broader “all children” vision they understood and ‘could live with’ the statement that specifies children who have or are at risk for delays or disabilities.
The SLT was in favor of mission statement #1 but still struggled with the wording. The group engaged in some editing to maintain the concept but improve the readibiilty. / The SLT agreed to accept the vision statement: New Hampshire children, birth through five, who have or are at risk for delays or disabilities learn and grow as actively engaged members of their families and communities.
The revised mission statement is: To promote the implementation of evidence-based practices for child engagement, in order to improve outcomes for young children who have, or are at risk for, delays or disabilities. Children thrive when they are engaged in learning and growing as active members of their families and their communities.
It will be emailed out for final edits prior to formal approval.
11:45 /
  • Meeting and training dates review
  • 12/17/14 SLT meeting, 9:00-12:00, 2 Delta Drive; Katy M. to join us to facilitate our completion of the Benchmarks of Quality self-assessment tool.
  • 1/21/15 SLT meeting is cancelled
  • The next SLT meeting is scheduled for 2/25/15, location TBD
  • December trainings (Program Wide Planning Event): 12/8 and 12/9, 9:00-3:30, 2 Delta Drive
  • January trainings (Practitioner trainings)
  • 1/7 and 1/8, 9:00-3:30, Health Trust, 25 Triangle Drive, Concord
  • 1/27 and 1/28 9:00-3:30, Location TBD
/ SLT members have a copy and Joan will send the Benchmark tool out again. There is no pre-meeting work on the tool that needs to be done.
12:00 /
  • Adjourn
/ Happy Thanksgiving!