MARCH 6, 2018
5:30 P.M.
All board members were present.
Mr. McCallom was also present.
Discussion about the budget took place.
MARCH 6, 2018
6:30 P.M.
Usakowski opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: Usakowski, Jackson, Hand, Sturdevant, Wrubel, Deland and Hoffman.
- INVOCATION: Reverend Bobby Bishop, The Apostolic Church of Port Huron.
Wrubel would like to add under New Business, A. Fire Board Appointment Approval. Hand would like to add under Unfinished Business, D. add Grass Cutting Bids.
Sturdevant motioned to approve the agenda as amended supported by Hoffman.
Motion Carried.
- PRESENTATION OF MINUTES FOR FEBRUARY 20, 2018 and Minutes for February 14, 2018 Special Budget Meeting
Hand motioned to approve the minutes for February 14, 2018 and February 20, 2018 as presented supported by Deland. Motion Carried.
- Check Register from 02/14/2018 – 02/23/2018
- Revenue & Expenditure Report for Period Ending 02/28/2018
Wrubel questioned on page 11, the $7,215.00 to HP Electric Motors, INC.
Jackson motioned to approve the disbursement of $443,970.54 and file supported by Wrubel.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Jackson, Wrubel, Usakowski, Hand, Sturdevant, Deland and Hoffman. NO: None. ABSENT: None. (7-0-0) Motion Carried.
- St. Clair County Depart. of Public Works Minutes for February 6, 2018
- St. Clair County Board of County Road Comm. Minutes for February 6, 2018
Sturdevant motioned to receive and file supported by Wrubel. Motion Carried.
- PUBLIC COMMENT (Brief Comments)
- Two Applications
- Travis Stern
He is already trained and he is also a paramedic.
- Tanner Hamilton
He is in the EMT class right now.
Sturdevant motioned to approve the hiring of the two applicants to the fire department as new fire fighters supported by Deland. Motion Carried.
- Fire Bill Appeal: Invoice #27-762
Miss Vanluven believes she shouldn’t have to pay the $500 for the fire bill that she received. She was not at fault.
Deland motioned to waive the $500 fire bill supported by Wrubel.
Motion Carried.
- Ordinance 152
Hand questioned page 7, 3-A.
Jackson said that the residents will be questioned about their bill.
Jackson motioned to approve the changes to Ordinance 152 as amended. Died from lack of support.
- Little League Contract
The contract was approved by the Little League.
They also feel that they shouldn’t have to pay the $500 fee for grounds keeping because we didn’t have a park attendant at the beginning of 2016.
Part way into the 2017 baseball season, they did not want the park attendant to grade the diamonds cut the grass.They will take care of the baseball diamonds themselves.
- Kimball Township Cleanup
Hand called Emmett about taking care of the tires for cleanup day. There is a price for the tires depending on the size.
Hand checked with Ingrid to look up the last bill from Hammar’s for the cleanup but couldn’t find one. They didn’t charge us for the dumpsters evidently.
The road commission has the road cleanup three times a year and we might be able to do up to two miles with them. We could use community service workers and we could eliminate some tires at this cleanup.
Do we want to go with Hammar’s for the cleanup and someone else for the tires?
- Grass Cutting Bids
We received two bids for grass cutting.
Hand motioned to approve the bid from Kevin’s Lawn Care for the grounds keeping for our township supported by Wrubel.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Hand, Wrubel, Usakowski, Jackson, Sturdevant, Deland and Hoffman. NO: None. ABSENT: None. (7-0-0) Motion Carried.
- Fire Board Appointment Approval
Wrubel motioned to approve Bonnie Mitchener to the Fire Administrative Board supported by Sturdevant. Motion Carried.
James Gaffney: He wanted to know about the property on English Road that is putting a business in that he questioned about at a different meeting.
Usakowski: We have 47 open complaints. It is on our website.
Gaffney: Wants to know how many on the board voted against him. It cost me $11,000.
Usakowski: We have an ordinance that we have to follow.
Gaffney got very irate about his blight problem.
Harry Ruks, 2088 Mayer Road:
He is very livid with Neil Erickson because he wouldn’t give him a building permit.
Usakowski tried to explain to him how the township goes by their ordinances to approve a building permit.
Mr. Westbrook,
Wants to know if the township got the bids for removing blight items from his property.
Usakowski: I don’t know if we have them yet.
Mr. Westbrook: How do I acquire the bids?
Usakowski: You just come to the office and ask for them.
Mr. Westbrook: Now do we require the judge’s stamp before you to come onto my property?
Usakowski: No the judge already gave you the stamp. You had that order. You had that at the last meeting.
- Supervisor Usakowski
We did post for the park attendant positions and we received 21 applications for it.
- Clerk Hand
The road trip with the road commission is going to be March 14 at 9 a.m. if anyone from the board is interested in going. Thanked Erik for going with Rob and myself to the St. Clair County Road Commission meeting.
We had this water main break on West Water and we will know tomorrow if it safe to drink.
- Treasurer Jackson
Discussed the water and Ordinance 152.
We need to approach everyone who has a problem with your conditions.
Usakowski: Then you need a change to the ordinance to the next meeting that we can act on. We have a written ordinance that we have to follow as a board and staff.
Jackson: It’s not changing any ordinance, it’s approaching the people differently. It’s approaching them as people and not as criminal.
I’ve got an employee that is leaving us and going to another job. I need to put a person in that position and I want to go to Kelly Services to get that person until I can find the right person for that job. Anybody have any problem with that?
Usakowski: Are we posting for this position?
Jackson: Not at this time.
Usakowski: Why would we not post for this position?
Jackson: Because it costs too much money. I want to see what the quality of Kelly Services has.
Usakowski: How much does the Kelly Services cost?
Jackson: I don’t know what the rate is now. They charge so much over top of what the minimum wage is of what we charge a person.
Do you want me to post it? Then I expect the clerk’s side to supply me with some people until the position is filled.
Usakowski: We have to post internally first. Can you bring back some numbers so we would have some idea of posting the position?
Jackson: I can get those tomorrow.
Usakowski: I think in the meantime that we can post it internally.
Jackson: As far as the Maple Road leak, I talked the lawyer on it again, he said to turn it into the collection bureau and they will take care of it. We probably won’t get the whole amount but we may get some. He suggested not to go to small claims court.
Taxes: Summer taxes we have collected 94.09% of the taxes. Winter taxes we collected 91.18%, for a total of $7,223,652.40. $70,755.00 of that is administration fee and $171,460.28 is for township operating. The county will pay us $13,997.06.
- Trustee Hoffman
Thanked Clerk Hand for inviting him to the road commission meeting. It was very informative.
- Trustee Deland
I don’t think that we should spend the money to send the newsletter out anymore.
Jackson: I think this could be put on Facebook.
Usakowski: We could put it on our website.
Deland motioned to not print the newsletter supported by Hoffman.
Motion Carried.
Usakowski: We will put this in PDF format and put it on our website.
Hoffman: What about entertaining the idea of putting a revolving sign out front?
Usakowski: I think that we could get prices for that.
- Trustee Sturdevant
There is a fish fry out at the American Legion in Smiths Creek this Friday and every Friday until Easter. There is a breakfast at the Masonic Lodge in Smiths Creek this Sunday from 8 a.m. until noon.
- Trustee Wrubel
Questioned the active liquor licenses.
Do we have a job description for the park attendant?
Usakowski: Yes we do.
Wrubel: Can I get a copy of it?
Usakowski: Yes I can email that out.
Graham Baker spoke of his concerns of the questions of blight.
Richard Brower, 655 Allen Road
Regarding safety hazards on Allen Road and what is going into the St. Clair River.
Deland motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:18 p.m. supported by Hand.
Motion Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:18 p.m.
Submitted by Robert G. Hand, Clerk