Physical Oceanography

Dr. George A. Maul

Florida Institute of Technology × College of Engineering


Science × Engineering × Management

Oceanography × Ocean Engineering × Environmental Science × Meteorology

Coastal Zone Management × Environmental Resource Management

OCN 3411 Physical Oceanography Laboratory Syllabus

Monday 2:00-4:50 CRN 82096; Tuesday 9:30-12:15 CRN 82099

Instructor: Dr. George A. Maul (Room E250, Link Building; extension 7453; )

Teaching Assistants: Christopher Flanary (Office Hours: TR 12:30-2:00 (Link 124); Tel: 727-3649; Email: . Luce Bassetti (Office Hours: MW 09:00-11:00 (Link 124); Tel: 917-2458; Email .

Lab Schedule


1 Uncertainty in Data Collection

2 Temperature – Calibration Bath

3 Salinity – Portasal Salinometer

4 Charts and Compasses

5 Cruise Planning

6 Cruise 1 Instrumentation (CTD, Aanderaa, ADCP, GPS)

7 Cruise 1 (Water Properties and Currents)

8 Semester Microbreak – Yeah!

9 Cruise 1 Reporting

10 Marine Meteorology

11 Cruise 2 Instrumentation (anemometer, psychrometer, YSI)

12 Cruise 2 (Marine Meteorology)

13 Cruise 2 Reporting

14 Density – Equation of State; viscosity

15 Geostrophic Currents

16 Tides and Sea Level

Grading Policy

The laboratory grade is broken down into the following:

Component Percent

Lab Reports 60

Journal 20

Cruise Participation 20