Jo-Carroll Depot LRA Board of Directors

18901 B Street

Savanna Depot Business, Industry & Technology Park

Savanna, IL 61074

3:00 p.m., Monday September 26, 2016

I. Call to Order -The meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Chairman Steve Keeffer on Monday, September 26, 2016 at the Jo-Carroll Depot LRA Conference Room, 18901 B Street, Savanna, Illinois.

II. Roll Call was answered as follows: Present - Don Crawford, Bill Robinson, Paul Hartman, Bill Wright, Steve Keeffer, Ron Smith and Bill McFadden. LRA Staff present: Mara Roche and Angie VanKampen. Guests present: Amiee Martelle (RVPR) and Mark and Laura Roach (Depot Electric Supply).

Kevin Reibel arrived 3:09 p.m.

III. Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

IV. Agenda Additions - None.

V. Approval of Minutes

A. June 1, 2016 Board Meeting

B. August 3, 2016 Board Meeting

A motion to approve the minutes of the June 1, 2016 and August 3, 2016 Board Meetings was made by Paul Hartman, seconded by Don Crawford. The motion passed by voice vote.

VI. Old Business

A.  OEA Update – Review of RFPs and Possible Recommendation: OEA signed the award on 8/19/16, it was sent to the LRA for signature on 8/26/16, signed and returned by the Board Chairman on 8/29/16, and we were notified that same day that the grant agreement had been uploaded into their system and to go ahead and advertise the RFPs. Although the grant wasn’t signed until August, the period of performance for the grant is still 7/1/16 – 12/31/17.

The LRA advertised 2 RFPs in the newspapers and on the Association of Defense Communities newsletter/website. One for Specialized Legal Assistance and one for Feasibility for Barge Access and Updated Reuse and Business Plan. The date of the RFPs were 8/31/16 with responses due on September 19th, close of business. The LRA received 4 requests for the Specialized Legal RFP and 10 requests for the Feasibility and Updated Reuse & Business Plan. LRA Board Members Steve Keeffer and Bill Robinson along with LRA Executive Mara Roche opened the sealed responses on 9/21/16 2 responses were received for Specialized Legal and 1 response was received for Feasibility and Updated Reuse & Business Plan. Bill Robinson and Steve Keeffer discussed the submittals received. Possible contracts will be reviewed and signed at the next board meeting to be held October 5, 2016.

A motion was made by Bill Wright to proceed with negotiations with Kutak Rock for Specialized Legal Assistance, it was seconded by Bill McFadden. The motion passed by voice vote.

A motion was made by Bill Wright to proceed with negotiations with Weston Solutions for the Feasibility and Updated Reuse & Business Plan, it was seconded by Paul Hartman. The motion was passed by voice vote.

B.  Water Tower Project –TeCorp and Matt Wagner were on-site August 4, 2016. Matt Wagner was here to do the one year warranty inspection and TeCorp completed their punch list items; minor ground restoration, automatic sleeve system and harness). Upon inspection, Matt Wagner found an issue with grindings causing rust. It is assumed this is from the telecommunications company. There were also a few areas with adhesion issues. That item should be covered under warranty. . Matt Wagner suggested draining the tower to inspect the bowl and report any additional warranty work to TeCorp after the bowl inspection. His cost for the additional work will not exceed $450.

A motion was made by Paul Hartman to have Matt Wagner drain the water tower tank to do the inside inspection for the approximate bid of $450.00, it was seconded by Ken Riebel. The motion was passed by voice vote.

VII. New Business

A.  Bills over $2,500-None

Savanna Stables LLC – Alternate Access to Sewer Treatment Plant: Scott Lombardo has recently advised that he is putting his property on the market and would like to ask if the LRA would again consider the alternate route for access to the sewer treatment plant. The LRA had looked into this in the past and received estimates for the work. There was previously a survey done, 66ft strip.

A motion was made by Bill Robinson to have Executive Director Mara Roche inform Mr. Scott Lombardo that the LRA would be interested in discussing the alternate route and obtaining the property to construct a new access road for the water sewer treatment plant, it was seconded by Bill Wright. The motion passed by voice vote.

C. Staff Reports

1. Executive Director

a. Report/issues update - Building 9 demolition

Staff has still not received a response from their July 20, 2016 letter to Mr. Sawyer regarding possible repayment to EDA for the boiler. Our last attempt at demolition in 2010 would have cost the LRA an additional $49k due to the lifespan clause in the grant. Staff will continue to reach out to EDA. The board suggest the LRA secure estimates for review.

Informed the board of the upcoming round table hosted by Galena Rotary, the League of Women Voters of Jo Daviess County and the Galena Gazette taking place on 1/10/17 and 1/11/17 at Eagle Ridge. The topic is America’s Watershed Initiative and building consensus and taking action in Jo Daviess County.

Power to the light pole near the entrance: as of the last meeting we were waiting for a response/estimate from JCE to pull power from the line near the Apple River Bridge and possibly reset a new pole near the kiosk. JCE advised they were able to provide power to the existing pole/light by an easement over secondary lines. This was not acceptable to all parties and the LRA had the light disconnected.

b. Correspondence - None.

c. Property transfers - None.

d. Employment report - August reports are at 91, up 8 from July. August 2015 count was 85.

2. Bookkeeper

a. Bank account balances - As of 9/5/16, our current balance is $1,221,199.06.

b. CD –The next CD due is on 9/10/2016 for $252,761.33 @ the Milledgeville State Bank with an APY of 0.60%. The CD was redeposited for $200,000.00 with an APY of 0.75%, the remainder $54,408.35 was deposited into the Money Market Acct. The next CD due on 10/29/16 @ Milledgeville State Bank is for $50,137.63 with an APY of 0.50%

c. Cash flow - Income for the month of August was $6,946.58. Expenses for the month of August were $13,744.62.

d. Budget update – Nine months into the FY income is 138,301.26 with $41,161.53 budgeted and expenses are $236,509.02 with $542,800.00 budgeted. Yearly loss is $-98,207.76.

e. Water/Sewer-review expenses - Water and Sewer related expenses for the month of August were $3,187.10 and income was $5,297.02. Total expenses to date are $63,445.69. Total income to date is $19,036.85 for a deficit of $-44,408.84 nine months into the FY.

f. Outstanding Invoices-None

D. Board of Directors Reports

1. Foreign Trade Zone #271 – Next meeting on 10-5-16.

2. Jo-Carroll Enterprise Zone – next meeting on 10-5-16. Gary Camarano will be hosting a session with John Sassaris of MB Financial to discuss Industrial Revenue Bonds on October 4, 2016 from 9:30-11:00 in the Whiteside County Courthouse Board Room. The LRA will attend.

3. Other directors’ reports - None

E. Attorney’s Report - No report.

1. Speer Enterprises - None

F. Other new business -

VIII. Reports to the Board

A. Site Manager / BRAC Environmental Coordinator - No report.

B. Tenants –Amiee Martelle is still waiting for the Deed from Attorney Phil Jensen. She also reported that the scale at RVPR has been sold. Mark Roach reported that their building is coming along and that the concrete will be poured this Friday.

C. UMRI Port District – Use Agreement: At this time, the Port Authority is not ready to execute the Use Agreement for room 110 in building 249. They are currently using space in building 26 to start the microgreens business. They would like the LRA to consider the use of room 110 in building 249 for future use for a sales area.

D. USFWS – The upcoming special deer hunts being held on Lost Mound Unit. All hunters will enter through the River Road gate and are assigned specific sites, along designated routes, per the attached map. Here are the dates that hunters will be in the area.

Saturday, October 1, 1PM - 4PM for scouting

Saturday & Sunday October 8/9, for youth hunt, 4AM-7PM

Friday, November 11, 1PM-4PM for scouting

Saturday & Sunday, November 12/13, for hunters with disabilities

E. Guests –Lisa McCarthy (TCEDA) gave an update on the Bi State Freight Study. The RPF’s were due 9/30 and there will be a meeting with the Regional Economic Board to score the RFP’s on 10-12-16 in Dubuque, Ia. By the week of 10/17-10/24, the contractors should begin work. TCEDA has been tasked with doing business interviews for freight needs for the four counties in the study. It is estimated that about 25 businesses will need to be interviewed. TCEDA has asked Blackhawk Hills Regional Council (who is the lead in the study) to break the interviews up by each county due to TCEDA having a small staff with support in completing the interviews. TCEDA is looking at the beginning of November to begin the interview process. Many of the businesses were concerned with the State of IL not being able to come up with their part of the money due to the budget not being passed. TCEDA was able to raise $95,000.00 from corporations to cover the state’s portion. Luckily, the State of IL passed a budget and was able to contribute their portion of the study and the contingency money would not have to be used.

IX. Public Comments

Mark Roach commented on how nice the entrance wall looks after the tuck pointing project. .

X. Executive Session as permitted for the following under:

A motion to enter Closed Session at 4:34 p.m. as permitted for the following under:

5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (6). The setting of a price for sale or lease of property owned by the public body.

was made by Bill Robinson, seconded by Paul Hartman. The motion carried by roll call vote as follows: Don Crawford, Paul Hartman, Steve Keeffer, Kevin Reibel, Bill McFadden, Bill Robinson, Ron Smith and Bill Wright. Ayes: 8; Nays: 0.

Guests were excused.

A motion to return to open session at 4:40 p.m. was made by Bill Wright, seconded by Paul Hartman. The motion carried by roll call vote as follows: Don Crawford, Paul Hartman, Steve Keeffer, Kevin Reibel, Bill McFadden, Bill Robinson, Ron Smith and Bill Wright. Ayes: 8; Nays: 0.

Guests returned.

XI. Motions from Executive Session, if any - No motions.

XII. Adjournment

A motion to adjourn was made by Bill Robinson, it was seconded by Bill Wright. The motion passed by voice vote. The meeting was adjourned at 4:40 p.m.


Angie VanKampen, LRA Board Secretary