

OKI Community Choices Meetings

September 26 & 28, October 10, 11, 16, 18 & 30, November 1, 2006.


Tuesday, September 26, 2006, Northern Kentucky Area Planning Commission

Welcome by Dennis Gordon, Executive Director

Attendance: 27

Highlights of Concerns/Comments/Questions:

  • How much of the land development growing five times faster than population was commercial, how much was residential?
  • Why the projected population trend in KentonCounty?
  • (In-migration, but where)
  • Who made population assumptions? (OKI w/ state agency projections and local consultations)
  • How many of the communities in the OKI region have comprehensive plans? Inventory in progress.
  • What type of density would be needed to reverse the trend? (community specific)
  • To make use of tree-related models, wouldn’t you have to have an evaluation of a development’s economic impact? (yes)
  • Does OKI have a public education effort for land use development impacts?
  • Why not explore with media?
  • Part of Lexington-Fayette Co. model is driven by thecost of public services
  • How can a tie between planning and capital be accomplished? (coordinate with planning elements with local government budgets and OKI state transportation budgets – can be tied one element at a time – tailored to your community)
  • Does OKI realize this tie can be controversial if it stops development cold because of projected impacts?(can be done or used to extent of local comfort level; like Level of Service standards to forecast costs)
  • How viable in our area is the Lexington/Fayette model? (urban service boundary)
  • What about addressing issues that are truly regional, like reducing transportation congestion?They can’t be solved locally.
  • The Land Use Conformance Factor Applies to SNK Funds.
  • Does it weigh against communities that don’t have comprehensive plans, that they won’t get the 5 points?
  • Is the minimum elements handout the yardstick for effective local comprehensive planning? (yes by 2010)
  • Any growth outside of existing MPO area that may bring in adjacent counties? (has to be a win/win situation for both county & MPO in terms of funding from the Federal Government and various sources)

Monday, September 28, 2006, HighlandHeightsMunicipalBuilding

Welcome byJudge Executive Steve Pendery

Attendance: 29

Highlights of Concerns/Comments/Questions:

•Who assigned the 105 points for transportation projects?

•Examples of transit projects?

•How will the fiscal impact model be available to local communities and at what kind of cost? Any GIS components to it?

•Which of these tools are web-based?

•Is the Pfieffer Road project between I-71 & I-75 one of OKI’s projects?

•How long before tools are available to local governments?

•Growth system seems out of control.

•Will you be describing system wide improvements?

•Low density housing

•Single occupant vehicles

•Long commutes/high cost to employees

•RE: level of service standards, who pays to study potential impacts and to address them?

•Does OKI design/plan for highway walls in Ohio? Will we have then in Northern KY?

•How does OKI work with state departments of Highway and Transportation?

•In CampbellCounty, when we get high density, it’s low quality. Will tools give specific language to address density issues?

•Scope of I-471 study? LOS on it now and in future?

•Does OKI have anything to do with low-income housing?

Tuesday, October 10, 2006, WarrenCountyAdministrationBuilding

Welcome byRobert Craig, Executive Director, WarrenCountyRegionalPlanning Commission

Attendance: 24

Highlights of Concerns/Comments/Questions:

  • Have real estate trends and taxes been accounted for in projections? Yes.
  • Why not have more HOV lanes on interstates in Ohio?
  • How is “current” comprehensive planning determined? (3-5 years)
  • OKI’s assigning only 3 points to a plan that locals consider complete is not fair. Completeness should be locally determined.
  • Will 5 points make a difference between projects funded or not? Note: extra points for local share can make a difference in projects getting funded or not as well.
  • Given local land use authority, OKI is treading on dangerous ground if they make funding decisions subjectively – need clear objective criteria.
  • Is the Florida fiscal impact analysis model sanctioned by the Home Builders Association?

Wednesday, October 11, 2006, ClermontCounty Planning Commission – CountyEngineers Office

Welcome byCommissioner Mary Walker

Attendance: 26

Highlights of Concerns/Comments/Questions:

  • Do we have statistics on travel through ClermontCounty?
  • Does OKI staff make the determination of “complete and current” comprehensive plans?
  • If a project was proposed from Union Twp would it be judged against a township plan or ClermontCounty basis?
  • How will the tools be available?
  • Will the enormous cost of replacing the BrentSpenceBridge drain funds from other projects such as those for ClermontCounty?
  • How does OKI communicate with townships? And communities?
  • Consider reaching out to township trustees associations to assist in spreading the word.
  • What would stop OKI from going further and telling local communities what and how they have to plan?
  • Has OKI looked around the world for innovations in transportation planning? Example of requiring developments to provide transit service.
  • Are you aware that Wilbur Smith has a contract to do a cost of community services study as part of the Eastern corridor study? (Meeting in ClermontCounty October 31, 2006)

Monday, October 16, 2006, DearbornCountyPlan Commission

Welcome byBryan Messmore, CountyAdministrator

Attendance: 36

Highlights of Concerns/Comments/Questions:

  • What do we see as future land use maps in OKI’s 8 counties?
  • Define mixed income housing
  • Any of this available on line?
  • Workforce housing means?
  • Are tools available to public as well as local governments?
  • Is Dearborn Co in these simulations?
  • Do we have numbers for the percentage who work in county in 2000 vs 1970?
  • When did the I-275 bridge come through? Did it have impacts on commuting?
  • Projected population increase 1970-2000 was 56% - another place says 17-30%. How are we opting to help urban areas like Cincinnati?
  • Has Dearborn shared its GIS layers?
  • What projects does DearbornCounty have that OKI is considering? (capacity projects)
  • What determination whether a project is OKI or local?

Wednesday, October 18, 2006, SpringfieldTownshipSeniorCenter

Welcome byCommissioner Pat DeWine and Commissioner Phil Heimlich

Attendance: 33

Highlights of Concerns/Comments/Questions:

  • Your population trend shows continued decline by 2030; HCRPC shows increase after 2014. Why the difference?
  • Will sample ordinances be available on line?
  • Name of Florida Fiscal Impact Model
  • How can a community use it?
  • Could the Florida model be applied to townships and first ring suburbs?
  • Is it sophisticated enough to project neighboring impacts?
  • Cost to use the model?
  • Can model be used if no comprehensive plan exists?

Monday, October 30, 2006, ButlerCountyGovernmentServicesCenter

Welcome byCommissioner Greg Jolivette

Attendance: 47

Highlights of Concerns/Comments/Questions:

  • Is the Fiscal Impact Model ready yet?
  • Has the Florida model been successful?
  • Florida and Ohio conditions are very different
  • What funding incentives do we have to move transportation projects forward? (given declining federal funding)
  • How much longer before an OKI fiscal model is available?
  • Strategic Regional Policy Plan

Monday, November 1, 2006, BooneCountyAdministrationBuilding

Welcome byJudge Executive Gary Moore

Attendance: 21

Highlights of Concerns/Comments/Questions:

  • What do you call sufficient green space?
  • Is the intergovernmental coordination slide for Kenton and CampbellCounty?
  • How often do you see appropriate infrastructure in place at the time it is needed, when development occurs?
  • Capital improvements programming happens at the local government level.
  • Often we are asked to decide on a development without being sure of adequate infrastructure/timing of infrastructure for it.
  • Is the inadequacy of funding because of air vs road allocations?
  • Has there been thought with the fiscal impact model to propose or oppose an impact fee? And needed enabling legislation?
  • Is there a way that OKI measures/tracks that its funding decisions are actually going to the priority projects in the transportation plan?
  • Capital improvements programming happens at the local government level.