Jim Carroll, President Denise Gavin, Administrator

Loch Lomond Laker

Minutes of the September 8th, October 6th and October 20th, 2014 Board Meeting

Working Board Meeting

September 8th, 2014

President’s Report

Call to order conducted by Jean Potillo at 7:01 pm.

Treasurer’s Report:

Larry Happ not present – no report given.

A draft of the Budget was worked on

Dam, Path & Entrances: No Report.

Lake Management:

We have a guest tonight – Lisle Erickson from McCloud Aquatic Services who is the owner and his firm has been servicing the lake this summer. Here is his summary.

Loch Lomond’s biggest concerns:

·  plank tonic algae – very smelly

·  curly leaf – treated in the spring

·  nutrient rich lake – lots of phosphorus in the sediment and coming in thru drainage

·  Watershed being fed from lake county farm lands

It takes years and years for phosphorus to release and the lake has absorbed as much of the nutrients as it can hold. Lake cannot absorb anymore so now the algae is rampant.

In the past, we have been promoting more and various plant life. But the plants need sun to grow. Algae, higher in the water, grow in the sun and block the sun to the plants which are lower in the lake. Hence, plants don’t grow & die. So we are in a very vicious cycle.

Actions this summer:

·  Used Phos-Lock: absorbs the phosphate until maximum absorption. $2.48 per pound – 200 lbs an acre. Works until the next rain when more phosphorus comes in. Takes about a year to see an effect.

·  Used SeClear: An copper sulfate algaecide that absorbs phosphorus. There is a EPA limitation on how much of this can be used per treatment and frequency.

There is no quick fix to 60 years of sediment collection, high phosphorus run-off and bright sun.

Possible future solutions:

·  Dredge the lake - $10,000,000 – not a permanent solution as sediment will fill back in within 5 to 10 years.

·  Plant more plants

·  Use Alum

·  Fountain/aerator - $15,000 each. Need at least 10 for lake our size. Only moves the surface water, does not affect the plank tonic algae.

·  Activated Bacteria – experimental treatment Cost: $800 per acre

Recommended plan moving forward:

·  Reduce residential phosphorus input into lake: leaves, grass clippings, etc

·  Continue to use Phos-Lock.

·  Educational program for residents

·  Continue treatment by Aquatics Services.

North Beach: No report.

South Beach: No report.

Boat Director: No report.

Administrator: No report.

Old Business:

New Business: None

Resident Questions: None

Motion to adjourn was made by Mickey Emde at 9:00pm. Seconded by Kay Dickman. The meeting was adjourned. Minutes respectfully submitted by Jean Potillo.

Attendance: Denise Gavin, Kay Dickman, Leni Patten, Steve Kephart, Mickey Emde, Jean Potillo, Paul Papineau & grandson, John Vicik, Lisle Erickson

Working Board Meeting

October 6th, 2014

President’s Report:

Call to order conducted by Jim Carroll at 7:05 pm.

Treasurer’s Report:

Larry Happ presented. Draft of 2015 budget was distributed and discussed. Anticipate revenue is conservatively calculated at $156,320.00 which comprises both senior rate and regular rate residences as well as swim lesson income, interest, etc. Most annual expense items remain the same as the Board has been able to lock in some multi-year contract for services; although anticipate increases are expected in utilities. Anticipated maintenance costs for north beach are $3000; south beach $5000 and dam $4500. Restocking of fish is not needed this year. Based upon the proposed budget, the Board does not foresee the need to increase annual dues at this time.

Dam, Path & Entrances: No report.

Lake Management: No report.

South Beach: No report.

Boat Director: Phil Kweton spoke.

Ongoing concerns about number of boats at beaches and need for repairs and maintenance. Restructuring of boat sticker process is being reviewed and will be proposed soon.

Administrator: No report.

Old Business:

Amended Declaration: Reminders to residents who have not yet voted on Amended Declaration were mailed out two weeks ago requesting their vote be submitted. The Board will be following up with phone calls to these residents shortly.

New Business: No report.

Resident Questions: None

Motion to adjourn was made by Larry Happ at 8:30pm. Seconded by Jim Carroll. The meeting was adjourned. Minutes respectfully submitted by Jean Potillo.

Attendance: Leni Patten, Steve Kephart, Kay Dickman, Phil Kweton, John Bestler, Jean Potillo, Larry Happ, Jim Carroll, Barb Meister, Denise Gavin, Glenn Niessner

Board Meeting – October 20th

President’s Report

Call to order conducted by Jim Carroll at 7:06 pm.

Motion to approve the August Meeting minutes was made by Kay Dickman and Larry Happ seconded. All Board members were in favor and the minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Larry Happy & Al Kalman from Kalman Management presented the Treasurer’s Report.

Total Cash Assets / $166,174.72
Beginning of month
Assessments / $1,050.00 / $154,785.00 / $156,480.00
Swim Lessons / $125.00 / $1,050.00 / $0.00
Misc / $160.00 / $3,388.00 / $3,025.00
Interest / $0.00 / $20.39 / $0.00
Total Income / $1,335.00 / $159,243.39 / $159,505.00
Administrative / $22,684.53 / $44,217.43 / $51,445.00
Payroll / $15,428.92 / $44,285.64 / $55,760.00
Utilities & Services / $1,345.31 / $3,639.07 / $3,000.00
LLPOA Facilities / $1,748.63 / $10,731.91 / $9,800.00
Land/Lake/Lawn / $11,003.70 / $27,784.95 / $29,500.00
Reserves / 0 / ($4,242.00) / $10,000.00
Total Expenses / $52,211.09 / $126,417.00 / $159,505.00
Net Income (Loss) / ($50,876.09) / $32,826.39
Total Cash Assets / $115,298.63
End of month
BBT Checking Acct. / $74,389.75 / $51,015.21
FMB Money Mrt. Acct. / $30,352.92 / $30,352.92
FMB Capital CD / $33,930.49 / $33,930.49

A couple of real estate closings added to the revenues as assessments were paid. Expenses are on track. There is one more payroll to process this fiscal year and one more payment to McCloud Aquatics for treating the lake. Move to approve the Treasurer’s Report was made by Leni Patten and seconded by Fritz Chesek. All Board members were in favor and the report was approved.

Dam, Path & Entrances: John Bestler presented.

Contracted with McCloud Aquatics to spray the weeds growing in the riprap along the dam. A second application will be applied shortly.

The riprap will be replenished in some locations along the bank this fall.

Lake Management: Steve Kephart presented.

Fishing report:

We have been receiving all good reports. No plans to restock next year as the lake’s fish populations have been good.

Algae report:

We are at the end of the lake treatment season thankfully. This was a very difficult year and we had a lot of algae. This was partially due to Mother Nature’s increase in sunny days and a FDA restriction which limited the amount of Foslock spraying we could do.

Fritz spoke about an initiative being taken by Lake County Lake Management, Bull Brook Bull Creek Watershed Council & the Des Plaines Water Commission t to review all of our ingresses of water into the lake and monitor the pollution coming into the lake. Fritz is looking to see if there is a grant which we can participate in, in conjunction with some of the neighboring lakes to look at a long term way to deal with all the inlets/ingresses to address the pollution coming into our lakes now, investigate best practices, etc.

A discussion was held concerning what opportunities we have to improve our lake. The suggestion was made to discuss with Lake County Management Commission to include them in the planning of the future improvement of the lake. It has also been noted that the Muskrats are eating a lot of the plant growth along the lake edge. Homeowners need to make their lake edge inhospitable to the muskrat so that they can’t burrow into the bank.

North Beach: Mickey Emde presented.

There are still boats full of water at the shoreline. If your boat is still at the shoreline, please move it before the snow flies so that we don’t have a problem. If you have a boat that is no longer seaworthy and you would like to get rid of it, it can be brought out to the curb and picked up by Groot. Mickey Emde would be happy to help you with this – please call her at 847-566-9583.

Next year, there is going to be some money added to the North Beach to help spruce it up and clean up the beach area. There will be some excavation and riprap added to the inlet done this fall.

South Beach: Barb Meister was absent.

It was reported that wood fires have been set in the web grills. The grills are not designed for wood fires and they should not be used for wood fires.

Boat Director: Phil Kweton reported.

The proposed Boat Program is going to be delayed one year but then some tightening up will be done for boat storage at north and south beach. The number of boats being stored at both beaches is out of control.

Administrator: Denise Gavin Reported.

Last garbage collection will be October 28th. If you plan to use the beach area, please bring a garbage bag with you and place the garbage in the dumpster before you leave. There are no longer any lifeguards policing the beach and cleaning it up.

Port O Potties have been drained for the year as well.

A neighbor has contacted the Village and has voiced a concern about how vehicles are parking more in the street now that we have curbs and it is causing a safety issue for the children in the neighborhood. Everyone is cautioned to please drive safely and watch for children. Denise Gavin is going to check with the Village to see if the neighbor hood can get some permanent children playing signs erected.

Old Business: None.

New Business:

Proposed Budget: A draft of the proposed budget was presented. This is the budget that will be mailed to every resident in the next couple of days and voted upon at the annual meeting. The Board has agreed to the basic format of the budget and agreed that it can be mailed to the residents of the association for the annual meeting.

Proposed External Audit: The Board has received a proposal from an external auditor, Russell Cannizzo & Company to conduct an external audit of the LLPOA books for the year. The cost is $2,000 and includes the creation of the state and federal tax forms for filing. Larry Happ submitted a motion to approve this recommendation. Jim Carroll seconded. The Board was all in favor and the motion passed.

Annual Meeting, November 23rd, 2014 at 4:00 pm

Resident Questions: None

Motion to adjourn was made by Kay Dickman at 8:25 pm. Seconded by John Bestler. The meeting was adjourned. Minutes were taken and respectfully submitted by Jean Potillo.

Attendance: Denise Gavin, Steve Kephart, Phil Kweton, Kay Dickman, Larry Happ, Jim Carroll, Leni Patten, John Bestler, Jean Potillo, Al Kalman, Paul Papineau, Fritz Chesek, Mickey Emde, Harold Hansen

Mark Your Calendars

The Annual Meeting will be November 23rd, 2014. This Association meetings are held at 4:00 pm at the Mechanics Grove Middle School on N Midlothian Road in Mundelein.

Anyone interested in serving on the Board? Please direct all nominations to Jean Potillo, LLPOA Secretary at

or call 847-902-5352.