NHSGGCMoving and Handling
One Day Competency AssessorTraining forPeople Handling Staff
Nominations are to be made toMovingHandlingor by letter to Moving and Handling AdministrationWest Glasgow ACH, 5th Floor, Ward 5A, Dalnair Street G3 8SJ
Acceptance onto a course will be confirmed to the nominating person, who will be responsible for ensuring relevant details of the course are communicated to the delegate. If the course is full and the nomination unable to be accepted, the nominating person will be informed.
When making a nomination please use the enclosed form and provide:
- the delegates name, job title, Payroll Number, place of work e.g. hospital and ward/department;
- the date and venue of the course(s) being nominated for and;
- your own name and telephone number.
Competency Assessor Training
Competency assessors training is aimed at clinical staff who will be carrying out competency assessments on staff undertaking patient handling activities within their workplace. This one day training session will take staff through the process, assessment criteriaand record keeping required for undertaking competency assessments and in addition, will provide a skills update for those attending and practical experience undertaking assessments.
Each clinical ward / department / service undertaking higher risk patient handling activities should identify a minimum of 2 competency assessors, of which 1 should be a minimum of a Band 5. Some areas will already have competency assessors in place. These dates are for assessors identified from July 2017, future dates will be provided for assessors in place prior to July 2017 requiring an update.
Prior to attending this session, delegates should read over the competency assessor information pack(here) and should bring with them a completed self-assessment form (here).
Attendance will be recorded on Empower by the M&H Team. In addition, each Local Manager has a duty to keep a record of who has attended training. To assist with this, if a delegate does not attend, the nominating person will be contacted that day to inform them of the non-attendance. For reporting purposes we will request a reason for non-attendance if known.
Course Times Clothing
9.00am till 4.00pmPlease wear flat shoes and trousers
Competency Assessors Training Course Dates – Acute Services Staff
The dates below are for areas which have identified additional new assessors after July 2017. All courses run 0900 to 1600
Gartnavel General HospitalClinical Skills, Room 9, Level 5 / West Glasgow ACH
Ward 5A, Moving and Handling Dept / Glasgow Royal Infirmary
Clinical Skills, Level 1 New Lister Building
Tuesday 21st November 2017Cancelled / Thursday 16th November 2017 / Thursday 16th November 2017
Tuesday 28th November 2017 / Tuesday 28th November 2017 / Wednesday 22nd November 2017
Wednesday 29th November 2017 / Friday 1st December 2017
Tuesday 5th December 2017 / Tuesday 19th December 2017
Wednesday 6th December 2017 / Queen Elizabeth University Hospital
Clinical Skills 1st Floor Teaching & Learning Centre / Emergency Dept only Tuesday 9th January 2018
Tuesday 12th December 2017 / Wednesday 13th December 2017
Thursday 28th December 2017 / Thursday 21st December 2017
Paediatric only Monday 22nd January 2018 / QEUH Critical Care Only Friday 12th January 2018
Renal only Thursday 25th January 2018 / Tuesday 23rd January 2018
Paediatric only Wednesday 31st January 2018 / Friday 16th February 2018
Renal only Thursday 8th February 2018 / Thursday 22nd February 2018
Paediatric only Monday 12th February 2018 / Monday 19th March 2018 / Vale of Leven
Ward 16
Renal only Tuesday 27th February 2018 / Tuesday 27th March 2018 / Thursday 18th January 2018
BOC only Monday 19th February 2018 / Wednesday 24th January 2018
BOC only Thursday 15th March 2018 / Tuesday 30th January 2018
BOC only Tuesday 20th March 2018
Competency Assessors Training Course Dates – Partnerships (HSCP) Staff
The dates below are for areas which have identified additional new assessors after July 2017. All courses run 0900 to 1600
West Glasgow ACHWard 5A, Moving and Handling Department
Thursday 9th November 2017
Tuesday 14th November 2017
Thursday 7th December 2017
Tuesday 19th December 2017
Tuesday 9th January 2018
Thursday 25th January 2018
Tuesday 6th February 2018
Wednesday 21st February 2018
Monday 5th March 2018
Thursday 22nd March 2018
Moving and Handling Nomination Form forCompetency Assessors Training- (Please return to Moving & Handling)
When nominating staff for the M&H courses via email, in the subject box of your email, please type in the first month nominated e.g. if you have nominations for October and November the subject is October
Delegate / Training / Nominating PersonName
/ Payroll No. / DoB / Job Title / Hospital / Ward /Department / Directorate e.g. SAD, RSD / Date / Session / Venue
e.g. WIG, SGH / Name / Contact No.
Cameron Raeburn / G12345678 / Moving and Handling Service Lead / GRI / M&H / Corporate / 17/10/12 / S3 / Victoria Inf / Cameron Raeburn / 20001