Jigsaw Fab 4 Chinese InventionsDate:

Lesson Title: / Imperial China: Fab 4 Chinese Inventions / Instructor: / Maranda Wilkinson
Grade Level: / 7th / Lesson Length: / 2 Classes: 50 minutes each

Standards/Objectives: TN Curriculum Standards

7.22 Summarize the significance of the rapid agriculture, commercial, and technological development during the Song Dynasties. (*review and continue discussion)
7. 23 Trace the spread of Chinese technology to other parts of Asia, the Islamic world, and Europe including papermaking, wood-block printing, the compass, and gunpowder.
I can Statements:
I can summarize the technological development during the Song Dynasties.
I can trace how Chinese technology made its way to other parts of the world.

Real-Life Connection/Relevance:

  • The 21st century has and will continue to change the human life. Once separated by mountains, deserts, and vast oceans, trade found its way to new locations on the backs of beasts and in the hulls of ships as merchants and sailors carted their goods to the rest of the world during the Middle Ages. With them, they not only brought their goods but their ideas and inventions. Over the centuries, and especially today, the world seems to have gotten smaller and is no longer separated. Trade seemingly occurs every second along with the spread of ideas with the click of a mere button. Students today are heavily influenced by what is available to them and are constantly exposed to new ideas and inventions on the web.

Prior Knowledge:

  • Students are familiar with the agriculture, commercial, and one technological development during the Song Dynasties.
  • Students are aware that trade took place along the Silk Road and that ideas were spread along it as well.
  • Students are familiar with the fact that trade occurred between Asia, the Islamic world, and Europe.

Integration Of Other Subjects:

  1. Science—Chemicals, Propellants and Forward Motion (rockets and gunpowder)
  2. Lauguage Arts—Reasoning/Prediction/ReflectingExtended Writing


  1. Computer
  2. LCD Projector
  3. SMART board (or regular board to project on)
  4. Elmo
  5. Speakers
  6. Headphones
  7. Fab 4 Chinese Inventions PowerPoint
  8. Fab 4 Inventions Handout
  9. Paper, Printing, and Books Handout
  10. Chinese Rockets Handout
  11. Pencil
  12. iPads

Instructional Content/Activities/Content Chunks: (Basic To Complex) Describe what you will be teaching, what information will be presented, and how will you present the information. Describe how you will engage students in learning.

  1. Activating Activity:Students will brainstorm and list several technologies/inventions that have changed the world. These technologies/inventions will briefly be discussed among the class. (Individual and whole class)
  2. Expert Group Learning:Students will research and answer questions about one of the Fab 4 Chinese Inventions. (Individual and Group)
  3. Home Group Teaching: Students will “teach” their home group about one of the Fab 4 Chinese Inventions. (Individual and Group)
  4. Chinese Invention Recap: The teacher will facilitate a class discussion on the Fab 4 Chinese Inventions and address the spread of these inventions across Asia, the Islamic world, and Europe. The teacher will also share a Primary Document concerning the importance of the Chinese inventions as Primary Documents will be used on state testing. (Whole Class)
  5. Chinese Invention Reflection: Following the learning groups, students will reflect on the importance of the Fab 4 Chinese Inventions and relate their importance to real-life (extended writing). A class discussion will allow students the time to share their reflections. (Individual and Whole Class Review)

Academic Feedback: How will you elicit student responses to determine understanding? Will this be whole class, small group, or individual?

  1. Activating Activity:Students will brainstorm and list several technologies/inventions that have changed the world. These technologies/inventions will briefly be discussed among the class. (Individual and whole class)
  2. Expert Group Learning: Students will research and answer questions about one of the Fab 4 Chinese Inventions. (Individual and Group)
  3. Home Group Teaching: Students will “teach” their home group about one of the Fab 4 Chinese Inventions. (Individual and Group)
  4. Chinese Invention Recap: The teacher will facilitate a class discussion on the Fab 4 Chinese Inventions and address the spread of these inventions across Asia, the Islamic world, and Europe. The teacher will also share a Primary Document concerning the importance of the Chinese inventions as Primary Documents will be used on state testing. (Whole Class)
  5. Chinese Invention Reflection: Following the learning groups, students will reflect on the importance of the Fab 4 Chinese Inventions and relate their importance to real-life (extended writing). A class discussion will allow students the time to share their reflections. (Individual and Whole Class Review)

Questioning: Remember, Understand, Apply, Analyze, Evaluate, Create.

Remember: Activating activity (technologies/inventions)
Understand: The Influences of Trade and Exposure to Other Peoples
Apply: Real-life connection to Chinese inventions extended writing, Teaching home group
Analyze: Spread of Chinese technology/Primary Document
Evaluate: Life without a Chinese invention extended writing, Teaching home group

Student Assignment/Work: (Basic To Complex)

  1. Activating Activity:Students will brainstorm and list several technologies/inventions that have changed the world. These technologies/inventions will briefly be discussed among the class. (Individual and whole class)
  2. Expert Group Learning: Students will research and answer questions about one of the Fab 4 Chinese Inventions. (Individual and Group)
  3. Home Group Teaching: Students will “teach” their home group about one of the Fab 4 Chinese Inventions. (Individual and Group)
  4. Chinese Invention Recap: The teacher will facilitate a class discussion on the Fab 4 Chinese Inventions and address the spread of these inventions across Asia, the Islamic world, and Europe. The teacher will also share a Primary Document concerning the importance of the Chinese inventions as Primary Documents will be used on state testing. (Whole Class)
  5. Chinese Invention Reflection: Following the learning groups, students will reflect on the importance of the Fab 4 Chinese Inventions and relate their importance to real-life (extended writing). A class discussion will allow students the time to share their reflections. (Individual and Whole Class Review)


  • Activating Activity: Lower level learners will participate.
  • Expert Group Learning:Lower level learners will be able to receive help from expert group mates and will be prepped on how to teach their home groups.They will also have a group mate with them to assist in the learning process.
  • Home Group Teaching:Lower level learners will have a group mate that studied the same topic as he or she did. This will allow for both of them to participate in “teaching” the home group instead of merely the lower level student.
  • Chinese Invention Recap: Lower level learners will have another opportunity to hear about each invention as the recap is conducted
  • Chinese Invention Reflection: Lower level learners will not be docked for having few sentences required of others.

Assessments: (Basic To Complex)

  1. Activating Activity:Students will be informally assessed on their invention brainstorming.
  2. Expert Group Learning: Students will be assessed on theiranswers to their invention questions.
  3. Home Group Teaching: Students will be informally assessed on their ability to “teach” their home group about their invention.
  4. Chinese Invention Reflection:Students will be assessed on their reflections concerning life without a particular Chinese invention.

Closure/Reflection: Describe how you will draw the lesson to a close and involve students in the review of the lesson, and how you will tie this lesson to future activities.

In regards to closure, students will participate in a whole class review of the Fab 4 Chinese Inventions as well as other information covered during the lesson. Students will also reflect on what their lives would be like without one of the Chinese inventions.