
Author’s NAME*, Firstname FAMILYNAME**, Taro YUKUATSU***

* Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering

Yukuatsu University

111 Yuatsu, Kuatsu, Tokyo, 222-3333 Japan

(E-mail: )

** Department of Fluid Power System, Faculty of Engineering

Saiko University

222 Yukuatsu, Saiko, Tokyo, 555-6666 Japan

***Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science

Fukuoka Science University

333Nishi-wajiro, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka, 333-4444 Japan

Keywords; Five, Words, Maximum, 12pt


Authors are requested to refer to this sample (A4 size), such as title of paper, name(s), key words, text, ... preferably 10 point type size, Times New Roman, single spacing (1 line spacing for MS-Word). Avoid language restrictive fonts (Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Russian, etc.) which may not be displayed truthfully on computers without such fonts. Your abstract should be two pages in length and must not exceed 2MB in total file size.Use SI units consistently throughout the paper. You are requested to upload your abstract as a PDF file.

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Times New Roman with the following font sizes should be used.

(a)Title: 16 point

(b)Subtitle: 16 point

(c)Authors’ names and affiliations: 12 point

(d) Authors’ affiliations and addresses: 12 point

(e) Keywords : 12 point

(f) Text : 10 point

Paper size and margins

The information on paper size and margins are indicated in Table 1. It is recommendable touse this template directly to prepare your abstract.

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Equation numbers should be displayed consecutively from Eq. (1) to the end of the paper.

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As shown in Eq. (1), encloseequation numbers in parentheses and place them flush-right in the column; leave one line of space above and below displaced equations.

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Tables and Figures

Tables and figures may be placed in one column or centered on the page across both columns if necessary. Avoid language restrictive fonts (Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Russian, etc.) which may not be displayed truthfully on computers without such fonts. Images, e.g., graphs, line art, photographs, etc., should have an output resolution of at least 600 dpi. Do not shade the charts, graphs and tables with patterns within the software that you are using. You can create simple patterns (vector art) or use tints of black.

Figures and images should be placed as close to their mention as possible. Place captions preferably right above the table and right below the figure being described.

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Use digitally processed data for photographs and do not insert scanned images.

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Table 1Information on paper size and margins

Right / Left / Top / Bottom
A4 / 30 mm / 30 mm / 35 mm / 30 mm

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Table 2Sample table

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Oil No. / [S/m] /  [Pa・s]
1 / 5.3110-12 / 9.9710-3
2 / 1.3510-10 / 19.410-3
3 / 1.2410-10 / 39.410-3

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Fig.1 Sample figure 1

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Fig.2 Sample figure 2

Fig.3 Sample figure3

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List and number all bibliographical references at the end of the paper. When referring to them in thetext, type the reference number as [1].

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Abstract submission deadline is January 15th, 2017. Please access the conference web-site and upload the PDF file from the on-line submission page. Please make sure to embed fonts and graphics properly when converting the abstract into a PDF file.

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1.MANDERS, P. W., BADER, M. G., Heat Transfer Effects on the Step Response of a Pneumatic Circuit, Transactions of the Japan Hydraulics and Pneumatics Society, 1994, 25-7, pp.246-256.

2.SCHLIHITING, H., Boundary Layer Theory, McGraw Hill, New York, 1969, pp.350-363.

3.SUZUKI, I., MATSUI, H., MATSUZAKA, D., Fundamentals of Water Hydraulic Control, New York Press, 1970, pp.123-124.

4.JOHNSON, H., et al., A Study of Performance Improvement of a Compressor, Transaction of the Japan Fluid Power System Society, Vol.3, No.4, 2001, p.56-62.