1.1 Statement of Vision, Mission and Educational Goals Information on Benchmarked Standards
1.1.1 State and provide a copy of the HEP’s vision, mission and the general educational goals. UiTM Pahang’s Philosophy
UiTM Pahang’s adopts the philosophy of UiTM, that is: A belief that every individual has the ability to attain excellence through the transfer of knowledge and instilling of moral values so to produce professional graduates capable of advancing knowledge self, society and the nation. UiTM Pahang’s Vision
UiTM Pahang’s vision is aligned to UiTM Malaysia vision, to establish UiTM as a premier university of outstanding scholarship and academic excellence capable of providing leadership to Bumiputera’s dynamic involvement in all professional fields of world-class standards in order to bring forth globally competitive graduates of sound ethical standing. UiTM Pahang’s Mission
UiTM Pahang’s mission is in tandem with UiTM Malaysia which is to enhance the knowledge and expertise of Bumiputera in all fields of study through professional programs, research work and community service based on moral values and professional ethics. UiTM Pahang’s Educational Objectives
UiTM Pahang adopts the educational objective which has been laid out by the main campus as stated below:
- To provide maximum opportunities for Bumiputera's to pursue professionally-recognized program study in science, industry, technology, business, arts, humanities.
- To provided quality and innovative of study relevant to current market need and customer demands and in line with the policies of national development.
- To establish a university-wide human resource development programs for instilling sound value system within the University community.
- To ensure that UiTM graduates are adequately prepared to join the local as the international workforce.
- To establish UiTM as a centre of excellence that ensures the sound and effective management of its human resource, and finances and assets in order to achieve its educational objectives, whilst playing a major role as a catalyst in community development. The Educational Goals
UiTM Pahang’s educational goals is congruent with UiTM Malaysia educational goals, it also strives to provide educational programs at semi-professional and professional levels in tandem with national manpower needs, particularly in business, and science & technology, besides instilling positive attitude and molding esteemed personality through exposure to knowledge from diverse civilizations, and internalizing Islamic teaching, specifically for less privileged Bumiputera youth so as to better prepare them for the challenges of the working world, be independent and daring to be agents of change in a multiracial society.
To summarize, the keywords in UiTM Pahang’s vision, mission and the objective statements can be mapped together with UiTM Malaysia as follows:
Table 1.1: Keywords in the vision, mission and the objective statements of UiTM Pahang mapped to vision, mission and objective statements of UiTM Malaysia as a whole.
vision statement / UiTM
mission Statement / uITM
Premier University of Outstanding Scholarship & World-Class Standing / Enhancing Knowledge & Expertise in all Fields of Study / Wide Access to Various Fields of Study
Academic Excellence / Academic Programs / Quality and Innovative Industrial-Based & Market-Oriented Programs
Leadership Quality / Research Activities / Human Capital
Professional Fields / Community Services / Employability
Globally Competitive & Ethical Graduates / High Moral Values & Professional Ethics / Established Centres of Excellence & Catalyst in Community Development
1.1.2 Describe how the mission statement and educational goals reflect the crucial elements of the processes and outcomes of higher education in line with national and global developments which may include issues of social responsibility, competency, research attainment, community involvement, ethical values, and leadership.
The processes and outcomes of higher education are described in the MQA learning outcomes and/or the MOHE learning outcomes. All faculties in UiTM have embarked on the OBE project since 2007. A special committee was assigned to handle the task at each faculty. It started with re-looking and reanalyzing its objectives and rewording these so as to be more of an outcome focused on attributes to be inculcated in the students upon graduation.
Through discussions, roundtables and workshops, the committee designed the program educational objectives (PEO) and program outcomes (PO) of each program. The committee was required to map each PO statement to match its PEO and the nine MOHE learning outcomes (LOs). To date, out of 13 degree and diploma programs, 13 programs or 100 per cent have been attended to. These will be made available during the site visit.
Meanwhile, the process did look into its relevance to the mission and vision of UiTM Malaysia. During the process, the committee was required to revisit and internalize the mission and vision statement of the university. The mission of UiTM Malaysia was drafted to reflect the rationale for the university’s existence. UiTM Malaysia was established to ensure access and opportunity for the Bumiputera with respect to tertiary education in a wide spread of professional fields, exposing them to quality education, research and community services in a professional and ethical manner. This statement embodies the philosophy of moving the university populace towards nurturing able human capital workforce for the nation, not only in terms of professional cognitive aspects of graduates, but also the soft skills required of them for the working life.
Apart from addressing teaching and learning as the core function of a university, the mission statements also highlight the other two pillars of the university, that is, research and community service. The mission is translated into operational processes and activities, namely, academic affairs, student affairs, research & commercialization, community & industrial networking, records & registry, bursary & finance, library support services and development & facilities management. These major operations are governed by seven distinctive outfits, specifically to ensure that the mission is carried out efficiently and effectively, to realize the university’s vision. The seven are the Academic Affairs Division, which is headed by the Deputy Vice Chancellor of Academic & International Affairs; the Student Affairs & Alumni Division, which is headed by the Deputy Vice Chancellor of Students Affairs and Alumni; the Research & Commercialization Division, which is headed by the Deputy Vice Chancellor of Research &Commercialization; the Community and Industrial Networking Division, which is headed by the Deputy Vice–Chancellor of Community & Industrial Networking, the Registrar Office, which is headed by the Registrar, the Bursary & Finance Division, which is headed by the Bursar; and the Library, which is headed by the Chief Librarian.
In line with UiTM Malaysia’s mission, UiTM Pahang has developed its own mission statement adapting to the local needs. Providing quality teaching and learning is in line with enhancing knowledge and expertise in all fields of study. Quality is a journey; it is a continuous process of continual improvement for knowledge enhancement among its academic staff. UiTM Pahang strives to provide a high degree of quality in all fields of study via the academic programs. The promotion of life-long learning is apparent with UiTM Pahang offering various programs ranging from diploma to degree for full time students. Besides that, the academic staffs are encouraged to participate in research and innovation to broaden their understanding and expertise of their subject area. The supporting staffs are also encouraged to be involved in research and innovation together with the academic staff to reflect the research culture that exists in UiTM Pahang. Research is not only limited to writing and publication, but also the creation and usage of the latest technology in improving current processes and procedures. This is especially apparent in the IID (Invention, Innovation and Design Competition) held yearly in UiTM Pahang. The spirit of cooperation among staff, client and community is very much apparent in various community service activities organized by UiTM Pahang involving staff and students and even the alumni working with the community. It is hoped that by participating in community activities, UiTM Pahang will produce professional graduates of high moral values.
Meanwhile, the five statements of the educational objectives that raps in to the statement of educational goals, basically describe the need for the university to instill all the elements of good conduct within the students and staff to ensure credibility, quality, and accountability in their work delivery, whether as students or staff. Even though MOHE highlights the outcome mainly for the attributes of the graduates, we in UiTM Malaysia also look into the attributes of staff. A well rounded and able graduate is only possible if the university also focus on the human capital development within the institution. That is the reason why our philosophy, vision, mission, objective and goal do incorporate the attributes of staff and management.
It can be seen that the vision, mission, objectives and educational goals of UiTM Pahang do align to the vision, mission, objectives and educational goals of UiTM Malaysia as a whole along with the National Higher Education Strategic Plan 2007-2010 of the Ministry of Higher Education, and eventually, the five national missions in the 9th Malaysia Plan. It is significant that these statements translate into aspirations to prepare quality human capital for the nation. Hence, in UiTM Malaysia, they specifically cater to the accessibility of Bumiputera towards pursuing quality higher education.
Figure 1.1: The Relationship Model of the Program Outcome
1.1.3 Describe the appropriate body and membership responsible for approving the vision, mission and educational goals of the HEP.
The vision, mission and objectives of the UiTM Pahang are based on UiTM Malaysia that underwent a thorough review exercise in the year 2002 up to 2004. A method of scenario planning was put into practice. The top management, together with the senior management that consist of heads of department, sat together, brainstormed, analyzed the earlier version of the statements, thought out the probable changes that might happen in the near future, medium term and long term, in areas relating to social, technological, economic, environmental, and political changes. These changes were paraphrased to form a probable future that would range from the worst to the best scenario. Upon consensus, the group later reconstructed the mission, that is, the reason for existence, which is to offer access to tertiary education for Bumiputera.
Concurrently drafted into the vision statement was the need for UiTM Pahang to strive for a world-class standard, not merely for purposes of branding and to boast of, but also as a launching pad to bring quality at the doorstep of every Bumiputera in general, and the Malays, in particular.
The process ended in 2004, and was later endorsed by the university Board. Its implementation is manifested through the following cascading schedule:
- Board
- Senate
- Deans and Heads of Department
- Heads of Program and Heads of Unit
- Students and the general staff
1.1.4 Describe how the vision, mission and educational goals are made known to the relevant parties.
The newly reworded philosophy, vision, mission and educational objectives were first shared with the university’s general citizenry through the Vice Chancellor’s speech in 2004 (refer to slide presentation, Colmar January 2004). It was later made available through a poster (refer to the framed poster on V/M/O) distributed to all campuses and departments, after which it cascaded through documents such as bulletin, diary, numerous introductory texts of various university documents like annual reports, documentary CD on Preparation for Life, and the university website.
Figure 1.2 Statements of Vision, Mission and Objective on the Website
All websites of sub-portals within the university’s network are required to have a link to statements on the vision, mission and objectives of the university. This is to ensure that consistency and shared vision are institutionalized.
The information is cascaded down through top management (including heads of programs and heads of unit), students and the general staff via announcements in meetings, staff emails via Lotus notes and also published in UiTM Pahang’s website, posters and banners displayed in the university’s compound.
Figure 1.3 Statements of Vision and Mission on the Website of UiTM Pahang
Information on Enhanced Standards
1.1.5 Provide information to what extent the institutional mission and educational goals incorporate aspects of leadership, social responsibility, research, scholarship, community engagement, ethical values, professionalism and knowledge creation.
UiTM Pahang’s mission statement was derived in line with UiTM Malaysia’s mission statement. It acts as a supplement while catering to the needs of the state government and also meeting the needs of the local Bumiputera community. This is to balance the participation of Bumiputeras in the social and economic participation in the state. All the keywords in the mission statement (refer to Table 1.1) have been drafted in such a way that they reflect the original mission statement of UiTM Malaysia.
Statements in the mission were derived from Article 153 of the Federal Constitution in which the needs of Bumiputera are catered to, to ensure social and economic balance in the nation. All the keywords in the mission statement (refer to Table 1.0) have been drafted in such a way that they would sustain any future changes and challenges in social, technological, economic, environmental and political spectrum; hence, the scenario planning was adopted when the university reanalyzed and redrafted the statements in 2002.
1.1.6 State that the HEP’s planning and evaluation processes, educational programs, educational support services, financial and physical resources, and administrative processes are adequate and appropriate to fulfill its stated goals.
The document Pelaksanaan Rancangan Malaysia Ke 9 UiTM Malaysia (Implementation of the 9th Malaysia Plan in UiTM Malaysia), published by the Centre for Strategic Planning in 2006, is seen as a comprehensive reference material that incorporates the evaluation of program achievement (Chapter 3), the educational support services, financial and physical resources planning (Chapters 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 11). The document was launched about a month following the announcement of the national-level 9th Malaysia Plan. The university has long been documenting its planning through the spirit of working together between the Centre for Strategic Planning, that linked the academic requirements of teaching & learning, research & commercialization and community service, to the physical development needs of the university, in tandem with the 6th, 7th, 8th MP and 9th Malaysia Plan. The document is accessible through the Centre for Strategic Planning (CSP), UiTM Pahang. For the 10thMalaysia Plan, the centre has recently started roundtable discussions on planning for the future. This time around, the Academic Affairs Division is preparing a separate document basically catering for a possible model and changes that might happen within the academic setup, prior to submitting it to the CSP for consolidation. At the same time, the Development office had also prepared the SOA of the future development, which will later be incorporated into the UiTM Pahang planning document. All these draft documents would be made available during the site visit (refers to UiTM Pahang Strategic Planning 2006 – 2010).
1.2 Participation in the Formulation of Vision, Mission and Educational Goals
Information on Benchmarked Standards
1.2.1 Describe how the HEP involves major stakeholders in the formulation and renewal of the mission and educational goals as well as the educational programs.
Apart from the process mentioned in the previous section, the renewals of educational programs are regularly conducted through the process of curriculum review. The process is governed by the Senate, while its management is under the purview of the Academic Quality Assurance Unit, Academic Affairs Division. The whole process of curriculum review can take the form of top-down or bottom-up movement. The top-down process starts with the request made to the faculty from either the ministry, the Board or the top management, to review the curriculum, while the bottoms-up process starts from the faculty board itself, and may be the result of a request from the external examiners or other stakeholders. Please refer to the Curriculum Review flowchart either in hard copy or through the website of the Academic Affairs Division.
Information on Enhanced Standards
1.2.2 Describe how the HEP consults and involves a wide range of stakeholders in the ongoing refinement of the vision, mission and goals.
UiTM Pahang will revise its vision, mission and educational goals in accordance to any changes made in UiTM Malaysia’s vision, mission and educational goals and State Government requirements.
Since 2000, when the university underwent the Change Management project in consultation with Sapura Bhd, and followed by the ISO project that had taken place from 2003 right up to 2006, all refinement of the vision, mission and goals had been consistently reviewed through a process of Plan-Do-Check & Act cycle. The university engaged internal experts from CSP, AQA or InQKA to drive the review of the overall university planning, programs planning and quality management planning. An analysis would be conducted every half a year under one of the departmental management review meetings (extract of samples of minutes of meeting and the Quality Manual of the university and all faculties and departments). Brainstorming sessions would normally follow. A task force was then formed to take any follow-up action on the review (please refer to the Pine Meeting, Formation of the Task Force, and the document produced). Few other samples are also available, including the 200,000 High Impact Project, the 9th Malaysia Plan UiTM Malaysia, the draft document on the Academic Blueprint and Strategic Planning for World-Class University by CSP, being the latest.