Proponent Testimony
House Bill 269
House Ways and Means Committee
February 15, 2016
" Chairman McClain, Vice Chairman Scherer, Ranking Member Cera and members of the Ways and Means Committee. I am Dennis Althar from Althar Audio a division of All-Tronics Medical Systems which is a sound equipment manufacturer from Cleveland that has been in operations for over 41 years.
I greatly appreciate the opportunity to provide testimony in support of HB 269 which would create the Ohio Sound Recording Investor Tax Credit. "
Help make Ohio a "Sound" State!
For a stronger Cleveland and the greater Ohio area.
Already known for leadership in the music industry with the legacy of literally hundreds of musicians from classical to bleeding edge modern.
Alan Freed first created and then popularized "Rock and Roll" which helped unite diverse American cultures by showcasing the great, and diverse talent that in 1950 only a multi cultural America could produce.
The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
The Cleveland Orchestra
Cleveland Institute of Music
Oberlin Conservatory
Tri -C Recording Arts and Technology Center
The list goes on and on
In the Manufacturing area which creates JOBS,,, companies include Althar Audio, Dayton Audio, CAD, BIC, RTR, SVS
In the Touring industry companies like 8th Day Sound are equally recognized which helps place Ohio as one of the few states in the Union which could actually become both a destination and provider for everything music and industry related to meet producers and artists' needs in both the music and film industries.
Birth place of Belkin productions
Althar Audio is a slavic village, (a neighborhood considered ground zero in the nations foreclosure crisis ) based leading edge manufacturer in the commercial Audio Industry supporting artists, venues and theaters including
The Cleveland Museum of Art
EJ Thomas Hall
The Ohio Theatre in Loudonville
Boys and Girls Club
The velodrome
Alex Bevan
Dan Bode
We feel music brings people and communities together and helps to incorporate them into the world at large.
We support:
HB 269/ The Ohio Sound Recording Investor Tax Credit
Further, as proof of our dedication and support to this bill, we will provide a 12.5% rebate of any Althar Audio equipment purchased for a project which is approved and meets the guidelines of HB 269.
We believe the benefit which will be derived from the stimulus HB269 creates will far exceed even the boldest projections in both real dollars and jobs brought to the state as well as the intangibles of uniting a more well integrated state, with its diverse artists and performers brought together in front of their equally culturally diverse audience and patrons.
The Black Keys
The Isley Brothers
The O’Jays
Tracy Chapman
Phil Keaggy
The Pretenders
... Robert Lockwood Jr....
In my opinion the way to determine if something is important is how long it's important- music crosses generations and centuries uniting people and ideas it's our music that stands the test of time.
In the world wide economy our music is one of our largest exports.
If anyone here can say that their lives were not positively affected by music... Let them be heard now or forever support HB 269!
Dennis Althar
Althar Audio
Paul Podnar
Vice President
Althar Audio