April 2017
Dear Friends,
“Jesus said to her, ‘Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?’ Supposing him
to be the gardener, she said to him, ‘Sir, if you have carried him away tell me where you have laid him, and I will take him away.’ Jesus said to her, ‘Mary.’ She turned and said to him, ‘Rabboni!’ … Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, ‘I have seen the Lord …’” (John 20: 15-16, 18)
If you have a reading list of books you hope to read someday allow me to add one more – Draw the Circle: The 40 Day Prayer Challenge by Mark Batterson. Draw the Circle is more than a book to read though. It is a book God uses to change lives. I know because it’s changed mine. It’s especially changed how I now appreciate even more the people in my life and the simple things I confess I have often taken for granted, but hopefully never will again.
It happened on day 23. The theme for the day is “waiting”. Building on the passage from Acts 1 in which Jesus said to the apostles:
“Wait for the gift my Father promised.” (Acts 1:4)
Mark underscores the importance of “waiting on God” to answer the prayers we pray. Mark goes one step further by reminding us waiting is a prayer itself! While I couldn’t agree more my take-away from the daily devotional reading had nothing to do with prayer. For me the take-away that has made a difference in my life is something else Mark points to. Paraphrasing what Mark wrote it’s this:
“When God gives something back that has been taken away, don’t take it for granted.”
Having just read that stop for a moment and think about your own life. I did and it has changed my life more than I can say. My hope it will change yours too. I suspect it changed Mary Magdalene’s. I can’t help but imagine the same was true for the apostle’s. To see and hear and touch and experience the risen Jesus who had been taken from them found them even more grateful than they had been before they experienced life (as they knew it) without Him.
This Easter as you celebrate Jesus’ resurrection in addition to adding Mark’s book to your reading list, let me also suggest you make a second list on which you write down all the things God has restored to you. Yes, resurrections still happen. In fact, they happen every day just not in the way we might think or expect. Then again, the resurrection they experienced as followers of Jesus wasn’t one they expected either!
With appreciation and love in Christ,
Jeff Vanderhoff4/7
David Lake4/11
Nelson Boone4/21Rachel Thomas4/2
Rick Bowser4/21Kay Harvey4/9
Bill Cox4/25Carol Peters4/18
Larry Wiltrout4/27Dianne Shaw4/23
Ross Pryor4/30
David & Leanna Lake4/8
Scott & Dawn Hargraves 4/18
Washington District Conference will be held on Sunday, May 7th at 3pm at Waynesburg First
Prayer Vigil:
Speers United Methodis Church will hold a prayer vigil for our world, nation, and communities onSaturday, April 22 at 6:00pm. This day is Earth Day, so we will be lifting up God’s creation and our role as caretakers of this earth. We also will be prayerful for the violence and injustices of the world, for our nation and leaders to follow God’s summons, and for our community first responders, for those whose lives have been touched by addiction, and for those living in poverty. We will be singing about 4-5 hymns intermittently between the prayers and ending with the closing prayer with candlelight. We will have local pastors joining us for this event to lead us in each of the prayers with a praise band to lead us with hymns. You are invited to join us in prayer for God’s will to be done in this world, that we may be guided as the Spirit would lead us. Individually, we can reach a few, but collectively we can let the Lord and the world know that we trust in the Creator of all that is. If you have any questions you may reach me at 412-996-4964 or by email at . Search your hearts and pray as to what the Lord will have you do.
Greene County Hymn Sing: April 9, 2017RogersvilleUMC(Fellowship Hall)7PM
May 14, 2017TBD
June 11, 2017Fordyce UMC7PM
July 9, 2017Waynesburg First7PM
August 13, 2017TBD
Sept. 10, 2017Oak View7PM
Washington District UMW:
April 29Spring Social at Trinity UMC
May 7-9Mini Mission u at Olmsted Manor
June 8-11WPAUMC Annual Conference
July 27-30Mission u at California University
July 25-30Youth Mission u
August 5 or 12August Mission Trip-Grace Ministries
September 30Annual Meeting at Coal Center: Grace
October 28Conference UMW Annual Meeting; Location TBD
Autism Event to be held at Jefferson Avenue UMC on Saturday, April 22ndfrom 9am-12:00. The event is designed to help local churches, especially those involved in children and youth ministries understand autism, how to create a welcoming environment for autistic children and youth, and the special needs every local church needs to be prepared to meet and address for persons with autism and their families to participate meaningfully in the life of the church. More information to come.
Friday Faith Café:
April 7thSoldiers and Sons
May 5thVicky Andreis
7:00-9:00pm. Doors open at 6:30. All ages. Free admission, refreshments, family-friendly. 625 Fayette Street, in Washington's West End, one block off of West Chestnut street, at the top of the hill, behind West Washington United Methodist church.
CLERGY EVALUATION– The 2017 Clergy Evaluation form can be found on the WPA Conference site under the Forms tab. To access the Required Annual Forms page click here Due MAY 15th.
Conference Center Parking Alert: Site work is underway toward permanent improvements in parking and traffic flow at the UM Center in Cranberry. Get details.
Spring Training for Volunteers in Mission!
Spring 2017VIM Team Leader Training Schedule
- Wed. March 22 from 10am to 4pm at Ebensburg UMC
- Sat. April 8 from 10am to 4pm at First UMC: Washington
- Tues. April 25 from 10am to 4pm at UM Center, Cranberry Twp
- Sat. April 29 from 10am to 4pm at Good Shepherd UMC (Kane Dist.)
- Sat. May 6 from 10 am to 4pm at Edinboro UMC
Note: Doors open and registration begins 30 minutes prior to training start time.Each Registration is $8 and a copy of "A Mission Journey: A Handbook for Volunteers" is required. Paper copies can be purchased through the WPA UM Center for $12 or online through Barnes and Noble. E-book versions are available through BN.com or Amazon.com.Invite your congregation to participate!Register
2017 Confirmation Class Tour Schedule:
- April 21, Friday-Morning
- May 12, Friday-MorningandAfternoon
- May 13, Saturday-Morning
Reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis. Use the links above to the reservation form for the session you choose. Have aconfirmednumber ofstudents and adults in your groupwhen you register. Confirmation tour sessions fill up quickly.If you are unable to attend after you register your group, contactRev. Greg Cox.
WPA Conference Minister’s Chorus:
April 20th, 2017 at Carmichaels (WA)
May 25th, 2017 at Westside in Clearfield (Susq. Conf)
September 21, 2017 at Linesville/Harmonsburg UMC
October 19, 2017 at Mount Hope UMC
November 16, 2017 at Brookville First UMC (IN)
Like to Read, Pastor? Join a clergy book group! Manyare about to kick off their year, so it’s a great time to get involved.Thegroups listed at wpaumc.org/GrowthOpportunities would welcome new members. Or start one yourself and let Susan Moudry know about it. with details.
A new mini-edition of our clergy recommended reading list is focused specifically on leadership books because this year'scontinuing education focus area is leadership. Both business classics, as well as church specific readings, are highlighted. Pick out one and make a commitment to read it this fall. Let’s pray that our collective reading strengthens our work in ministry. See the list.
Keep up with the UMC!
Stay informed about important news and events in the The United Methodist Church by subscribing free to the Daily or Weekly Digests. Subscribe now.
Clergy Excellence: There's an updated list of continuing education opportunities at wpaumc.org/leadershipdevelopment.
May 11- Polity Class @ Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
Long Hall, Room 215 from 1:30-4 w/ Bishop Moore-Koikoi. Questions- Contact Rev. Dave Morse
Upcoming Learning Opportunities: Download the new flyer of continuing ed opportunities, open to laity and clergy, here.
Online Lay Servant Ministries advanced courses offered by BeADisciple.com —Schedule of classes
For Clergy Continuing Education & Formation events click here: CCEF EVENTS
See full list of upcoming webinars atgbod.org/webinars
Continuing Educators e-News for Clergy: Keep up with news in clergy continuing education. Sign up for a new e-newsletter from the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry. Learn more.
The Turner Center for Church Leadership at Martin Methodist College offers online training for church leaders in Christian Education, Youth Ministry, Older Adult Ministry and Children’s Ministry. Learn more.
NEWUMC Cyber Campus Website Please visit our new website by clicking here
From the Well Podcasts: The Upper Room's Academy for Spiritual Formation invites United Methodists and others to listen to “From the Well,” a podcast that draws from spiritual content gathered and shared at academies over the years. Listen and learn more.
Growing in Discipleship: Encourage your congregation to get into the Wesleyan pattern of daily prayer and scripture reading with A Disciple’s Journal 2017. Download a sample and/or purchase from the Upper Room.
Church Communication Online Training: UM Communications offers two new online classes. Effective Church Marketing provides a step-by-step process to develop a marketing plan and Your Church Website helps with website development and use. Learn more
Online Lenten Journey with CEU’s: United Theological Seminary offers a new online Journey through Lent.It’s $20, but for an additional $10 (and by submitting a journal response), a CEU is available. Get details at united.edu/journey-through-lent/
Course of Study at United: After a year of consultation with the Board of Higher Education and Ministry, United Theological Seminary has become an Extension of the Course of Study School of Ohio at MTSO. United will offer up to 12 courses each year for part-time local pastors. Students attend weekend intensive classes four times a year and complete their work online within six weeks of the weekend intensives. The first group began classes this month. Get details.
COSROW Resources: The UMC Commission on the Status and Role of Women (GCSRW) has a new website where you can access expansive language liturgies, free downloadable curriculum, educational webinars, a Resource page for Clergy Families, and research reports tracking trends in women's leadership in the UMC. Visit gcsrw.org.
The United Methodist Church invites you to check out our new biweekly e-newsletter specially created for all church members. United Methodist Now will highlight examples of Christian living, share inspirational messages and focus on what it means to be part of our connection. Subscribe for free.
These newly focused internships are offered to current seminary students and provide a place for participants to deepen their sense of call and explore their gifts. Internships are an excellent way for the Church to provide the space needed for young people to explore what it means to be called to ministry and the various forms that can take. Won’t you consider making that investment by hosting an intern? If you are still trying to understand your own sense of call, is now the time to respond? Host site applications for summer 2017, as well as applications to serve as an intern can be found at For more information, . 2017 Ministry Internship Application
Host Site Application for Ministry Intern
Winter & Spring 2017 Olmsted Manor Retreats (for more information or to register, click here)
Spring Women's Retreat - April 23-25, 2017: Come laugh, learn, and be rejuvenated with Sue Duffield! Sue is a singer, songwriter, humorist, speaker, author, and advocate who loves to make people laugh with her off-the-wall Jersey logic and sacred sarcasm.
Fly Fishing Retreat - April 29 - May 1, 2017: It's finally here - the fly fishing retreat you've been waiting for. Everyone is welcome to come for a weekend of learning, spiritual exploration, and fishing! Gary is a well-known fly fishing instructor and welcomes participants of all skill levels.
Mini Mission u - May 7-9, 2017: Join us at Olmsted as we explore topics from this year's WPA Mission u (you need not have attended the event). Come to be refreshed, educated, and empowered. Topics will include "The Bible and Human Sexuality: Claiming God's Good Gift," "Latin America: People and Faith," and "Climate Justice: Call to Hope and Action."
Pastors' Academy at Olmsted Manor May 22-24, 2017 with Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi. Come gather with your peers as you learn and dig deeper into the ministry of serving a church.This event is in coordination with the Continuing Education efforts of the WPA Conference and is intended to help clergy meet their education requirements and fulfill their spiritual needs. Continuing Education Units: 1
Will be held at Olmsted Manor, 17 East Main St, Ludlow, PA 16333. This is a change in location. The Olmsted Manor retreat center is filled with activities such as bowling and a landscape to intrigue the nature lovers. Registration begins at 1:00 on Friday, June 16 and the weekend of spiritual growth, learning and community with others will last until Sunday, June 18. The focus of this year’s event is “From the Bottom Up,” which will inspire young women with the topics: organization, successfulness and world issues. Find us at or follow us on Facebook and Twitter by searching @umwunstoppable.
July 17-21, 2017 (Mon. dinner – Friday lunch)
Theme: “Stained Glass Windows: Letting God’s Holy Spirit Shine!”
Deans: Mrs. Lois Hiles and Mrs. Glenda Merritt
Bible Teacher: Rev. Bruce K. Merritt
Music Director: Robin Swank
Cost: Tuition: $16.00 + Room and Board: $264 = $280
Price includes class, 4 nights stay, 12 meals, evening entertainment
Camperships available for first time attenders!
For more information:
Olmsted Manor
P.O. Box 8, Ludlow, Pa. 16333
Wednesday, April 26 from 9 am to 4 pm at Salem United Methodist Church, in Wexford, PA. This church is approximately 5 miles from the Conference Center and is located at: 350 Manor Road, Wexford, PA 15090; Phone: 724-935-1627. This is a gathering and information session for clergy who are retiring in 2017. Contact Alexis Soohy at .
Family Systems Workshop (Bowen Theory): “Integrated Leadership: Spirit, Emotions, Intellect, Behavior”
on Friday, April 28 & Saturday, April 29
A workshop for anyone whose lives or livelihood puts them in relationship with others.
New Castle First United Methodist Church
135 Decker Drive, New Castle, PA 16105
or 724-658-5577
Cost $25.00 // 1 CEU credit for full 2-day participation
Sign up on line at must be received by April 15
Thrive - Ministry on the Edge: April 30 – May 2, 2017at the Double Tree by Hilton, Pittsburgh, PA,15205
Thrive2017 is a conference hosted by the Board of Higher Education and Campus Ministry in partnership with MTSO. We are designed for pastors and church leaders who are doing ministry in the ever changing landscape of the 21st century. Featuring Sara Miles and Peter Rollins we will gather together and learn from some of the best minds in ministry and what it looks like to do ministry on the leading edge of the new millennium. We offer over 30 different breakouts, 7 keynotes, and 2 C.E.U. credits. Thrive2017 takes place April 30th to May 2nd at the DoubleTree hotel in Greentree. For more details, scholarships, and to register see our website at
A Clergy Transition Seminar
for all pastors experiencing a change in ministry setting this year will be held at Dutilh UMC, 1270 Dutilh Rd, Cranberry Twp, PA 16066 on Saturday, May 6 from 9-4 pm. Registration will begin at 8:30 am, lunch will be provided. Spouses are welcome. Childcare is offered to those who pre-register. Hosted by the WPAUMC Cabinet, Office of Clergy Excellence, and Office of Congregational Development and Revitalization.Register
“Preparing for an Active Shooter” on Wednesday, May 17 from 10 am – 3 pm. From 10 am until Noon it will be at Christ United Methodist Church, 1135 Buffalo Street, Franklin for the classroom portion of the training as well as an outdoor demonstration of the four ways a fire extinguisher can be usedoffensively or defensively. At Noon it will be one block over at First United Methodist Church, 1102 Liberty Street, Franklin for lunch and the hand's on portion of the training where we will do a building walk-through strategizing options of what to do in a variety of environments as well as running several reset(do-over) drills where you get a second chance to get it right.Discounted price is $39 until midnight on Monday, April 24. RegisterHave questions about Preparing for an Active Shooter - Franklin, PA?Contact CapozziGroup and SurvivalMindset.
WPA Black Methodists For Church Renewal (BMCR) Program
Friday, May 19, 2017 to Sunday, May 21, 2017Where / Monroeville United Methodist Church
219 Center Rd
Monroeville, PA 15146
Email /
Contact / Sharon Gregory
Registration / WPA Black Methodist For Church Renewal (BMCR) Program →
Save the Date! The WPA Conference Board of Evangelism is sponsoring a Pastors’ School (Laity also are welcomed) on Evangelism on Thursday May 25 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Harmony-Zelienople Church. The Rev. Dr. Allyn Ricketts, retired clergy member, will be the speaker. Details to follow.
Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community
Saturday, June 3 at9 amat Beach 11, Presque Isle State Park, Erie. This 5k walk (or optional one-mile fun walk) is presented by Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield to benefit area nonprofits, including Erie United Methodist Alliance! That means 100% of money raised by EUMA walkers will benefit our efforts to end homelessness in NW PA! Registration for the event is FREE, but you can earn a Highmark Walk t-shirt by raising $30. Sign up yourself or your team at