Homework John 17
Jesus’ High Priestly prayer is recorded by the Apostle John in Chapter 17.
Jesus prays for Himself,for His disciples, and for the Church.
Day OneJesus’ prayer is recorded to have occurred between the Last Supper and Jesus’ betrayal and arrest. The other gospels record Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane in the same time frame. For context, what is learned from the following?
Matt. 26:36—46
Who went to the garden with Jesus? ______
Who was invited to follow Him closer as He went to pray?
What were they instructed to do? ______
In Jesus’ first prayer (very short), what was His resolve? ______
______v. 39
How does this confirm John 12:23, 27? ______
When Jesus returned from prayer, what were the disciples doing? ______
What was Jesus’ admonition to Peter? ______
Why? ______
As Jesus returned to pray, what was His resolve? ______v. 42
Returning to the disciples, they were ______
Jesus returned to pray a third time. What was His prayer? ______v. 44
Once again, what were the disciples doing? ______
Jesus tells them the urgency of their being alert. What was it? ______
Mark 14:32—42
Mark’s account is quite similar to that of Matthew, and once again Peter is specifically addressed. Note three other events involving Peter:
Matt. 16:13—19 ______
Matt. 26:33—35 ______
John 21:15—17 ______
Luke 22:39—46
Luke records that Jesus ordered the disciples to make a specific prayer. What was it?
Luke records the physical agony of Jesus’ prayer.
Why do you think Luke would have made this specific observation? ______
What else does Luke record which is not referenced in the other gospels? v. 43
Why does Luke say the disciples were sleeping? ______
Why? See John 16:1—6 ______
John 16:19—22 ______
Last question for today: What is the difference between God’s sovereignty and God’s will?
Day TwoIn the previous four chapters, we learned that Jesus was speaking to His disciples which would be His last time to teach and encourage them before His death.
Now He is in prayer to the Father, which can be understood in three sections and seven petitions:
Jesus prays for Himselfv. 1—5
What does Jesus identify as His purpose? ______v. 1
The Father gave Jesus ______v. 2
Jesus will give ______to whom? ______v. 2
How does Jesus define eternal life? ______v. 3
What had Jesus accomplished? ______v. 4
What kind of glory was Jesus seeking? ______v. 5
What do we know about this from Phil. 2:5—11?
From Heb. 1:3—4? ______
From Eph. 1:18—23? ______
Day ThreeJesus prays for His disciplesv. 6—19
How did these men become Jesus’ disciples? ______v. 6, 7
What have they done as a result? ______v. 6
and ______v. 8
How specific are Jesus’ prayers for them? ______v. 9
Jesus often spoke of His oneness with the Father. What is Jesus’ first request on behalf of
His disciples? ______v. 11
Earlier Jesus had told them that He was leaving them His peace. What other attribute is
identified as His legacy to them? ______v. 13
What else has Jesus given them? ______v. 14
Jesus has said that he would not leave them as orphans (unprotected). From whom do they
require protection? ______v. 15
Jesus said that His disciples were not of the world (v. 14, 16) but are being sent into the
world (v. 18). What would be the two meanings of the word “world” here?
v. 14,16 ______v. 18 ______
In v. 19 Jesus said that He “sanctifies” Himself. How would Jesus be sanctified?
How would His disciples be sanctified? ______v. 17
Day FourJesus prays for His churchv. 20—26
Jesus also prays for future believers. How do we know this from v. 20?
From v. 21, who is referred to when Jesus prays for “they”? ______
What kind of unity is described? ______
Paul speaks of unity in the church in Eph. 4:1—6. How is that unity defined?
What kind of glory is Jesus talking about in v. 22? See John 1:14
Jesus prays for perfection and unity in v. 23. Why? (2 reasons)
______and ______
How is the church doing today regarding these standards? ______
Jesus culminates His prayer with a final request. What blessing is addressed in v. 24?
Jesus describes the kind of love that is to be manifested in the church in v. 25—26. What is
the source of that love? ______the cause of that love? ______
the result of that love? ______
Jesus’ seven petitions. Identify the seven requests Jesus made of the Father.
1.______v. 1
2.______v. 5
3. ______v. 11, 15
4.______v. 17
5. ______v.11, 20—21
6.______v. 21
7.______v. 24
Day FiveIn verse 9, Jesus said that He did not pray for the world.
In the context of this verse, how would you define “world”?
What do we know about the character of the world?
1 John 5:19______
John 15:18______
James 4:4______
1 John 2:15—16 ______
What is God’s message to the world?
John 1:29______
John 3:7______
John 3:19______
What is God’s judgment?
John 16:8—11______
1 John 2:17______
Matt. 7:22—23 ______
1 John 3:8______
What is God’s command to His people in the world?
2 Cor. 6:14—17 ______
Rom. 12:2______
1 John 2:15______
How are we to treat our enemies (and God’s)?
Matt. 5:44______
Luke 6:27—28 ______
Rom. 12:19______
In which verse did Jesus pray for you personally? ______
From what we have discussed, recall and list some of the promises Jesus made
for those who believe in Him?
How have you experienced these in your life?