JESUS’ BIRTH – The TRUE Story, cont’d


Light on the Rock

by Philip Shields

There’s a movement to “put Christ back into Christmas”. Was Jesus ever in Christmas in the first place? Someone was born on December 25th, but was it Christ? Why would two gospels- Mark and John – totally omit Christ’s birth? What do Christmas trees, Yule logs and mistletoe have to do with Jesus? Are traditional beliefs about the “manger scene” even correct? What was the meaning of the three gifts? You’ll never think the same way about Jesus’ birth – or of Christmas –after this message.


For billions of people, it’s the high point of the year. It can be a time of much anticipated family get-togethers - - when grandpa and grandma come see the grandkids, or the other way around. Christmas gifts, caroling around a Christmas tree, special songs, eggnog and lots of food. And booze. It’s certainly a high point for business. Christmas sales will either make or break businesses. There’s no denying Christmas is a major part of the lives of hundreds of millions. Many in the Christian world claim Christmas is the grand celebration of the birth of the Messiah.

But is it? Are the typical pictures of the Christmas story, the manger scene, the 3 kings, beautiful female-looking angels with long blonde hair and a pair of dazzling white wings – are these things the true story of the birth of Jesus? Now add to that the stories of Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, of Santa Claus (called “Father Christmas” in England), flying reindeer, ho-ho-ho and all that -- and do we have the truth about the birth of Jesus?

Have you ever wondered what all the accoutrements of Christmas have to do with the Christ child? Christmas trees, the Yule log, mistletoe, chestnuts roasting in a fire, and white Christmas with snow – what’s all that got to do with the real story of Jesus’ birth?

And how did we come to start keeping December 25? Does the Bible – or any other reliable source – tell us actually when Jesus was born? It may come as a shock to many of you to learn that Dec 25th was indeed a very special holiday date, but long, long, before Jesus was ever born!

For some of you who check out this website, it may come as a surprise and maybe even disappointment at first to learn that though I’m a huge believer in the virgin birth of Christ, in believing Jesus is the Son of God, and in believing what the Bible says about the birth of Jesus – the shepherds, the wise men, the visit by Gabriel the archangel, the baby in the manger or feeding trough – all of that and more – I celebrate Christ, but I don’t celebrate Christmas. Please let me explain.

If you do celebrate Christmas, and are shocked by what I just said, hear me out. If you find major blunders in my message, contact me to show me my errors. I’ll listen. But please hear first what God’s word says about the birth of Jesus and the way we worship Him – then contact me if you still feel I’m wrong. I’m not asking you to believe me unless you first have seen what I’m saying in God’s word.

John 4:24 “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."

When one celebrates Christmas (the Mass of Christ) – are you worshiping the true God – and even more importantly, does the true God want to be worshiped by Christmas? Is the One True God pleased with being worshiped with Christmas wreaths, mistletoe, Christmas trees – and with

parties, exchanging gifts, going into debt, office parties that run the gamut of description? IS the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and King David – and of the apostles Peter and Paul -- pleased He is supposedly being celebrated with stories of a fat man in red delivering gifts through chimneys, as he flies around the world behind flying reindeer? Does it matter to God? You might be surprised!

Will it matter to you, if you find out that these things indeed might matter to God? Because already some of you are squirming, realizing that I have a track record of documenting with scripture all the things I say. You’re already wondering what could be wrong with Christmas.

I’ll be the first to admit that some of the most beautiful songs ever composed are Christmas songs. The peaceful haunting tune of Silent Night, Holy Night is incredible. Followed by a rousing rendition of “Joy to the World”, and the playfulness of 12 Days of Christmas, then a laid back day dreamy version of “I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas”…. Topped off by “O Come Let us Adore Him”.

To those of you who regularly check out my website, please hear me on this: yes, those are beautiful songs. My question remains: does it matter to God? You might quickly say that as long as we’re doing all of the above in the name of God, what could be wrong with any of it? Keep listening.

Was Christ really born on December 25th in the dead of winter? Is that truth? Or is the 25th of December really a date stolen from other, older traditions and overlaid on to the Christmas story? If so, would God be pleased with being worshiped through a set of stories tied to another’s birthday, and not His own? Does God even want to be worshiped with a birth day? Are the stories about the birth of Christ even the truth as they’re often presented? You’ll be surprised.

Is the “Manger story” as traditionally depicted in manger scenes and plays at churches – really the way it was? You’ll find as we go through it today, that there’s a lot that’s not true about traditional manger scenes and stories. And remember, God is seeking those who worship Him to remember He must be worshiped in truth (John 4:24).

If observing December 25th as the birth of Christ is practically a holy day to some – why is that date, and ANY birth date for Jesus, nowhere mentioned in the Bible? How did we come up with December 25? Why do we read about the early Christians observing the Feasts of the Lord such as Passover, the days of Unleavened Bread, Pentecost, and the Feast of Tabernacles -- but nowhere do we have even a whiff or inkling, that the early devout Christians celebrated the birthday of Jesus, and on December 25th at that? Paul, Peter, James, John nowhere mention it. How could this be?

If you have children listening to this, you may be wondering how they’ll take a message like this. You might be surprised. I have found 7, 9, 12, even 15 year olds very receptive to truth – if you don’t waiver on truth yourself. Any kids listening? If you want to make God happy, do what God says to do. And don’t do the things God says don’t do. And most of all, start talking with God. Start praying.

So let’s review the true Biblical story about the birth of Christ. For indeed, I love my Savior. I’m so glad He came down from heaven to be born of a virgin in Bethlehem – it’s just that – are you ready for this: the true story has nothing to do with Christmas the way it’s kept today – and never did! I’m not “bah-humbug”! I celebrate my Savior, but let me make plain why I don’t celebrate December 25th.


The exact date of Jesus’ birth is obviously not important, for it is not given. It is very important that GOD came as a fetus, and then was born to live as a mere mortal, and to give His life for us. We know – for we’re told – the specific, exact day He died: on Passover day, the 14th day of the Hebrew first month.

But the Bible is silent about the date of His birth. If God had wanted us to remember to celebrate and honor His birth day, He would have clearly told us when it was. God is so precise about being sure we understand exactly when to worship Him when it comes to His Feast Days (Lev. 23). This is the bottom line. Most serious Bible students and historians pretty much agree that Jesus’ birth was not in December.

Let me repeat: Jesus was born, in Bethlehem, in a manger – yes. But Jesus was NOT born on December 25, and we are NOT told to keep His birthday anywhere in the Bible! In fact, we are to remember His death at Passover for our sins, more than His birth in Bethlehem. However, His birth – as God coming to earth to live among us as a regular man – that’s pretty awesome too. But it’s what the Baby in the manger did when He grew up – when He died for my many sins and yours – that means even more to me!

Interestingly enough, December 25 is the date – and you can easily verify this with minimal research you can do yourself – Dec. 25 is the birth date of Egypt’s Osiris and Horus – as well as for Mithra – the Iranian god of light, born in a cave on Dec. 25th. In fact Mithra is said to also have been buried in a rock tomb at his death. Dec 25 was celebrated by pagans long, long before the birth of Jesus. You’ll find that the Catholic church – in its desire to bring in more members – allowed and even encouraged the pagans of the first few centuries after Christ to come into the fold, and to bring their pagan customs with them. Somehow, they reasoned, if we re-label, or “christen” their pagan customs with Christian labels and Christian stories, they won’t be pagan anymore.

It’s easily, easily shown with about 10 minutes of research at any library, or even a “google” search on the web – just plug in “origins of Christmas customs” and see what you find. I just did it. There are over 2 million sites to that topic. Most of the first 10 websites are full of the historic pagan origins of the Christmas tree and so on. Be sure to do that. In fact the early Puritans in America forbad the keeping of Christmas until the late 1800’s because they could clearly see its pagan roots. Also look up “Roman Saturnalia” in a Google search. If you do it yourself, you’ll understand it so much more than if I just told you.

You’ll quickly see that the ancient Egyptians worshiped with a tree, a palm tree. The Christmas tree as we know it today is a holdover from the pagan Germanic tribes. The Catholic church felt it was an appropriate symbol of Christ – the evergreen, never-dying tree. The oft told story that Martin Luther decorated the first Christmas tree cannot be substantiated and is probably legend. But originating in Germany is well established. The 2 month feast of Yule was kept with live green trees in German homes. The German immigrants to the USA also were the ones who brought that custom to America.

Queen Victoria’s husband – Prince Albert of Saxony – was the one who brought it to Britain, when he erected a Christmas tree in Windsor Castle in 1841. It wasn’t long when the man on the street followed suit.

From the History Channel website, I found this about the Christmas tree:

“Most 19th-century Americans found Christmas trees an oddity. The first record of one being on display was in the 1830s by the German settlers of Pennsylvania, although trees had been a tradition in many German homes much earlier. The Pennsylvania German settlements had community trees as early as 1747. But, as late as the 1840s Christmas trees were seen as pagan symbols and not accepted by most Americans.
It is not surprising that, like many other festive Christmas customs, the tree was adopted so late in America. To the New England Puritans, Christmas was sacred. The Pilgrim’s second governor, William Bradford, wrote that he tried hard to stamp out "pagan mockery" of the observance, penalizing any frivolity. The influential Oliver Cromwell preached against "the heathen traditions" of Christmas carols, decorated trees, and any joyful expression that desecrated "that sacred event." In 1659, the General Court of Massachusetts enacted a law making any observance of December 25 (other than a church service) a penal offense; people were fined for hanging decorations. That stern solemnity continued until the 19th century, when the influx of German and Irish immigrants undermined the Puritan legacy.”

You can do the same research in to the Yule log, mistletoe, Christmas lights, etc. – and if you’ve never done so, you’re in for a real shock. We’ve taken the story of Jesus’ birth, put it on to a Dec 25th day that had been observed by pagans for hundreds of years before Christ, added the Germanic and Celtic customs, plus the Roman Saturnalia festivities – and presto, Christmas as we know it today. Is that worshiping the true God? Is that what HE says He wants from us? Even the so-called facts of Christ’s birth itself are all garbled, as you’ll see!

You say, “so what?” You say, “We worship God now, not some Germanic forest deity or Mithra or whoever. So why does it matter?” Does God care how we worship Him? Does He even hint that He wants us remembering the baby story in the manger?

Remember that 2 of the gospels – Mark and John -- don’t even mention the birth story of Jesus at all! If we’re supposed to celebrate the birth of Christ, is it conceivable that half of the gospels don’t even mention His birth at all?

Now if much of Christmas tradition is rooted in paganism –and then given a Christian re-label, does it matter? Here’s what GOD says:

Deuteronomy 12:29-32

"When the LORD your God cuts off from before you the nations which you go to dispossess, and you displace them and dwell in their land, 30 take heed to yourself that you are not ensnared to follow them, after they are destroyed from before you, and that you do NOT inquire after their gods, saying, 'How did these nations serve their gods? I also will do likewise.' 31 You shall NOT worship the LORD your God in that way; for every abomination to the LORD which He hates they have done to their gods; for they burn even their sons and daughters in the fire to their gods.