Minutes of the meeting held on 17 May 2017 at 11.00 am at The Oaks Medical Centre, Shady Lane


Jan Gospel / Chair
Lurline Reynolds / Secretary
Annette Harpin / Patient
Dr Naik / Senior Partner Oaks Medical (Part)
Jacqueline Williams / Patient
Jean Bosworth / Patient
Keasha McCalla / IT Assistant
Marguerite Stewart / Patient
Michelle Slaughter / IT Manager
Ron Sugden / Patient
Sandra Thewlis / Reception Manager
Sheila Wellsbury / Patient
Tony Hackett / Patient
Val Evans / Patient
Jan welcomed everyone to the meeting. Jan also welcomed Sheila Wellsbury who is a new member to the PPG.
There were no apologies.
The minutes of 5 April were reviewed and agreed by the group.
Please see Appendix 1 – Reserved Business
Angela Barker, Pharmacist employed by the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), previously spoke to us on 15 February about medication wastage and the cost the National Health Service (NHS). Angela reiterated some of points of concern:
  • Pharmacist ordering on behalf of patients results in medication wastage;
  • Not all Pharmacists have the same procedure;
  • Patients can request a medication review through their Pharmacist;
  • There are issues around the review of medication; although medication usage may be reviewed by your Pharmacist, their systems are not linked to the medical practice therefore information is not shared;
  • There is a need for education around medication wastage;
  • Medication wastage for our CCG is £3 million a year;
  • Although ordering of medication through your Pharmacy will cease for the majority on 1 June, vulnerable patients will still be able to order through their Pharmacists.
The issue around decisions being made without consultations with patients was raised. Angela responded that there is a panel of 3000 members who get involved in shaping health services in Birmingham. This is known as the People’s Health Panel (PHP). These people are independently recruited or voluntarily sign up. If you are interested in becoming member of the panel you canRegister here
Lurline also mentioned a letter that had been received by her husband from a company called ‘Pharmacy2U’ who claim to take care of everything from requesting prescriptions from your doctor to arranging free delivery to your door. This company has been commissioned by NHS England but although it lists The Oaks Medical Centre as one of the surgeries there is no connection between the Oaks Medical and Pharmacy2U.
If you receive such a letter and wish to complain to NHS England via the following link:

Angela will come back in September to give us an update on progress.
January / AP8 / Members to feedback any comments on the new telephone system at the next meeting.
15.03.17 – Positive feedback has been received from patients. It is said that Dr Naik’s message tells patients what they need to know about making appointments.
05.04.17 – Still experiencing issues which are currently under investigation by British Telecom. Service received from supplier is very good. A log is being kept of response times and patient behaviour. Waiting time is currently around 15 minutes but this is due to staff shortage. Old telephone number is still showing on the website. Michelle to investigate.
17.05.17 – System has improved and is operating a lot better. The crackling is still being investigated by BT.
AP9 / Keasha to update the Practice website with the latest Minutes, PPG Objectives and the current Action Plan.
15.03.17 – Minutes and Action Plan have been updated but Keasha needs to confirm that the Objectives have been updated.
05.04.17 – Keasha did not have a copy of the PPG Objectives; these have now been given to her. Keasha will now update the website to show these documents as well as a list of updated doctors.
17.05.17 – Completed
February / AP2 / Michelle to send PPG members the password for the National PPG website.
15.03.17 – Michelle has tried to obtain the password but the response has been very slow. Michelle will try again – Ongoing.
05.04.17 – Further emails have been sent but still awaiting response.
17.05.17 – Generic email address is being created. Michelle will send the information to group when this has been done.
AP4 / Michelle to implement a process for the publication of the newsletter.
15.03.17– This is currently in progress.
05.04.17 – Newsletter process has now been agreed.
17.05.17 – The process will be documented by Marguerite.
AP5 / 15.03.17 – Marguerite to look into the publicity for areas covered by Oaks Medical.
05.04.17 – Please see Section 7 for update.
17.05.17 – Completed
March / AP1 / Michelle to contact other Practice Managers about linking up with other PPGs.
05.04.17 – Awaiting response – Ongoing.
17.05.17 – There has been no response from other Practice Managers – Completed.
AP4 / Michelle to contact West Midlands Travel (WMT) and other bus services about providing a service to Shady Lane from Streetly.
17.05.17 – Awaiting response. Annette to get name within WMT to follow up on enquiry – ongoing.
April / AP1 / Ron to document progress for last 12 months.
17.05.17 – Ongoing
AP2 / Michelle to bring Practice plans for the next 12 months to next meeting.
  • ACE requirements document has recently been signed off;
  • Cuts in hours have been made;
  • Telephone team reduced from 4 to 3;
  • 20% online registration to be achieved by March 2018 (currently 15%);
  • Flu campaign to include other services such as weight, smoking cessation, BMI

AP3 / Group to think about what can be done during 2017/18.
17.05.17 – Ongoing
AP4 / Jan and Ron to draft a letter to the CCG raising the PPG’s concerns regarding patients having to order prescriptions via the Practice rather than through their pharmacy (AP4 April).
17.05.17 – Letter has been written and has been sent to Sue Charles.
May / AP1 / Communications Team to produce process for production, review and publication of the newsletter.
AP2 / Michelle to find out how individuals from the PPG can become members of the Primary Care Engagement Forum.
The publication of the newsletter was raised and it was suggested that a document should be written outlining the process for its production, review and publication. This would be carried out by the Communications Team (AP1 May).
The survey results were collated and presented to the group.
A sub group will meet to discuss the results of the survey and identify what actions will be included in the action plan. The sub group comprise Sandra Thewlis, Val Evans, Jean Bosworth, Michelle Slaughter, Jan Gospel and Lurline Reynolds. The group will meet at 10 am 7 June 2017.
More focus needs to be put on the publicity of the Health Awareness days and when they are taking place.
For the Parkinson’s awareness event on 10 April only 2 people attended.
Follow up and review of the Health Awareness Days to be published in the newsletter.
PPG members can apply to be a member of this forum. Michelle to find out how we can move forward with this (AP2 May).
The dates for future meeting are shown below. All meetings will be held at 11.00 am.
14 June 2017
12 July 2017
13 September 2017
18 October 2017
15 November 2017
13 December 2017
As Ray has now left the group, leaving the role of Vice Chair vacant, Jan nominated Ron to take up this role. The nomination was agreed by the group. Ron accepted.

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17 May 2017