Dear Doctor,
The Jersey Shore University Medical Center in affiliation with the Monmouth-Ocean County Dental Society is proud to present the 2015-2016 program of Continuing Dental Education. This year we will be celebrating our 40thconsecutive year of providing the highest quality continuing dental education at the Jersey Shore. We are happy to invite you to become a member of this educational community. In keeping with our commitment to Excellence in Continuing Dental Education, and to celebrate our 40th anniversary, we have brought together the very best dental educators in the country. You will not find a better CDE program with this line-up of quality speakers. Please join us, again, as a member of this very popular program.
All the courses are full day programs, 9:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. (registration and continental breakfast at 8:00 A.M.). This year we are again looking forward to valuable and informative programs in many disciplines of dentistry. The September 16thprogram will feature the very popular speaker, Dr. Corky Willhite, who will present an innovative and timely program on contemporary transitional bonding. On October 23rd, we are very happy to present Dr. Pascal Magne, who will discuss the state of the art in bonded porcelain restorations in the anterior dentition. As always, there will be strong scientific programs, with the acclaimed Dr. Tim Donley, with a new programon oral medicine and the management of periodontal disease.Your staff will be invited to this timely program. On November 18th Dr. Joe Massad will bring us up to date on overdentures. In January, Dr. Gary Alex will present the latest methodology in placing direct posterior composites. On March 31st, we are again proud to present a great friend of our program, the legendary Dr. Gordon Christensen, who can speak on any subject known to dentistry. In April the great Gerard Chiche will be back to discuss smile design and occlusal techniques update .The May 4th program will feature the always informativeDr. Roger Levin, who will present the famous “Set Your Practice on Fire” lecture, and to round off this great program, in February, we will have the motivatingDr. Jeff Okeson speak on TMD and orofacial pain.
As you know, over the last 40 years, our mission is to provide the highest quality continuing dental education program at the lowest possible tuition. We have done it again with this program. The tuition for all nine informative, enjoyable days with your colleagues will be only $1,245.00. All of the speakers that come through our program absolutely marvel at this low tuition for such a top line-up of educators.
This continuing dental education program is one of the very few in the entire country that does not accept corporate or commercial sponsorship. You all know the disastrous effects that pharmaceutical and medical device corporate sponsorship had on Continuing Medical Education. Our lecturers marvel at our commercial free program in terms of the quality, the service, and the low tuition. Gordon Christensen says that our lecture series is one of the best buys in commercial-free continuing dental education in the country. Jersey Shore University MedicalCenter Dental Education is proud to be CERP accredited by the ADA, and is an accepted sponsor for FAGD/MAGD Credit.
At present we are planning lectureson Sleep Dentistry/Sleep Medicineand OSHA. As a member you will receive first preference for registering for these programs, at a discounted tuition. Also, we will be co-sponsoring another Oral Cancer Early Detection seminar. As always, as a member you will enjoy discounted tuition fees for your staff at lectures that are open to auxiliaries. The October, December, March and May programs will be open to your staff.
Please join us again as a member of the nine course academic program, and please act promptly to insure your place, because this program with these speakers will sell out quickly. Live programs, in the company of your colleagues, are still the most effective and enjoyable way for you to continue your education. You will not find another program with this quality at a convenient location, in pleasant surroundings, at these prices. Please use the attached registration form as soon as possible to register at thespecial tuition of $1,245.00, and mail to Dr. Fred Paperth by August 1st to insure your place. Looking forward to seeing you at the courses.
Paul & Fred
Paul Condello and Fred Paperth
JSUMC Continuing Dental Education
*ADA CERP approval from 11-1-14 to 12-31-2018. ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry. Concerns or complaints about a CE provider may be directed to the provider or to ADA CERP at
**AGD PACE approval from 11-1-2014 to 12-31-2018. Approved PACE program Provider FAGD/MAGD Credit Approval does not imply acceptance by a state or provincial board of dentistry or AGD endorsement.
Transitional Bonding: Non-traditional Composite Restorations for Major Occlusal and Esthetic Changes
Presented by:
Corky Willhite, DDS
Learn a practical technique using a composite that offers many advantages over traditionalcomposite or porcelain restorations. Patients—including those that need extensive changes forfunction and esthetics—love conservative treatment, whether for financial reasons or justbecause they don’t want their teeth “drilled down.” Requiring virtually no prep even for smilemake-overs and full mouth rehabilitation cases, long-lasting results can be expected.
This course is very different than other resin courses. It is NOT about how to layer the resins,tints and opaquers, but covers additional information that will help any doctor master theirComposite Bonding skills.
Learning objectives:
•Why porcelain is not always the best option
•Step-by-step technique for “little or no prep” composite restorations
•Restoring anterior guidance—even in severe wear cases—so it lasts for years
•A method of opening Vertical Dimension that is conservative, practical, and effective
•Verbal skills that will gain patient interest and increase patient acceptance
•How to avoid the most common mistake with composite bonding
Comments from previous attendees:
•Great no-nonsense approach to techniques
•Very impressed with your delivery of information, thoroughness and organization of yoursubject!
•Real cases and results, with time tested evidence
Corky Willhite, DDShas achieved Fellowship by the Academy of General Dentistry, the American College of Dentists and the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. He is one of only 60 Accredited Fellows in the AACD of over 6,000 members worldwide. He has served on their Board of Governors (currently the American Board of Cosmetic Dentistry) and spent years as an Examiner for Accreditation. He is an Adjunct Assistant Clinical Professor in the Department of Comprehensive Dentistry and Biomaterials at L.S.U. School of Dentistry. He is also on the faculty of the Center for Esthetic Excellence in Chicago. He has been published and feels honored to have so many opportunities to lecture nationally and internationally. Over the years, his private practice in suburban New Orleans, The Smile Design Center, has become limited to Cosmetic Dentistry. His experience is based on a dedication to the belief that "excellence" and "esthetics" are not only compatible, but can take dentistry to a new level of satisfaction and success.
“This is the course I’m most proud of because it is such a unique topic and covers information I’ve never seen anyone else present; and it’s particularly relevant in the current economic slump because it provides a lower-cost option for patients. It is about a composite technique but much of the information applies to any type of case—from the simplest to the most challenging cases—even when increasing VDO or restoring anterior guidance.”
Corky Willhite, DDS
Bonded Porcelain Restorations in the Anterior Dentition
Presented by:
Pascal Magne, DMD, PhD
The combination of both composites and ceramics seems theoretically appropriate to reproduce the original stiffness of the tooth and modulate the tooth-restoration strength. Therefore, modern concepts in restorative dentistry have brought new solutions through bonded porcelain restorations (BPRs) that are stress distributors and involve the crown of the tooth as a whole in supporting occlusal force and masticatory function.Among these, the good overall clinical behavior of anterior porcelain laminate veneers bonded tooth in terms of fracture rates, microleakage, debonding and soft tissue response is generallywell recognized and attested by numerous clinical studies. Continuous developments in the field of adhesive restorative techniques have permitted significant broadening of the originally-defined spectrum of indications for BPRs in the anterior dentition and thus contribute to two of the major objectives of conservative restorative dentistry: the maximum preservation of sound tooth structure and the maintenance of the vitality of the teeth to be restored. Indications for BPRs are extending to more perilous situations (worn-down, nonvital or crown-fractured teeth), resulting in considerable improvements, comprising both the medical-biological aspect and the socio-economical context (i.e., decrease of costs when compared to traditional and more invasive prosthetic treatments). From this perspective, indications, treatment planning, diagnostics, tooth preparation, laboratory procedures and adhesive luting procedures of BPRs will be carefully detailed.
Learning Outcomes:
•Optimize your bonding technique and protocols in the anterior dentition.
•Understand the diagnostic approach to smile design (wax-upand mock-up).
•Learn how to provide your patients with the best treatmentoptions for anterior teeth.
Pascal Magne DMD, PHD
Dr. Pascal Magne is an Associate Professor with Tenure and the Don and Sybil Harrington Foundation Chair of Esthetic Dentistry in the Division of Restorative Sciences, University of Southern California, Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry, Los Angeles, CA.
He graduated from the University of Geneva Dental School, Switzerland, in 1989 with a Med. Dent. Obtained his Doctorate in 1992 and his Ph.D. degree in 2002. Dr. Magne received postgraduate training in fixed prosthodontics and occlusion, operative dentistry and endodontics, and was a lecturer at the same university beginning in 1989 until 1997.
From 1997-1999, he was a Visiting Associate Professor at the Minnesota Dental Research Center for Biomaterials and Biomechanics, University of Minnesota, School of Dentistry. After concluding two years of research, Dr. Magne returned to University of Geneva Dental School and assumed the position of Senior Lecturer in the Division of Fixed Prosthodontics and Occlusion until he was recruited to the University of Southern California in February 2004.
Dr. Magne is a recipient of multiple awards from the Swiss Science Foundation, the Swiss Foundation for Medical-Biological Grants, and was the recipient of the 2002 Young Investigator Award from the International Association for Dental Research as well as the 2007 and 2009 Judson C. Hickey Scientific Writing Award (for the best research article of the year published in the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry). He is also the author of numerous clinical and research articles on esthetics and adhesive dentistry and is an internationally known mentor and lecturer on these topics. Furthermore, Dr. Magne authored the book Bonded Porcelain Restorations in the Anterior Dentition - A Biomimetic Approach which has been translated into twelve languages and is considered as one of the most outstanding books in the field of adhesive and esthetic dentistry.
He is a founding member of the Academy of BiomimeticDentistry and a mentor of the Bio-Emulation think-tank group. In 2012, he launched a revolutionary approach to the teaching of Dental Morphology, Function and Esthetics (the 2D/3D/4D approach) for freshman students at the Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC.
"Newest Techniques for Implants and Dentures"
Presented By:
Dr. Joseph J. Massad
Thiscoursewill cover enhanced impression procedure for making of the partially edentulous, the immediate denture,fulldenture, implant retained overdenture patient. These innovations in impression making will take you to the next level for those patients who need any type of removable and/or implant prosthodontic restoration. Utilize a new method to allow patients to visualize the final esthetic smile prior to beginning the procedure.
Learning Objectives:
•Impression making for the dentate, immediate, implant retained overdenture patient to the total/partial edentulous patient.
•Make an accurate center baring point tracing record for thefullmouth restorative patient in 5 minutes.
•Differentiate between indications for bar, stud, and fixed implant attachments
Dr. Joseph J. Massad
Dr. Massad is in private practice in Tulsa, Oklahoma, a Fellow of both the American and the International College of Dentists, a Regent/Fellow of the International Academy for Dental Facial Esthetics, and is an honorary member of the American College of Prosthodontics. Currently, he holds faculty positions at Tufts University School of Dental
Medicine in Boston, Mass; the department of Comprehensive Dentistry at the University of Texas Health Science Center Dental School in San Antonio, Texas; and the department of Prosthodontics at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, College of Dentistry, Memphis, Tenn. He has previously held a faculty position at the Oklahoma State University College of Osteopathic Medicine Oklahoma, is a past Director ofRemovable Prosthodontics at the Scottsdale Center for Dentistry in Arizona (2006 to 2010), and from 1992 to 2003 was an associate faculty at the Pankey Institute in Florida.
One Day to Maximum Periodonticsin Your Office
What to Say, What to Use, and How to Use It
Presented by:
Finally, a comprehensive course on Periodontics that puts it all together in a way that makes sense! Like most courses, you will learn the latest about today’s periodontics. More importantly, you will also get access to the practice management materials necessary to incorporate this information in a way that helps your patients and your practice.
Success of the periodontal portion of your practice is going to depend on your ability to identify/motivate patients in need of care, and then to use a therapeutic approach that gives the maximum chance to achieve and then maintain a preferred level of oral health. This course will show you how to do both. Doctor and hygienist will learn what to say to patients, what to do and what to use in this new age of periodontal medicine.
The New Periodontics
- Taking a risk-based approach.
- What evidence-based really means.
Oral-Systemic Health
- The mechanism behind the link.
- What we now know.
Patients We Should Be Treating Differently
- Tobacco, diabetics, cardiovascular, stress, genetics, obesity, etc.
- What you need to ask.
Practice Management
- Maximizing patient motivation.
- Tools you can use.
The Best Re-Exam Protocol
- The forms to use.
- What to check, say, do.
The New Goal of Treatment
- It’s not just pocket depths anymore.
- Biofilm – what it really means.
- A new philosophy.
- Hand vs. ultrasonic – finally an answer.
- Local antibiotic delivery – which and when.
- Laser debridement – what we now know.
- Host modulation therapy.
- low dose doxycycline.
- nutrition – finally, something to talk about.
Where to Go from Here
- What to do starting tomorrow.
DR. TIMOTHY DONLEYis currently in the private practice of Periodontics and Implantology in Bowling Green, KY. After graduating from the University of Notre Dame, Georgetown University School of Dentistry and completing a general practice residency, he practiced general dentistry. He then returned to Indiana University where he received his Master’s Degree in Periodontics.
Dr. Donley is the former editor of the Journal of the Kentucky Dental Association and is an adjunct professor of Periodontics at Western Kentucky University. He is a lecturer with the ADA Seminar Series. Dentistry Today recently listed him among its leaders in Continuing Education. He lectures and publishes frequently on topics of interest to clinical dentists and hygienists.
Predictable Direct Posterior Composites and AdhesiveDentistry - What you really need to know
Presented by:
Gary Alex, DMD
Direct posterior composite restorations are the "bread and butter" of most restorative dental practices. Proper management of the adhesive interface is crucial for the predictable placement of these restorations. The successful placement of composite materials requires an understanding of the materials being utilized, the substrate being bonded to, and a correct and precise clinical protocol. This program will share with you very specific techniques and materials that will make placing composite restorations more predictable and profitable. The very latest materials and adhesives will be discussed. Dr. Alex will present a practical step-by-step methodology and rational for the placement of composites based on the latest research and materials.
•Understanding the dynamics of composite polymerization and how to minimize polymerization shrinkage stress.
•Understanding different adhesive systems and how to optimize their performance.
•New Universal Adhesives…a new paradigm?
•How to achieve predictable interproximal contacts.
•Understanding different placement techniques and the advantages and disadvantages of each.
•RMGI or flowable liners…Do you need them? If so, which is better?
•“Bulk Cure”…good or bad?
•Minimizing post-operative sensitivity.
•Fast or slow polymerization…does it really matter? Is it a good idea?
•When are you better off with an indirect restoration?
This program is consistently one of the highest rated programs at major dental meetings and has been taught at a number of post-graduate programs.
Gary Alex, DMD( has been described as one of the best teachers in dentistry today. He is an international lecture and researcher, has written numerous scientific articles and papers, and has taught at numerous dental teaching centers including PAC-Live, Aesthetic Advantage, and numerous dental schools. He is an accredited member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and past president of the AACD New York Chapter. He is involved with several continuing education programs and is consistently one of the highest rated speakers at major dental meetings.