Please read these notes carefully before completing the application form.
Section 1 & 2 Personal & Contact Details
This section tells us how we can contact you. Mouth Cancer Foundation prefers to receive forms electronically to ensure that information remains accurate. If you submit a hard copy it should be completed clearly in black ink. If you need help completing the form or would like to discuss the role informally, please contact the Director of Policy & Advocacy office by email or by telephone 01924 950 950. Applications for employment are not accepted on Curriculum Vitae. Please make sure we receive the form by 4pm on the closing date, late applications may not be considered.
Section 3. References
You are asked to provide details of previous employers who can tell us about you and whether or not they would consider you to be suitable for the job for which you have applied. If you are not able to provide an employment reference, then you should give details of someone who knows you well, but is not a member of your family.
Section 4. Rehabilitation of Offenders
If the vacancy for which you are applying is exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders legislation, you are required to complete this section of the form and you should declare ANY cautions or convictions or if there are proceedings against you.
Section 5. Asylum and Immigration Act
The Asylum and Immigration Act 2004 requires employers to ask employees if they are eligible to work in the United Kingdom. Successful applicants will be asked to produce documentary evidence to support this have no previous employer, please contact the Mouth Cancer Foundation who will advise you accordingly.
Section 6. Equal Opportunity Monitoring
Mouth Cancer Foundation is committed to Equal Opportunities and has a responsibility to ensure that all recruitment decisions are based on criteria relevant to the job. Mouth Cancer Foundation will not discriminate unfairly on the grounds of an applicant's gender, ethnicity, disability, ethnic or national origin, religious belief, marital status, sexual orientation, responsibility for dependants, age, appearance, or social background. Mouth Cancer Foundation monitors all applications for employment. It would be helpful if you will complete the monitoring form and return it with your application. It will be detached and kept separate from your application form.
Section 7. Education and Training
This information will help us to find out about any training and qualifications which you have which may be relevant to the requirements of the person specification. Do not be put off if you have nothing to write in this section, as not all MCF roles require formal qualifications.
Section 8. Employment History
Mouth Cancer Foundation make detailed checks on the background of all new staff and ask you to give full details of your employment history.
Section 9. Meeting the Person Specification
Please find enclosed with this application form a Job Description and a Person Specification. The Job Description details the responsibilities and duties of the job for which you are applying. You should check that you feel able to undertake the duties of the job before completing this form.
The Person Specification details the type of person Mouth Cancer Foundation is looking for to do this job. Please use the Person Specification when you are completing the form to explain why you think you could do this job and how you think your skills and experience match those given. Please include any other information that you think is important, for example any voluntary work or relevant social activities with which you have been involved.
Section 10. Other Information
In order to ensure that Mouth Cancer Foundation operates in a fair and equitable manner we have a policy, which requires any close personal relationships, which may overlap with working relationships to be declared. All applicants are therefore required to declare any close personal relationships with, a current employee or a volunteer. The existence of a close personal relationship will not necessarily preclude applicants from employment with Mouth Cancer Foundation.
Job Application Form
Job Reference Number / Application NumberCompleted forms should preferably be e-mailed to:. Alternatively, please return by post to: The Mouth Cancer Foundation The Lansdowne Building, 2 Lansdowne Road, CR9 2ER .
This application is for employment with the Mouth Cancer Foundation. Please refer to the guidance notes when completing this form. For information concerning Mouth Cancer Foundation policies and procedures in relation to equality and diversity, recruitment of ex-offenders and pre-employment checks are available on request. If you submit a hard copy of the application form please ensure the form is completed in black ink and all relevant boxes are ticked note that character limits apply for all boxes. Please note that page 1 and page 2 will be removed prior to short listing.
Applications for the Post of:
1: Personal Details
Surname / Title Mr/Ms/Mrs/Miss/Other
Family Names
Date of Birth
National Insurance Number
2: Contact Details
Preferred Telephone Number
Please note we may need to contact you by telephone to arrange a interview
3: Referees (Please give the names of two references which should be your two most recent employers)
Name / Name
Company Name / Company Name
Address / Address
Postcode / Postcode
Email / Email
Telephone / Telephone
Job Title / Job Title
If the position for which you have applied is subject to a Criminal Records Bureau disclosure, for instance if itrequires contact with children 18 or under, then Mouth Cancer Foundation is required to check for the existence and content of any criminal record. Checks will only be made about the successful applicant. Failure to declare a conviction, caution, or a pending prosecution may disqualify you from appointment and/or result in summary dismissal.
Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence other than a spent conviction under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974? Hanover promotes equality of opportunity for all applicants including those with criminal records. For further information please refer to Mouth Cancer Foundation website, Yes No
In accordance with the Asylum & Immigration Act 2004, if offered a position you will be required to provide documentary evidence of your identity and right to work in the UK. Please indicate if you require a work permit to work in the UK. Yes No
Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form
6. EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY:Mouth Cancer Foundation is committed to equality and diversity and therefore needs to monitor both the diversity of employees and of candidates applying for positions within the charity. The information on this page will be treated as being strictly confidential, will only be used in statistical form to ensure we are meeting our legal and regulatory obligations and comply with our policies. Access to the data will be restricted in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2010. Although we encourage you to provide all the information requested completion of each section is optional.
Which ethnic group do you most identify with?Prefer not to Say
Please complete below (tick as appropriate)
White: ?British?Irish ?Any other White background*
Mixed: ?White and Black Caribbean ?White and Black African ?White and Asian ?Any other mixed background*
Asian or Asian British: ?Indian ?Pakistani ?Bangladeshi Any Other Asian background*
Black or Black British: ?Caribbean ?African ?Other Black background*
Chinese or other ethnic background: ?Chinese ?Chinese other* ?Other ethnic background*
*Please specify:
RELIGION AND BELIEFS: What is your religion or belief?
(tick as appropriate)
Buddhism ?Christianity ?Hinduism ?Islam ?Judaism Sikhism Prefer not to say ?
Other philosophical belief or religion (please specify):
GENDER AND SEXUALITY: How do you identify yourself?
(tick as appropriate)
Male ?Female Transgender ?Prefer not to say ?
Which of the following statements best describes you?
(tick as appropriate)
Heterosexual Gay/lesbian ?Bisexual ?Prefer not to say
Person defined as someone with a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. Disability relates to people with progressive conditions. The definition also covers progressive conditions Cancer, Multiple Sclerosis and HIV from the time of diagnosis, and progressive conditions from the point at which they have an impact on day to day activities. Having read this do you consider yourself to have a disability?
(tick a appropriate) Yes No Prefer not to say
Application No: Job Application Form
MCF Job Role:2. Are you related to any existing employee, board member or If yes, please give details: Yes No
3. Where did you see/hear about the post? Please specify the actual name of local press or website:
4. Driving license: Do you possess a full valid driving license? Yes No
Do you have any endorsements? If yes, please give details: Yes No
5. Please give dates when you are NOTavailable for interview?
6. If offered this position, will you continue to work in any other capacity? If yes, please give details:
Please name any institute body in full and include attainment level:
Please name any institute body in full and include attainment level:
Include any courses, membership, voluntary work or responsibilities you consider relevant, with outcomes where applicable, please also include details of IT Skills and level:
Name of employer
Post Code:
Telephone No:
Present/last position:
Please describe briefly the main duties of this post:
Why do you want to, or why did you leave?
Start with your most recent previous employment. Please account for all time (paid and unpaid) since leaving school, college, or university. You will be asked to explain any gaps. Continue on a separate sheet if necessary.
Employers Name / Address / From / To / Brief Job Description
Reason for Leaving
Reason for Leaving
Reason for Leaving
Drawing upon your experience, knowledge, skills and abilities, explain how you fulfill the requirements of the job description/person specification. Experience may have been gained through paid or voluntary work or work in the home.
Briefly indicate what attracts you to working with a charity which focuses on supporting people affected by mouth throat and other head and neck cancers.
By signing and returning this application form, you consent to the Mouth Cancer Foundation using the information you have provided on the form as well as information provided by 3rd parties listed on the form, such as referees. This information will be used solely in the recruitment process and will be retained for six months from the closing date of the advertisement. Such information may include details relating to equality and diversity; these will be used solely for internal monitoring and will not be disclosed to any 3rd party. If you do take up employment with the Mouth Cancer Foundation, then the information will be retained as part of your personal records. Furthermore, you confirm that the information you have given on this form is true and correct and understand that any false statement given could give sufficient cause for your application to be rejected, and if employed by the Mouth Cancer Foundation for disciplinary action to be instigated up to and including dismissal. If submitting this form electronically, you must enter a tick in the box below to warrant that your signature to agree to the declaration detailed above.
If submitting electronically please cross the box to indicate your signature has been given Any false statement may be sufficient cause for rejection or, if employed, dismissal.
Signature: ? Date:
Job reference number: / Application number:
This continuation sheet can be used to provide additional information for any of the above sections. Please do not include any identifying information such as your name on this sheet as these are removed for shortlisting purposes and an application number appended instead. Please note there is a character limit on this box and further continuation sheets will not be accepted.
Mouth Cancer Foundation Charity No: 1109298 1