1. State the chemical used to detect the presence of Starch
  2. What is the approximate weight at birth of a

lamb in Kg’s?



  1. Name the phylum in which the Badger belongs to?
  2. Why is sheep dipping carried out?
  3. State the location and function of the vena cava.
  4. State the disease that is spread by the common tick?
  5. What is the loss of water vapour from a plant leaf called?
  6. Name an organism involved in biological control.
  7. What is euthrophication?
  8. State the phylum that the wireworm belongs to.
  9. What is the dental formula for sheep and pigs?
  10. The distribution of muscle on animals can be described as?
  11. To Which family does Beet, Maize, Daisy, Cabbage belong to?
  12. What hormone is used in sponging?
  13. In Pig production what is the critical temperature in the farrowing unit, weaner house and fattening house?
  14. What percentage of soil is mineral matter? Give the components of mineral matter?
  15. What is the average gestation period for a Sow, ewe and cow in days.?
  16. Name the part of the flower that forms the COROLLA.
  17. Name the part of the flower that forms the calyx?
  18. In which body system would you find the jejunum?
  19. What type of lifecycle does a butterfly have?
  20. What type of lifecycle does a aphid have?
  21. What is meant by bulky feeds?
  22. What is meant by concentrate feeds?
  23. What is the percentage purity required for certified seed?
  24. Give the name for a castrated Ram, Bull, Boar?
  25. What do the letters DMD stand for?
  26. What do the letters LWG stand for
  27. What do the letters FCR stand for?
  28. What do the letters EBI stand for?
  29. What do the letters AI stand for?
  30. What do the letters BCS stand for
  31. What do the letters B.O.D. stand for?
  32. What does C.A.N stand for?
  33. A deficiency of which mineral element causes Milk Fever
  34. What is the purpose of a rotary tedder?
  35. Where in the body is a neuron located? What is it
  36. Where in the body is a nephron located? What is it?
  37. Give the term that describes digestion in a horse and a rabbit?
  38. Name the 4 chambers in the stomach of a ruminant
  39. Name the stomach compartments in poultry
  40. Name the structures used for gaseous exchange in the lungs, leavesand stems
  41. List the 4 stages in mitosis.
  42. State the location and function of the liver
  43. The name of a maiden pig?
  44. What is a vector?
  45. Name the bacteria in the nodules of clover roots
  46. What is a disease that is passed from animals to humans called?
  47. What is a catch crop?
  48. Name the Larval stage of the cranefly.
  49. What is the function of a sub soiler?
  50. What is Silviculture?
  51. Name the bacterias that are involved in making silage?
  52. Name the chemical used to test for Vitamin C.
  53. Name the chemical use to test for protein?
  54. Name the piece of equipment used to raise potatoes from the ground?
  55. Give reasons for sprouting potatoes prior to planting?
  56. What is the movement of food from the leaf to other parts of a plant called?
  57. What is flushing?
  58. What is steaming up?
  59. What is the percentage nitrogen in the air?
  60. How would you assess the quality of silage?
  61. What is meant by an integrated pig production unit?
  62. What is a hermaphrodite?
  63. What is a ley?
  64. Name the primary and secondary hosts of the Liverfluke.
  65. What is the %fat in Milk
  66. What is hybrid vigour?
  67. What is the % rate for replacement heifers
  68. Why are fruit flies used in genetics?
  69. Name 2 breeds o pig?
  70. Name 2 breeds of sheep
  71. Name 2 Dairy Breeds
  72. Name 2 British beef breeds
  73. Name 2 Continental Dairy Breeds.
  74. What is the function of a chloroplast
  75. Can you describe the nitrogen and carbon cycle?
  76. State the location and function of the pituitary gland.