Art III and IV
Huntsville High School
Jennifer Barnes, Art Teacher
Conference: 2nd period/ Tutorials: Schedule time with Instructor.
(936) 435-6100

Art DrawingIII & IV

Materials/Supplies: There is a $20.00 course fee required for this course that is due by September 5th, 2016. This will be utilized to provide you with the necessary materials you will need for ceramics.

Course Description:

This is an advanced art course in which students will begin strengthening skills and techniques from Art II and III with an emphasis on drawing and painting. They will complete projects using a variety of two-dimensional media which will include: Ebony pencil, Prisma Color/Sticks, Acrylic, Portrait drawing, Watercolor, Pastel, Pen and Ink. Techniques include: Drawing, Shading (value, gradation, stipple, crosshatching), Painting, and Collage. Students will be encouraged to continue identifying their strengths, as well as add personal expression to their projects.

Standards Addressed:

In addition to strengthening their artistic skills, the student will strengthen concepts and standards learned in other core courses.

Course Goals:

By the end of this course, the student should be able to:

  • Know how to correctly apply pencil, paint, charcoal, pastel, and pen and ink
  • Have improved their over-all drawing skills
  • Identify art elements and principles of design in their own artwork and those of others
  • Have sufficient vocabulary to be able to talk about their artwork and give reasons for their choices
  • Have strengthened their own style, and have the ability to meet a deadline

Late work:

Students are not penalized for absences, but are responsible for making up the work within a reasonable number of days. Students may use mega lunch tutorial time to make up work. Work turned in late receives a 15 point deduction each day beyond the due date.

There will be approximately 2-3 projects/major grades per six-week period and each project is worth 100 points. In some cases, when a project is especially time consuming, two major grades may be assigned for a project; one for design/progress and one for the final product. All grades are weighted evenly and divided to obtain the student’s 6-week average: 40% daily grades, and 60% major grades. Project/Major grades will be determined according to the following general criteria, although specific expectations will accompany each project:
  1. 25%Composition/Creativity – Did the student put forth effort in using their own ideas?
  2. 25%Application – Did the student follow all the project instructions and requirements?
  3. 25% Craftsmanship –Is there evidence of effort in craftsmanship/neatness and skill?
  4. 25% Process – Did the student put forth a full effort throughout the entire project? Did he/she use their time wisely and complete the project?

BYOT Guidelines:

You will not need your electronic device for this studio course. Student computers are available for research or for reference purposes. Ceramics class is very messy and you wouldn’t want your device to get dirty! Please look at cell phone sign for red (no cell phone zone) or green (use as directed) for use in the studio. It is a campus policy not to allow charging of cell devices in the classroom.

Class Room Rules

  1. Be ready for instruction (look at board for daily activity).
  2. Work until clean up time- 7 mins before the bell, no sooner.
  3. Cell phones off and in your bag or pocket, unless directed to use.
  4. Respect everyone and everything.

Classroom Procedures

1. After you enter the room:

  1. Pick up your sketchbook from your cubby.
  2. Quietly begin following instructions on the board in your sketchbook.

2. During class- See the “CHAMP” below.

3. Before you leave the room:

  1. Make sure your area is clean or you will not be released at bell.
  2. Clean your supplies and put in proper place.
  3. Put your sketchbook in your cubby.
  4. Push your chair in.

Teacher-Led Instruction / Independent Work
Conversation / No talking unless called upon by the teacher / Talking to your group at your table at a low level
Help / Raise hand, wait for teacher / Ask your table first, raise your hand
Activity / Listen, read and write notes / Work independently on your project
Movement / Stay in seat unless directed to come to front for demonstration / Stay seated unless you need to access supplies/sinks. No roaming.
Participation / Attention and focused on teacher / Attention focused on assignment

If you are not following the rules and procedures above you will receive a verbal warning. After 2 warnings you will receive a detention. Failure to attend detention will result in a phone call home and/or further disciplinary action.