EMITT Academy Support Team Minutes
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
4:00 p.m.
Jefferson High School, Library
I. Welcome and Call to Order: Chair John Ekberg called the meeting to order at 4:00.
II. Welcome to new members and/or guests: Welcome back, Mike Krenz.
III. Approval of or Adjustments to Agenda: Agenda accepted as written
IV. Follow-Up on Previous Items
John Ekberg was approved chair of the team for the upcoming year. Thank you, John.
A. Review of AST: Judy reviewed the job description of an AST member, the various roles/tasks the AST may assume, the relationship with the College and Career Readiness Council (CCRC), and the National Standards of Practice.
1. Job description
2. Roles
3. Relationship with CCRC
4. National Standards of Practice
Vance Havens recommended that any needs for AST members for any academy
be shared with all AST members, as they may have network contacts to fulfill these needs. After meeting with each of the teams, Judy will send the list of unmet needs to all AST members.
B. Chicago Manufacturing Show: Nik Butenhoff has indicated that a request for a bus to the show be ordered. Judy will contact Nik again to learn the status of this request. The show occurs Sept. 12-17, and pre-registration is required. If
this request cannot be fulfilled; Charles Kluzak says Plan B would be to take
students to area manufacturers who have a variety of machines and products.
V. Teacher Reports and Requests (Outcome: Requests met or referred to CCRC)
A. Shop and workroom, upgrades: Charles reported the renovation of the EMITT workroom: paint, new furniture, new electrical and what a difference this upgrade has made in the look and feel of the space. He also reported acquisitions of 8 new lathes, a Haas CNC mini-mill, $10,000 of tooling, tool posts, $15,000 in cutters thanks to Ingersoll, a variety of new hammers thanks to Estwing, a large 3D printer, and many consumables (sawblades, discs, etc.) thanks to Rockford Toolcraft. RRTMA and Toolcraft also covered the cost of t-shirts for every EMITT student to build their EMITT identity and pride. Charles called the response from the EMITT AST an example of “unbelievable generosity.”
B. Acquisitions: included above
C. Grant requests: not covered for lack of time
D. Invitation: Attendance at the Friday Sept 2nd “home” football game: Invitation made.
****Mark your calendar for Friday, Sept. 2, for this game. A time and further directions to follow.
Doug MrArthur noted that the novel Scully would be good for EMITT English, but no funds are available.
**** Let Judy know if you are interested in learning more about this.
VI. Action Items
A. Meeting day, time, and location (451?); dates for the year: The team approved the continuation of meeting the second Tuesday of every other month, making the next meeting date Tuesday, Oct. 11, at 4 p.m. The meeting will be held in room 451.
B. EMITT’s Baseline Report recommendations: Not covered for lack of time
1. AST action items: Discussion of increasing student and parent involvement on the AST and in being a resource to parents on careers and career exploration.
2. Resulting goals? Not finalized for lack of time
C. Input on EMITT’s mission, goals, benchmarks: The AST approved the EMITT mission (see below) without change. Goals and benchmarks will be covered in a subsequent meeting.
VII. Data Report Not covered for lack of time
A. Certification Results
B. Sophomore Site Visit Attainment
IX. Adjournment: 5:00 p.m.
The EMITT Academy develops innovators with the skills to design and build better communities.